05) When undergoing like superovulation treatments, a significan

05). When undergoing like superovulation treatments, a significantly higher number of corpora lutea and ova, with a lower incidence of ovarian cysts, were harvested in the AB and CC genotypes than in AA and CD. These results show that the two loci of GH gene are highly associated with abundant prolificacy and superovulation response in goat breeds.”
“The purpose of this study was to compare the diagnostic accuracy of glucose metabolism and amyloid deposition see more as demonstrated by F-18-FDG and Pittsburg Compound B (PiB) PET to evaluate subjects with cognitive impairment. Methods: Subjects were selected from existing participants in the Mayo Alzheimer’s

Disease Research Center or Alzheimer’s Disease Patient Registry programs. A total of 20 healthy controls and 17 amnestic mild cognitive impairment (aMCI), 6 nonamnestic mild cognitive impairment (naMCI), and 13 Alzheimer disease (AD) subjects were imaged with both PiB and F-18-FDG PET between March 2006 and August 2007. Global measures for PiB and F-18-FDG PET uptake, normalized to cerebellum for

PiB and pons for F-18-FDG, were compared. Partial-volume correction, standardized uptake value (SUV), and cortical ratio methods of image analysis were also evaluated in an attempt to optimize the analysis for each selleck chemical test. Results: Significant discrimination (P < 0.05) between controls and AD, naMCI and aMCI, naMCI and AD, and aMCI and AD by PiB PET measurements was observed. The paired groupwise comparisons of the global measures demonstrated that PiB PET versus F-18-FDG PET showed similar significant group separation, with only PiB showing significant separation VX-680 of naMCI and aMCI subjects. Conclusion: PiB PET and F-18-FDG PET have similar diagnostic accuracy in early cognitive impairment. However, significantly better group discrimination in naMCI and aMCI subjects by PiB, compared with F-18-FDG, was seen and may suggest early amyloid deposition before cerebral metabolic

disruption in this group.”
“A rhodium-catalyzed addition of sodium tetraarylborates to azomethine imines has been described. Highly efficient asymmetric catalysis has also been achieved by employing a chiral diene ligand to give 1-(diarylmethyl)pyrazolidin-3-ones with high enantioselectivity.”
“Cyanobacteria from estuarine habitats have been poorly studied regarding diversity and potential bioactive compounds production compared with their fresh and marine waters’ congeners. In this work, 44 cyanobacteria isolates characterised from three Portuguese estuarine environments. Identification was performed based on diacritical morphological features of the isolates (e.g. cell shape, cell size, presence/absence of sheaths) and on 16S rRNA gene sequences phylogenetic analysis. Diversity of produced secondary metabolites was assessed by molecular and analytical tools.

This approach induces accelerated hypertrophy of the liver remnan

This approach induces accelerated hypertrophy of the liver remnant to enable resection of massive tumor load. To explore the underlying mechanisms, we designed the first animal model

of ALPPS in mice. Methods: The ALPPS group received 90% PVL combined with parenchyma transection. Controls underwent either transection or PVL alone. Regeneration was assessed by liver weight and proliferation-associated molecules. PVL-treated mice were subjected to splenic, renal, or pulmonary ablation instead of hepatic transection. Plasma from ALPPS-treated mice was injected into mice after PVL. Gene expression of auxiliary mitogens in mouse liver was compared to patients after ALPPS or PVL. Results: The hypertrophy of the remnant liver after ALPPS doubled relative to PVL, whereas mice with transection alone disclosed minimal signs of regeneration. Markers of hepatocyte proliferation www.selleckchem.com/products/anlotinib-al3818.html were 10-fold higher after ALPPS, when compared with controls. Injury to other organs or ALPPS-plasma injection combined with PVL induced liver hypertrophy similar to ALPPS. Early initiators of regeneration AZD1480 price were

significantly upregulated in human and mice. Conclusions: ALPPS in mice induces an unprecedented degree of liver regeneration, comparable with humans. Circulating factors in combination with PVL seem to mediate enhanced liver regeneration, associated with ALPPS.”
“Background: This study aims to evaluate the GF120918 predictive value of pelvic anatomical and clinical-pathological parameters that influence the success of sphincter preservation procedure (SPP). Methods: We studied 42 consecutive patients who underwent low anterior resection (LAR) with double stapling technique (DST) anastomosis or abdominoperineal resection (APR) for mid-low rectal cancer between June 2009 and April 2014.

The surgical procedures were performed by the same surgeon and surgical team at the Department of Surgery of Wenzhou Central Hospital. Pelvic dimensions and angles were measured using three-dimensional reconstruction of spiral computed tomography (CT) images. A number of clinical-pathological parameters were also examined. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to determine the predictive significance of these variables that might affect a successful SPP for mid-low rectal cancer. Results: Body mass index (BMI), distance of tumor from anal verge, and diameter of upper pubis to coccyx affected the success of SPP. It was the higher distance of tumor from anal verge, the higher BMI, and the larger diameter of upper pubis to coccyx contributed most to the success of SPP. Conclusions: Diameter of upper pubis to coccyx is the only one of the pelvic anatomical parameters that could affect the success of SPP for mid-low rectal cancer patients. Furthermore, within the normal BMI range, higher BMI seemed to be a favorable factor for the success of SPP.

Our results suggest that the JCV load in the CSF and the organiza

Our results suggest that the JCV load in the CSF and the organization selleck chemical of the TCR should be considered as indicators of PML clinical outcome. J. Cell. Physiol. 227: 35113517, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.”
“Objective: To evaluate whether baseline characteristics and prognostic profiles differed between couples who drop out from intrauterine insemination (IUI) and couples that continue IUI, and the

reasons for couples dropping out from IUI programs.\n\nDesign: Retrospective observational cohort study.\n\nSetting: Fertility centers.\n\nPatient(s): Consecutive subfertile couples undergoing IUI.\n\nIntervention(s): None.\n\nMain Outcome Measure(s): Characteristics and prognosis of ongoing pregnancy after IUI at the start of treatment of couples that dropped out compared with couples that continued treatment or achieved an ongoing pregnancy.\n\nResult(s): We studied 803 couples who underwent 3,579 IUI cycles of whom 221 couples dropped out

(28%). Couples dropping out completed 2.8 (SD +/- 1.4) cycles per couple compared with 4.5 (SD +/- 2.3) cycles per couple for those continuing treatment. Couples dropping out had a higher female age, longer subfertility duration, and higher basal FSH. Mean prognosis to achieve an ongoing pregnancy after IUI at start of treatment was 7.9% (SD +/- 2.4) Momelotinib datasheet per cycle for couples who dropped out and 8.5% (SD +/- 2.5) per cycle for couples continuing treatment. Of the dropouts, 100

couples (45%) were actively censored from the IUI program, 87 couples (39%) because of poor prognosis; 121 couples (55%) were passively censored from the program, of whom 62 (28%) dropped out owing to personal reasons; 59 couples (27%) were lost to follow-up.\n\nConclusion(s): We found significant differences in prognostic profile between couples continuing treatment and couples dropping out, although these differences seem limited from a clinical perspective. We conclude that overestimation of ongoing pregnancy rates after IUI due to couples dropping out is limited. (Fertil Steril (R) 2013; 99: 1294-8. (C) 2013 by American Society for Reproductive Medicine.)”
“Motivation: The appropriate modulation of the stress response to variable environmental conditions is necessary Entinostat supplier to maintain sustained viability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Particularly, controlling the abundance of proteins that may have detrimental effects on cell growth is crucial for rapid recovery from stress-induced quiescence.\n\nResults: Prompted by qualitative modeling of the nutrient starvation response in yeast, we investigated in vivo the effect of proteolysis after nutrient starvation showing that, for the Gis1 transcription factor at least, proteasome-mediated control is crucial for a rapid return to growth.

Conclusion: The present study found peer relationship quality to

Conclusion: The present study found peer relationship quality to be an important antecedent factor of identity formation in adolescents with CHD. Future research should investigate how changes in peer relationships and identity relate to well-being in these patients.”
“The processing of plastics, particularly reinforced composites, necessitates the use of corrosion- and wear-resistant

materials for tools that come into contact with the polymer. For such applications, plastic mold steels were developed that offer not only a good wear resistance due to the presence of carbides mTOR inhibitor in a martensitic matrix, but also good corrosion resistance provided primarily by a sufficient amount of dissolved chromium. The common processing route for these high-alloyed materials is the hot isostatic pressing (HIP) of gas-atomized powders (PM-HIP). In this context, sintering plays an insignificant role, except for the processing of metal-matrix composites (MMCs). The development of novel wear- and corrosion-resistant MMCs based on plastic mold steels requires knowledge of the sintering behavior of prealloyed powders of such tool steels. It is well known that alloyed powders can be processed GPCR Compound Library by supersolidus liquid-phase sintering (SLPS),

a method leading to almost full densification and to microstructures without significant coarsening effects. In this work, two Crenigacestat different gas-atomized powders of plastic mold steels were investigated by computational thermodynamics, thermal analysis, sintering experiments, and microstructural characterization. The results show that both powders can be sintered to almost full density (1 to 3 pct porosity) by SLPS in a vacuum or a nitrogen atmosphere. Experimental findings on the densification behavior, nitrogen uptake, and carbide volume fractions are in good agreement with calculations performed by computational

“OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the feasibility of reaching the interpeduncular cistern (IC) through an endoscopic endonasal approach that leaves the pituitary gland in place. METHODS: In a series of 10 injected cadaver heads, the transtuberculum (“above”) and transclival (“below”) approaches were combined, without pituitary transposition. Using 0-degree, 30-degree, and 45-degree endoscopes, the extent of overlap and if a blind spot occurred were determined. Also, the visualization of the IC was compared with the transposition of the pituitary gland approach. Nonparametric statistics were used to evaluate the results. The approach was implemented in 2 patients. RESULTS: For both the “above” and “below” views, there was a statistically significant increase in field of view when comparing the 0-degree endoscope with either the 30-degree endoscope (P smaller than 0.05) or the 45-degree endoscope (P smaller than 0.05).

In fact, alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E [VE]) exerts adverse effects

In fact, alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E [VE]) exerts adverse effects, partially inhibiting PH-induced rat liver regeneration and inducing decreased cyclin D1 expression. The phosphorylation of signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) factors 1 and 3 are involved in DNA synthesis and cyclin D1 expression after PH, which is stimulated by production of retinoic acid (RA). Hence, this study was aimed at addressing these events, and its association with

cell redox state and oxidative stress, probably underlying VE effects on rat liver regeneration. PH-enhanced activation of STAT proteins, mainly as activated STAT-3, significantly change the cytoplasmic pool for STATs. The latter was associated to a more reduced cytoplasmic redox state and increased AZD5582 concentration alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH)-mediated retinol oxidation to RA. Whereas alpha-tocopherol promoted minor changes in the parameters selleck tested when administered to sham (control)-animals, pretreatment with VE blocked the PH-induced increase of reactive oxygen species (ROS), altering the pattern of STAT protein activation, blunting RA formation by decreased ADH activity, inducing higher liver caspase-3 activity and increasing tumor necrosis factor-alpha concentrations, while levels of interleukin-6 were decreased; altogether coinciding with disturbed PH-promoted changes on the liver redox state. In conclusion, altered activation and translocation of

STAT-1 and -3 proteins and inhibited retinoid metabolism seem to be involved in the VE-induced inhibition of rat liver regeneration. Data suggest that a PH-induced increase of ROS could participate in the activation of STAT factors, retinoid metabolism and changes in the cell redox state during proliferation of liver cells.”
“Previously, we reported that caveolin-1 (cav-1) is overexpressed

in metastatic prostate cancer and that virulent prostate cancer cells secrete biologically active cav-1. We also showed that cav-1 expression leads to prosurvival activities through maintenance of activated Akt and that cav-1 is taken up by other cav-1-negative tumor cells Selleckchem PRIMA-1MET and/or endothelial cells, leading to stimulation of angiogenic activities through PI-3-K-Akt-eNOS signaling. To analyze the functional consequences of cav-1 overexpression on the development and progression of prostate cancer in vivo, we generated PBcav-1 transgenic mice. Adult male PBcav-1 mice showed significantly increased prostatic wet weight and higher incidence of epithelial hyperplasia compared with nontransgenic littermates. Increased immunostaining for cav-1, proliferative cell nuclear antigen, P-Akt, and reduced nuclear p27(KiP1) staining occurred in PBcav-1 hyperplastic prostatic lesions. PBcav-1 mice showed increased resistance to castration-induced prostatic regression and elevated serum cav-1 levels compared with nontransgenic littermates.

The resulting cell population was consistent with the definition

The resulting cell population was consistent with the definition of mesenchymal stromal cells by the International Society for Cellular Therapy. As multipotent fetal dermal cells proliferate extensively, with no loss of multilineage differentiation potential up to passage 25, they may be an ideal source for cell therapy to repair damaged tissues and organs. Multipotent fetal dermal cells were not recognized as YM155 price targets by T lymphocytes in vitro, thus supporting their feasibility for allogenic transplantation. Moreover, the expansion protocol did not affect the normal

phenotype and karyotype of cells. When compared with adult dermal cells, fetal cells displayed several advantages, including a greater cellular yield after isolation, the ability to proliferate longer, and the retention of differentiation potential. Interestingly, multipotent fetal dermal cells expressed the pluripotency

marker SSEA4 (90.56 +/- 3.15% fetal vs. 10.5 +/- 8.5% adult) and coexpressed mesenchymal and epithelial markers ( bigger than 80% CD90(+)/CK18(+) cells), coexpression lacking in the adult counterparts isolated under the same conditions. Multipotent fetal dermal cells were able to form capillary structures, as well as differentiate into a simple epithelium in vitro, indicating skin regeneration capabilities.”
“Background and PurposeHydroxamate derivatives have attracted considerable attention Gamma-secretase inhibitor because of their broad pharmacological selleck chemical properties. Recent studies reported their potential use in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, arthritis and infectious diseases. However, the mechanisms of the anti-inflammatory

effects of hydroxamate derivatives remain to be elucidated. In an effort to develop a novel pharmacological agent that could suppress abnormally activated macrophages, we investigated a novel aliphatic hydroxamate derivative, WMJ-S-001, and explored its anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Experimental ApproachRAW264.7 macrophages were exposed to LPS in the absence or presence of WMJ-S-001. COX-2 expression and signalling molecules activated by LPS were assessed. Key ResultsLPS-induced COX-2 expression was suppressed by WMJ-S-001. WMJ-S-001 inhibited p38MAPK, NF-B subunit p65 and CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein (C/EBP) phosphorylation in cells exposed to LPS. Treatment of cells with a p38MAPK inhibitor (p38MAPK inhibitor III) markedly inhibited LPS-induced p65 and C/EBP phosphorylation and COX-2 expression. LPS-increased p65 and C/EBP binding to the COX-2 promoter region was suppressed in the presence of WMJ-S-001. In addition, WMJ-S-001 suppression of p38MAPK, p65 and C/EBP phosphorylation, and subsequent COX-2 expression were restored in cells transfected with a dominant-negative (DN) mutant of MAPK phosphatase-1 (MKP-1). WMJ-S-001 also caused an increase in MKP-1 activity in RAW264.7 macrophages.

Here we developed novel scaffolds made of poly( lactic acid) (PLA

Here we developed novel scaffolds made of poly( lactic acid) (PLA) biopolymer with bioactive glass nanocomponent. In vitro bone bioactivity and osteogenic potential of the nanocomposite scaffolds were determined using bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Glass nanocomponent was evenly embedded within the PLA matrix while preserving the scaffold pore structure. Simulated body fluid (SBF) test revealed rapid induction of bone mineral-like apatite over the surface of the nanocomposite

scaffold, which was not readily observed in the PLA. Cells adhered well onto the nanocomposite scaffold and multiplied during culture period. Nanocomposite scaffold significantly stimulated alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity and the 5-Fluoracil molecular weight expression of bone-associated genes (collagen I, ALP, osteopontin and osteocalcin) with respect to PLA. Western blot analysis confirmed the osteogenic protein level was also higher on

the nanocomposite scaffold. Results suggest that the nanocomposite scaffolds provide favorable conditions for osteogenesis of MSCs and thus find Z-IETD-FMK inhibitor potential uses in bone tissue engineering. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.”
“Power spectra of cortical potentials in the frequency band of 1-60 Hz were estimated in 29 healthy subjects in the states of rest with the open eyes, after listening to instruction, and in prestimulus periods at the stages of forming and testing of the visual cognitive set to facial expression. Comparative assessment of the power spectra in five frequency bands 2-7, 8-13, 14-20, 21-40 and 41-60 Hz revealed a significant decrease in the power for the frequencies of 1-20 Hz and its parallel increase in the band of 2 1 60 Hz in all the states understudy as compared to the state of rest. At all the set stages, interregional differences in the EEG power were the highest in the bands of 1-20 and 41-60 Hz and the lowest in the band

of 14-20 Hz. Significant differences between the “plastic” and “rigid” groups in the power dynamics were observed only at the set-testing stage. Thus, in subjects with the plastic set, the power of the https://www.selleckchem.com/products/epz004777.html gamma-frequency band was more frequently higher than in subjects with the rigid set.”
“For almost two decades now, cities around the country have been demolishing traditional public housing and relocating residents to subsidized private market rental housing. In this paper, we examine sense of place, consisting of both community and place attachment, among a sample of Atlanta public housing residents prior to relocation (N = 290). We find that 41% of the residents express place attachment, and a large percentage express some level of community attachment, though residents of senior public housing are far more attached than residents of family public housing.

These exposures were not associated with serious morbidity, morta

These exposures were not associated with serious morbidity, mortality, or delayed symptoms.”
“In terms of contribution to pregnancy, the mother not only produces gametes, but also hosts gestation, whose progression in the uterus is conditioned by early events during implantation. In ruminants,

this period is associated with elongation of the extra-embryonic tissues, gastrulation of the embryonic disk and cross-talk with the endometrium. Recent data have prompted the need for accurate staging of the bovine conceptus and shown that asynchrony between elongation and gastrulation processes may account for pregnancy failure. Data mining of endometrial gene signatures has allowed the identification find more of molecular pathways and new factors regulated by the conceptus (e.g. FOXL2, SOCS6). Interferon-tau has been recognised to be the major signal of pregnancy recognition,

but prostaglandins and lysophospholipids have also been demonstrated to be critical players at the conceptus-endometrium Bindarit manufacturer interface. Interestingly, up-regulation of interferon-regulated gene expression has been identified in circulating immune cells during implantation, making these factors a potential source of non-invasive biomarkers for early pregnancy. Distinct endometrial responses have been shown to be elicited by embryos produced by artificial insemination, in vitro fertilisation or somatic cell nuclear transfer. These findings have led to the concept that endometrium is an early biosensor of embryo quality. This biological property first demonstrated in cattle has been recently extended and associated with embryo selection in humans. Hence, compromised or suboptimal endometrial quality can subtly or deeply affect embryo development, with visible and sometimes severe consequences for placentation, foetal development, pregnancy outcome and the long-term health of the offspring. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Birds still share many traits with their dinosaur ancestors, making them the best living group to reconstruct certain aspects of non-avian theropod biology. Bipedal, digitigrade locomotion and

parasagittal hindlimb movement are some of those inherited traits. Living birds, however, maintain an unusually crouched hindlimb posture and selleck locomotion powered by knee flexion, in contrast to the inferred primitive condition of non-avian theropods: more upright posture and limb movement powered by femur retraction. Such functional differences, which are associated with a gradual, anterior shift of the centre of mass in theropods along the bird line, make the use of extant birds to study non-avian theropod locomotion problematic. Here we show that, by experimentally manipulating the location of the centre of mass in living birds, it is possible to recreate limb posture and kinematics inferred for extinct bipedal dinosaurs.

Functional nucleic acids emerging from selections have been obser

Functional nucleic acids emerging from selections have been observed to possess an unusually high degree of secondary structure. In this study, we experimentally examined the relationship selleck screening library between the degree of secondary structure in a nucleic acid library and

its ability to yield aptamers that bind protein targets. We designed a patterned nucleic acid library (denoted R*Y*) to enhance the formation of stem-loop structures without imposing any specific sequence or secondary structural requirement. This patterned library was predicted computationally to contain a significantly higher average folding energy compared to a standard, unpatterned No library of the same length. We performed three different iterated selections for protein binding using patterned and unpatterned libraries competing in the same solution. In all three cases, the patterned R*Y* library was enriched relative to the unpatterned library over the course of the 9- to 10-round selection. Characterization of individual aptamer clones emerging from the three selections revealed that the highest affinity aptamer assayed arose from the patterned library for two protein targets, while in the third case, the highest affinity aptamers from the patterned and random libraries exhibited comparable affinity. We identified the binding motif requirements for the most active aptamers generated

against two of the targets. The two binding motifs are 3.4- and 27-fold more likely to find more occur in the R*Y* library than in

the N(60) library. Collectively, our HKI-272 cell line findings suggest that researchers performing selections for nucleic acid aptamers and catalysts should consider patterned libraries rather than commonly used N(m) libraries to increase both the likelihood of isolating functional molecules and the potential activities of the resulting molecules.”
“Edema Factor (EF) is a component of Bacillus anthracis toxin essential for virulence. Its adenylyl cyclase activity is induced by complexation with the ubiquitous eukaryotic cellular protein, calmodulin (CaM). EF and its complexes with CaM, nucleotides and/or ions, have been extensively characterized by X-ray crystallography. Those structural data allowed molecular simulations analysis of various aspects of EF action mechanism, including the delineation of EF and CaM domains through their association energetics, the impact of calcium binding on CaM, and the role of catalytic site ions. Furthermore, a transition path connecting the free inactive form to the CaM-complexed active form of EF was built to model the activation mechanism in an attempt to define an inhibition strategy. The cavities at the surface of EF were determined for each path intermediate to identify potential sites where the binding of a ligand could block activation.

A new nuclear correction was modelled using a Voigt function and

A new nuclear correction was modelled using a Voigt function and implemented Selleckchem Fer-1 by a LUT approach. Validation simulations have been performed using a phantom filled

with homogeneous materials or heterogeneous slabs of up to 3 cm. The beams were incident perpendicular to the phantoms surface with initial particle energies ranging from 50 to 250 MeV/A with a total number of 107 ions per beam. For comparison a special evaluation software was developed calculating the gamma indices for dose distributions.\n\nResults: In homogeneous phantoms, maximum range deviations between PB and MC of less than 1.1% and differences in the width of the distal energy falloff of the Bragg-Peak from 80% to 20% of less than 0.1 mm were found. Heterogeneous phantoms using layered slabs satisfied a gamma-index criterion GKT137831 concentration of 2%/2mm of the local value except for some single voxels. For more complex phantoms using laterally arranged bone-air slabs, the gamma-index criterion was exceeded in some areas giving a maximum gamma-index of 1.75 and 4.9% of the voxels showed gamma-index values larger than one. The calculation precision of the presented algorithm was considered to be sufficient for clinical practice. Although only data for helium beams was presented, the performance of the pencil

beam algorithm for proton beams was comparable.\n\nConclusions: The pencil beam algorithm developed for helium ions presents PCI-34051 a suitable tool for dose calculations. Its calculation speed was evaluated to be similar to other published pencil beam algorithms. The flexible design allows easy customization of measured depth-dose distributions and use of varying beam profiles, thus making it a promising candidate for integration into future treatment planning systems. Current work in progress

deals with RBE effects of helium ions to complete the model. (C) 2012 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [http://dx.doi.org.library.tamiu.edu:2048/10.1118/1.4757578]“
“New rhodium and iridium complexes containing the bidentate ligand 3,5-diphenyl-2-(2-pyridyl)pyrrolide (PyPyr) were prepared. The bis(ethylene) complex (PyPyr)Rh(C(2)H(4))(2) (3) reacted with HSiEt(3), HSiPh(3), and HSi(t)BuPh(2) to produce the 16-electron Rh(V) bis(silyl)dihydrides (PyPyr)Rh(H)(2)(SiEt(3))(2) (8), (PyPyr)Rh(H)(2)(SiPh(3))(2) (9), and (PyPyr)Rh(H)(2)(Si(t)BuPh(2))(2) (10), respectively. The analogous Ir(V) bis(silyl)dihyride (PyPyr)Ir(H)(2)(SiPh(3))(2) (11) has also been synthesized. X-ray crystallography reveals that 9-11 adopt a coordination geometry best described as a bicapped tetrahedron. Silane elimination from 9 and 10 occurred in the presence of either HSiEt(3) or PPh(3).