Conclusion: Our data suggest that aEOC patients with optimal cyto

Conclusion: Our data suggest that aEOC patients with optimal cytoreduction who underwent SRL did not show a significant improvement in survival irrespective of each histological type.”
“Meadows are critical in arid and semi-arid Patagonia because of their importance for regional biodiversity. Despite this, little information on the spatial distribution of meadows is available, which hampers conservation planning. We modeled the spatial distribution of meadows across arid and semi-arid Patagonia, Argentina, and investigated

conservation status of those areas predicted to contain meadows. We used high-resolution imagery available in Google Earth Software to visually estimate presence and absence of meadows. We used these SYN-117 concentration observations and 11 socio-environmental predictor. variables to model GS-9973 manufacturer the distribution of meadows using generalized linear, additive, boosting, and random forest models, as the basis for a

final mean ensemble technique. The final ensemble model improved accuracy over any of the single models, with an accuracy (area under the curve of the receiver-operating characteristic plot) of 0.97. Based on the final ensemble model, only 0.14% of predicted meadows occur inside current International Union for Conservation of Nature level I, II or III protected areas. Our final ensemble model was an accurate representation of the distribution of. meadows in Patagonia Autophagy inhibitor mouse and indicates they are severely under-represented within protected areas. This first regional map of meadow distribution across Argentinean Patagonia represents key information for planning actions to conserve this critical habitat. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Objective: The authors sought to evaluate the efficacy of an intravenous glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) infusion, compared with placebo, to mitigate intraoperative hyperglycemia. Design: Prospective, double-blinded, randomized, placebo-controlled. Setting: University hospital. Participants: Diabetic (non-insulin dependent) and nondiabetic patients undergoing elective cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass. Interventions: Patients were randomized in a 1:1

fashion to GLP-1 (7-36) amide infusion (1.5 pmol/kg/min) or placebo. Insulin was administered intraoperatively to both groups per a standardized protocol. Measurements and Main Results: A total of 77 patients were included for analysis (GLP-1, n = 37; placebo, n = 40). Mean blood glucose during cardiopulmonary bypass was 127.5 mg/dL and 142.5 mg/dL (p = 0.002) in the GLP-1 and placebo groups, respectively. Mean blood glucose values during the entire intraoperative course were 12.2 mg/dL lower for subjects given GLP-1 (95% CI 2.3, 22, p = 0.015), independent of time. During the period of cardiopulmonary bypass, mean blood glucose values in subjects given GLP-1 were 14.1 mg/dL lower than those who received placebo (95% CI 3.5, 24.8, p = 0.

Here, we present the crystal structures of wild type and I260Q ra

Here, we present the crystal structures of wild type and I260Q rat polymerase beta in the presence and absence of substrates. Both the I260Q apoenzyme structure and the closed ternary complex with double-stranded DNA and ddTTP show ordered water molecules in the hydrophobic hinge near Gln260, whereas this is not

the case in the Panobinostat wild type polymerase. Compared to wild type polymerase beta ternary complexes, there are subtle movements around residues 260, 272, 295, and 296 in the mutant. The rearrangements in this region, coupled with side chain movements in the immediate neighborhood of the dNTP-binding pocket, namely, residues 258 and 272, provide an explanation for the altered activity and fidelity profiles observed in the I260Q mutator polymerase.”
“Burkholderia terrae BS001 selleck chemicals is a soil bacterium which was originally isolated from the mycosphere of the ectomycorrhizal fungus Laccaria proxima. It exhibits a range of fungus-interacting traits which reveal its propensity to actively interact at fungal interfaces. Here, we present the approximately 11.5-Mb (G+C content, 61.52%) draft genome sequence of B. terrae BS001 with the aim of providing insight into the genomic basis of its ecological success in fungus-affected soil settings.”
“Since its first description in wound granulation

tissue, the myofibroblast has been recognized to be a key actor in the epithelial-mesenchymal cross-talk that plays a crucial role in many physiological and pathological situations, such as regulation of prostate development, ventilation-perfusion in lung alveoli or organ fibrosis. The presence of myofibroblasts in the stroma reaction to epithelial tumors is well established and many data are accumulating which suggest that the stroma compartment is an active participant in tumor onset and/or evolution. In this review we summarize the evidence in favor of this concept, the main mechanisms that

regulate myofibroblast differentiation and function, as well as the biophysical and biochemical factors possibly involved in epithelial- stroma interactions, using liver carcinoma as main model, in view of achieving a better understanding of tumor progression mechanisms and of tools directed toward Sapitinib supplier stroma as eventual therapeutic target.”
“The lethal concentration for 50% of fish for 96h (96h LC(50)) of copper (Cu(2+)) was estimated for the Nile catfish (Clarias gariepinus) in extreme seasons, winter and summer, 4.31 and 4.79 mg/l, respectively. The Nile catfish was exposed to 96h LC(50) of copper for 7 days in extreme winter and summer. The body indices, haematological parameters as well as some plasma and liver enzyme activities and metabolite level were significantly differed in fish exposed to copper over than those of the control fish.

We also observed the larval parasitoid emerging from the host We

We also observed the larval parasitoid emerging from the host. We found that parasitism mainly occurred in termite mounds overgrown with grass and mounds that had been broken up previously for other experiments. The parasitized soldiers showed a significantly lower level of interspecific aggressiveness compared with healthy soldiers (P < 0.05). Parasitized soldiers also changed in habitat preference to one

isolated chamber of the nest. This might be an adaptive strategy that facilitates parasitoid dispersal, provides protection to parasitoids, and reduces the risk of parasitism to host colony. An abnormally rounded head capsule and remarkably short mandibles are characteristics of a parasitized soldier. The older selleck kinase inhibitor larval fly stages were found only in major soldiers. We suggest that parasitization may first start in fourth or even earlier larval termite instars. The fly larva develops

in the termite soldier’s head capsule and pupates inside the host’s body.”
“Human brain volumes change throughout life, are highly heritable, and have been associated with general cognitive functioning. Cross-sectionally, this association between volume and cognition can largely be attributed to the same genes influencing both traits. We address the question whether longitudinal changes in brain volume or in surface area in young adults are under genetic control and whether these changes are also related to general cognitive functioning. We measured change in brain volume and surface area over a 5-year interval in 176 monozygotic and dizygotic twins and their non-twin siblings aged 19 to 56, using magnetic resonance imaging. Results show that changes in volumes of total brain (mean = -6.4 ml; 0.5% loss), cerebellum (1.4 ml, 1.0% increase), cerebral white matter (4.4 ml, 0.9% increase), lateral ventricles (0.6 ml; 4.8%

increase) and in surface area (-19.7 cm(2),1.1% contraction) are heritable (h(2) = 43%; 52%; 29%; 31%; and 33%, respectively). An association between IQ (available for 91 participants) and brain volume change was Selleckchem FHPI observed, which was attributed to genes involved in both the variation in change in brain volume and in intelligence. Thus, dynamic changes in brain structure are heritable and may have cognitive significance in adulthood. (C) 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“To assess the utility of trauma series radiographs in the management of alert pediatric patients with traumatic injury and to ascertain whether it is necessary to acquire the entire trauma series in these children. A total of 176 consecutive children below the age of 15 years and having Glasgow Coma Scale score greater than 12, who presented to the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital with a history of recent trauma, were retrospectively reviewed. All the children had undergone a thorough clinical examination followed by complete trauma series radiographs, according to the American College of Surgery guidelines.

The results showed that the latency of global spontaneous Ca2+ re

The results showed that the latency of global spontaneous Ca2+ release was prolonged and Ca2+ spark frequency was decreased after the large Ca2+ transient during alternans. Furthermore, the restitution curve of the Ca2+ transient elicited by premature action potentials or by photolysis-induced Ca2+ release from the SR lagged behind after a large-amplitude transient during alternans compared with the small-amplitude transient. The data demonstrate that beat-to-beat ISRIB manufacturer alternation of the time-dependent restitution properties and refractory kinetics of the SR Ca2+ release mechanism represents

a key mechanism underlying cardiac alternans.”

NKT (iNKT) cells bridge innate and acquired immunity and play an important role in both protective and regulatory responses. The nature of the response is dictated by the initial cytokine environment: interaction with IL-10-producing cells induces negative regulatory T(h)2/regulatory T cell-type iNKT cells, while that with IL-12-producing cells results in pro-inflammatory T(h)1-type responses. Particularly, in the anti-tumor response, iNKT cells mediate adjuvant activity by their production of IFN-gamma, which in turn activates both innate and acquired immune systems. Thus, upon activation of iNKT cells, both MHC(-) and MHC(+) tumor cells can be efficiently eliminated. Histone Demethylase inhibitor On the basis PI3K inhibitor of these mechanisms, iNKT cell-targeted adjuvant cell therapies have been developed and have shown great promise in initial clinical trials on cancer patients.”
“Overweight and obesity are common health problems in modern society, particularly in developed countries. Excessive body mass has been linked to numerous diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancer. Fat mass and obesity-associated protein (FTO) activity have direct impact

on food intake and results in obesity. Inhibition of FTO activity may cause weight loss and reduce obese-linked health risks. We investigated the potential weight loss effects of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), particularly by inhibiting FTO functions. Molecular docking was performed to screen TCM compounds from TCM Database@Taiwan ( Three candidates were identified that contained either a tetrahydropyridine group or potent electronegative phenol group in the structure scaffold. Molecular dynamics simulation analysis of the docking poses of each complex indicated stabilizing trends in the protein-ligand complex movements. In addition, the number of hydrogen bonds increased throughout the 20 ns simulation.

We also examined the pH data recorded on days 1 and 2 for signifi

We also examined the pH data recorded on days 1 and 2 for significant day-to-day variability during 2 days of pH monitoring.\n\nResults: Two hundred eighty-nine BRAVO pH probes were placed from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2008. At least I day of data was obtained in 278 patients (96.2%). Two days of data were obtained in 274 patients (94.8%). Of all of the reported complications, 1% occurred before deployment of the capsule, 4% occurred during deployment of the capsule, and 9% occurred after successful deployment of the capsule. One patient experienced a superficial esophageal tear that was associated with failure of the capsule to release from the delivery

system. No patient requested removal of the capsule and all of the capsules detached within 14 days. In 9.12% of our find more patients, reflux index was normal on Adriamycin ic50 day I and abnormal on day 2. There was no statistically significant difference between reflux index recorded on day 1 versus day 2 (P = 0.686).\n\nConclusions: The BRAVO pH capsule is easy to place, safe, and well tolerated by children. Performing a 48-hour study detected abnormal reflux in an additional 9% of our patients.”
“Systemic light chain amyloidosis (AL) is one of several protein misfolding diseases and is characterized by extracellular deposition of immunoglobulin

light chains in the form of amyloid fibrils [1]. Immunoglobulin (Ig) proteins consist of two light chains (LCs) and two heavy chains (HCs) that ordinarily form a heterotetramer which is secreted by a plasma cell. In AL, however, a monoclonal plasma cell population produces an abundance of a pathogenic LC protein. In this case, not all of the LCs pair with the HCs,

and free LCs are secreted into circulation. The LC-HC dimer is very stable, and losing this interaction may result in an unstable LC protein [2]. Additionally, somatic mutations are thought to cause amyloidogenic proteins to be less stable compared to non-amyloidogenic proteins [3-5], leading to protein misfolding and amyloid fibril formation. The amyloid fibrils cause tissue damage and cell death, leading to patient death within 12-18 months if left untreated [6]. Current therapies are harsh and not curative, including chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplants. Studies of protein pathogenesis and fibril formation mechanisms may lead to better therapies with an improved outlook for patient survival.\n\nMuch has been done to determine the molecular factors that make a particular LC protein amyloidogenic and to elucidate the mechanism of amyloid fibril formation. Anthony Fink’s work, particularly with discerning the role of intermediates in the fibril formation pathway, has made a remarkable impact in the field of amyloidosis research.

Methods and resultsUrine and maize were analyzed for FB for 1 yea

Methods and resultsUrine and maize were analyzed for FB for 1 year in three departments. Maize consumption was estimated by an interview questionnaire. Fumonisin B-1, B-2, and B-3 (FB1, FB2 and FB3), were detected in 100% of maize samples. FB1 in maize and urine was significantly higher in Jutiapa compared to Chimaltenango or Escuintla. The FB intake AZD8186 paralleled UFB1 in a dose-dependent manner but UFB1 was present in much higher levels than UFB2 or UFB3 compared to maize. ConclusionIn Jutiapa, agroecological conditions favored FB production. UFB1 mirrored the estimated FB intake. UFB1 bigger than 0.1 ng/mL resulted in a dose-dependent

increase in the risk of exceeding FB intake of 2 g/kg b.w./day compared to women with no detectable UFB1. More than 50% exceeded 2 g/kg b.w./day when UFB1 was bigger than 0.5 ng/mL. UFB2 and UFB3 were rarely detected confirming that FB1 is either absorbed better or preferentially excreted in urine.”
“Purpose of reviewDespite decades of evidence suggesting that women with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have fewer children than their healthy peers, this information is not widely known among clinicians. The causes of decreased fertility in this population have been largely unexplored, but likely revolve around altered inflammation, increased age when conception is attempted, limited sexual function, and possibly effects of medications on ovarian function.Recent findingsSeveral large Scandinavian

cohorts and a cohort study in the United States demonstrate that women with RA have smaller families and are slower to conceive compared AZD6738 price with other women. Personal GSK1210151A mw choice to limit family size plays some role, as does infertility. Sexual function in women with RA may be hampered by pain and fatigue, perhaps decreasing the opportunity for conception. Finally, data about the role of NSAIDs in preventing ovulation suggest that continued use of these medications may hinder conception.SummaryInfertility in women with RA is an under-recognized,

but remarkably common phenomenon. Although research continues into the underlying causes, physicians can discuss this topic and refer women to reproductive endocrinology when needed, thereby helping patients to build the families that they desire.”
“Histone octamers are the basic building blocks of chromatin and are platforms for diverse genetic mechanisms. We report a simple method for preparing recombinant histone octamers by overexpressing all four histones from a single polycistronic vector followed by standard chromatography under native conditions. This approach reduces the time needed for the octamer preparation to a single day and should be applicable to making a variety of unmodified and modified histone octamers. (C) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.”
“Description: Update of the 2002 U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommendation on screening for osteoporosis.

This is the first sequenced genome of a cyanide-assimilating

This is the first sequenced genome of a cyanide-assimilating

“Objectives: Durability of bioprosthetic valves in the pulmonary position is not well defined. We examined the durability of bioprosthetic valves in the pulmonary position and risk factors associated with bioprosthetic pulmonary valve failure.\n\nMethods: Between 1993 and 2004, 181 patients underwent pulmonary HSP990 valve replacement using bioprostheses. Patients who underwent valved conduit or homograft implantation were excluded. Mean age was 14.2 +/- 9.8 years and median valve size was 23 mm (range, 19-27 mm). Types of bioprosthesis used were Hancock II (n = 83), Perimount (n = 53), Freestyle (n = 23), Carpentier-Edwards porcine valve (n = 18), and others (n = 4).\n\nResults: There were 3 early and 7 late deaths.

find more Follow-up completeness was 88.6% and mean follow-up duration was 7.3 +/- 2.9 years. Forty-three patients underwent redo pulmonary valve replacement. Overall freedom from redo pulmonary valve replacement at 5 and 10 years was 93.9% +/- 1.9% and 51.7% +/- 8.6%, respectively. Overall freedom from both valve failure and valve dysfunction at 5 and 10 years was 92.2% +/- 2.1% and 20.2% +/- 6.7%, respectively. In multivariable analysis, younger age at operation, diagnosis of pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect, and use of stentless valve were identified as risk factors for redo pulmonary valve replacement.\n\nConclusions: Durability of bioprosthetic valves in the pulmonary position was suboptimal. Valve function was maintained stable until 5 years after operation. By 10 years, however, about 80% will require reoperation or manifest valve dysfunction. In our experience, the stentless valve was less durable than stented valves. PF00299804 (J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2011; 142: 351-8)”
“Introduction: Overhydration is the main contributory factor of left ventricular hypertrophy and closely associated with cardiovascular events in end stage renal disease (ESRD) patients.

The aim of this prospective-study was to investigate the impact of strict salt and volume control on hypertension and cardiac condition in ESRD patients. Methods: A total of 12 peritoneal dialysis (PD) and 15 prevalent hemodialysis (HD) patients were enrolled. All patients either PD or HD were allocated to intervention of strict salt restriction according to basal hydration state of empty abdomen in PD and midweek predialysis HD which were estimated by body composition monitor (BCM) and echocardiography. Results: Mean ages were 48.3 +/- 16.7 years for PD, and 48.8 +/- 18 for HD patients. Extracellular water/height was 10.04 +/- 2.70 and 10.39 +/- 1.53 L/m in PD and HD groups. Systolic blood pressures decreased in PD and HD from 133.1 +/- 28 and 147.3 +/- 28.5 to 114.8 +/- 16.5 and 119.

Those EEG oscillations are differentially associated with process

Those EEG oscillations are differentially associated with processes that support the maintenance of order information and item recognition. Various studies suggest a link between prefrontal areas and memory for temporal order, implying that EEG neural oscillations in the prefrontal cortex may play a role in the maintenance of information on temporal order.”
“BACKGROUND: The long-term closure rate of high perianal fistulas after surgical treatment remains disappointing. OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to improve the long-term

closure rate of high cryptoglandular perianal fistulas combining mucosal advancement flap with platelet-rich plasma. DESIGN: This study SIS3 ic50 was retrospective in design. SETTING: This study was conducted at 2 secondary MLN4924 supplier and 1 tertiary referral hospitals. PATIENTS: Patients presenting with high cryptoglandular perianal fistulas involving the middle/upper third of the anal sphincter

complex were included. INTERVENTIONS: A staged surgical treatment was performed; After seton placement, a mucosal advancement flap was combined with platelet-rich plasma. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Recurrence was the main outcome. Incontinence was the secondary outcome. RESULTS: We operated on 25 patients between 2006 and 2012. Thirteen (52%) patients had previous fistula surgery. The median follow-up period was 27 months. One patient (4.0%) was lost to follow-up

after 4 months. Freedom from recurrence at 2 years was 0.83 (95% CI, 0.62-0.93). Two of the 4 patients with a recurrence (8%) had a repeated treatment and healed. One patient (4.0%) refused another treatment, but agreed to stay in follow-up. One patient (4.0%) requested a colostomy, resulting in closure of the fistula. Complications occurred in 1 patient (4.0%). Incontinence numbers were low with a median Vaizey score of 3.0 out of a maximum of 24. LIMITATIONS: The study was limited by its retrospective design, lack of preoperative Citarinostat mw incontinence data, selection bias, and phone interview follow-up. CONCLUSION: The long-term outcome results of patients with primary and recurrent high cryptoglandular perianal fistulas treated with a seton followed by mucosal advancement flap and platelet-rich plasma show low recurrence, complication, and incontinence rates. Therefore, this technique seems to be a valid option as treatment. Larger and preferably randomized controlled studies are needed to further explore this surgical technique.”
“Objective: Periodontitis is a potential risk factor for rheumatoid arthritis (RA). This systematic review considers the evidence for whether non-surgical treatment of periodontitis in RA patients has any effect on the clinical markers of RA disease activity.

3 kDa) Apo-CopK

associates in solution to form a dimer (

3 kDa). Apo-CopK

associates in solution to form a dimer (K-D approximate to 10(-5) M) whose structure was defined by NMR and X-ray crystallography. The individual molecules feature two antiparallel beta-sheets arranged in a sandwich-like structure and interact through C-terminal P-strands. It binds Cull with low affinity (K-D(Cu-II) > 10(-6) M) but Cu-I with high affinity (K-D(Cu-I) = 2 x 10(-11) M). Cu-I-CopK was also a dimer in the solid state and featured a distorted tetrahedral site Cu-I(S-Met)(3)(NCS). The isothiocyanato ligand originated from the crystallization solution. Binding of Cu-I or Ag-I, but not of Cu-II, favored the monomeric form in solution. While Ag-I-CopK was stable as isolated, Cu-I-CopK was moderately air-sensitive due to a strong binding cooperativity, between Cu-I and Cu-II. This was documented by determination of the Cu-I and Cu-II binding affinities in the presence of the other ion: K-D(Cu-I) = 2 x 10(-13) M and K-D(Cu-II) = 3 x 10(-12) M, that is, binding of Cu-II increased the affinity Belinostat cell line for Cu-I by a factor of similar to 10(2) and binding of Cu-I increased the affinity for Cu-II by a factor of at least 10(6). Stable forms of both (CuCuII)-Cu-I-CopK and (AgCuII)-Cu-I-CopK were isolated readily. Consistent with this unprecedented copper binding chemistry, NMR spectroscopy detected three distinct

forms: apo-CopK, Cu-I-CopK and (CuCuII)-Cu-I-CopK that do not exchange on the NMR time scale. This information provides a valuable

guide to the role of CopK in copper resistance.”
“Fatty liver, including non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, is closely associated with metabolic syndrome (MS). Thus, the presence of fatty liver without MS in some conditions may be clinically important. Many studies have shown that compared with no or occasional alcohol intake, moderate alcohol consumption is associated with lower prevalence rates of hypertension and type 2 diabetes, and lower levels of circulating C-reactive protein, a valuable marker for MS and insulin resistance. Considering these findings, light to moderate alcohol consumption has theoretical benefits on fatty liver and MS. Fatty liver, including non-alcoholic fatty selleckchem liver disease, may be more clinically important than MS, particularly in non-obese individuals, because fatty liver can develop before MS in several conditions, such as regular alcohol consumers. Furthermore, most of the currently used MS criteria are unable to detect “true MS” because of variations in multiple factors such as age, height, medications, and complications. (C) 2012 Baishideng. All rights reserved.”
“In an effort to develop non-invasive methods for the diagnosis of Ostertagia ostertagi and Fasciola hepatica infection in beef cattle, this study was undertaken to evaluate antibody-detection ELISAs in meat juice samples and to investigate the associations between test results and carcass parameters.

48 +/- 8 mu L, P < 0 01) These parameters were ameliorated by

48 +/- 8 mu L, P < 0.01). These parameters were ameliorated by HR reduction.

Neither myocardial fibrosis nor hypertrophy were detected in db/db, whereas titin N2B expression was increased and phosphorylation of phospholamban was reduced both being prevented by HR reduction in db/db-Iva.\n\nConclusion In db/db, a model of HFPEF, selective HR reduction by I-f-inhibition improved vascular stiffness, LV contractility, and diastolic function. Therefore, I-f-inhibition might be a therapeutic concept for HFPEF, if confirmed in humans.”
“Effects of synthesized glucocorticoid, dexamethasone (DEX, dose = 1.0 RG7112 mg/kg body weight/day for 10 days) on the expressions of beta(2)-adrenoceptor (AR) and glucocorticoid receptor (GR) were studied in fast-twitch (extensor digitorum longus (EDL)) and slow-twitch fiber-rich (soleus(SOL)) muscles of rats. DEX decreased the expression of beta(2)-AR mRNA in SQL muscle without changing that in EDL muscle. The expression see more of beta(2)-AR protein in EDL and SQL muscles was not affected by DEX. DEX-induced decreased action of the expression of GR mRNA was much greater in SQL muscle than in

EDL muscle. However, there were no differences in the expression of GR protein in EDL and SQL muscles. DEX also decreased mRNA expression of cAMP response element binding protein (CREB, transcription factor of beta(2)-AR mRNA) in SQL muscle, whereas increased that in EDL muscle. Further, DEX tended to increase mRNA expressions of post-transcription factors of beta(2)-AR mRNA in EDL muscle without changing those in SOL muscle.

These results demonstrated that the expressions of beta(2)-AR and GR are regulated at mRNA levels but not protein levels by DEX. Further, these results also suggest that DEX-induced decrease Torin 2 solubility dmso in the expression of beta(2)-AR mRNA in slow-twitch fiber-rich SOL muscle is associated with the transcriptional regulations.”
“Hemorrhage represents a set of causes that focuses on women during the pregnancy and puerperal period, and that, with improper attention, results in death. The authors aimed to analyze maternal deaths related to hemorrhage that occurred in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. The data were obtained from the Mortality Information System and Live Births Information System from the Brazilian Ministry of Health. This was a descriptive study, in which 491 maternal deaths that occurred in the period 1997-2010 were analyzed. Of these, 61 were related to hemorrhage, corresponding to 12.42%; postpartum hemorrhage was the most prevalent cause, with 26 deaths, followed by placental abruption with 15, representing 67.21% of the cases. The maternal mortality from hemorrhage is a public health problem in the state of Santa Catarina, due to its high prevalence and the fact that its underlying causes are preventable.”
“A model of time-delay recurrently coupled spatially segregated neural assemblies is here proposed.