Meta-analysis of the results showed significant associations

Meta-analysis of the results showed significant associations

between Ser311Cys polymorphism and schizophrenia risk in the comparisons of G versus C (odds ratio (OR) = 1.47, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.18-1.83, AZD6094 cost P = 0.0006) and CG+GG versus CC (OR = 1.45, 95%CI = 1.16-1.82, P = 0.001). In a subgroup analysis by nationality, we found a significant association between Ser311Cys polymorphism and schizophrenia risk in the comparisons of G versus C and CG+GG versus CC genotype in the Japanese population (OR = 1.75, 95%CI = 1.30-2.35, P = 0.0002; OR = 1.72, 95%CI = 1.27- 2.33, P = 0.0004; respectively) but not in Chinese and Indian populations. In conclusion, the G allele of DRD2 Ser311Cys polymorphism involves a potential risk factor for schizophrenia in Asian populations, especially in the Japanese population.”
“Using photoluminescence

(PL) and current deep-level transient spectroscopy (I-DLTS), we investigated the electronic defects of indium-doped detector-grade CdMnTe:In (CMT:In) crystals grown by the vertical Bridgman method. We similarly analyzed CdZnTe:In (CZT:In) and undoped CdMnTe (CMT) crystals grown under the amount of same level of excess Te and/or indium doping level to detail the fundamental properties of the electronic defect structure more readily. Extended defects, existing in all the samples, were revealed by synchrotron white beam x-ray diffraction topography and scanning electron microscopy. The electronic structure of Semaxanib in vitro CMT is very similar to that of CZT, with shallow traps, A-centers, Cd vacancies, deep

levels, and Te antisites. The 1.1-eV deep level, revealed by PL in earlier studies of CZT and CdTe, were attributed to dislocation-induced defects. In our I-DLTS measurements, the 1.1-eV traps showed different activation energies with applied bias voltage and an exponential dependence on the trap-filling time, which are typical characteristics of dislocation-induced defects. We propose a new defect-trap model for indium-doped CMT crystals. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3594715]“
“The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for body weights of individually fed beef bulls measured at centralized testing stations in South Africa using random regression models. Weekly body weights of Bonsmara bulls (N = 2919) tested between 1999 and 2003 were available for the analyses. The model included a fixed regression of the body weights on fourth-order orthogonal Legendre polynomials of the actual days on test (7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42, 49, 56, 63, 70, 77, and 84) for starting age and contemporary group effects. Random regressions on fourth-order orthogonal Legendre polynomials of the actual days on test were included for additive genetic effects and additional uncorrelated random effects of the weaning-herd-year and the permanent environment of the animal. Residual effects were assumed to be independently distributed with heterogeneous variance for each test day.

PDMS-PMPS copolymers with a MePhSiO segment content of 10 2 mol %

PDMS-PMPS copolymers with a MePhSiO segment content of 10.2 mol % and terminated by diphenylmethylsiloxyl groups exhibited optimal heat resistance. The thermal stabilities of the polysiloxanes could be further improved by introducing homogenous titanium additives and with the addition of 1550 ppm content of titanium additives, the temperature for 10% conversion, the temperature for 50% conversion, and MRDT have been found to be increased by 20.11, 71.28, and 98.67 K, Tideglusib mw respectively, relative to the unmodified PDMS-PMPS copolymer. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis has proven the formation of a Si-O-Ti

bond in the titanium-modified PDMS-PMPS copolymer, which may be responsible for the efficient enhancement of its thermal stability. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 117: 2530-2537,2010″
“To develop a shorter version of the Wisconsin Upper Respiratory Symptom Survey (WURSS-21), a self-report questionnaire for evaluating daily symptoms and functional impairments during acute respiratory illness check details (ARI).

WURSS-21 data were retrieved from 4

studies (n = 1167) spanning the years 2002-2010. Similar methodologies were employed among these studies. Degree of missingness, ceiling/floor effects, and exploratory (EFA) and confirmatory (CFA) factor analyses were investigated and used to guide item retention. Stability of the reduced WURSS was evaluated across the first 3 days of ARI.

Degree of missingness was < 1 % and appeared to be completely at random. Seven WURSS items with > 30 % of ratings of zero (floor effects)

were eliminated. Cross-loading items (head congestion, sleep well and breathe easily) were excluded following EFA on subset-1. Subsequent CFA using subset-2 showed satisfactory indices of fit. The reduced WURSS-11 instrument demonstrated 3 dimensions of 3 items each and was stable across 3 days of illness. The indicated dimensions (items) include nasal (runny nose, plugged nose, sneezing), throat (cough, sore throat, scratchy throat), and quality of life SIS3 price (feeling tired, think clearly, accomplish daily activities).

The WURSS-11 has similar dimensional structure as the WURSS-21. This shorter version may reduce the time and burden required for completing the survey.”
“Background: A malaria management protocol was developed and implemented at a tertiary care children’s hospital in September 1999. We retrospectively evaluated children admitted with malaria 10-years preimplementation and 7-years postimplementation to determine the impact the protocol had on management and time delay to appropriate antimalarial therapy.

The sustained release effect was achieved with polymers chitosan

The sustained release effect was achieved with polymers chitosan and sodium alginate. The in vitro release BAY 1895344 mw profile from these tablets showed the desired biphasic behavior, the diclofenac contained in the fast releasing component was dissolved within 15 min, whereas the drug in the beads was released upto 8 h.”
“It is well

established that pregnancies protect against breast cancer; however, the mechanism involved is not completely understood. We investigated the influence of parity on hormonal and proliferation markers in benign tissue from tumor blocks of breast cancer cases. Women with breast cancer were recruited from a case-control study nested within the Multiethnic Cohort study. Tissue microarrays of benign tissue cores were available for 159 participants. Immunostaining for estrogen receptor (ER) and ER, progesterone

receptor, human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (Her2/neu), Ki-67, and proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in epithelial tissue was evaluated by a pathologic expert. We applied logistic regression models to examine marker expression by parity (0, 1-2, and 3 live births with adjustment for age at diagnosis and BMI). Of the 159 women, 24 were nulliparous, 63 had one or two live births, and 72 had three or more live births. Inverse associations were observed between parity and expression of ER (P-trend=0.02) and PCNA (P-trend=0.04). Among nulliparous women, 45.5% were ER positive in contrast selleck chemicals llc to 18.0 and 18.9% of women with one or two and at least three selleck live births, respectively. The respective values for PCNA were 56.5, 44.3, and 31.1%. No associations were detected for ER, progesterone receptor, Her2/neu, and Ki-67. The current findings suggest that pregnancies may protect against breast cancer by reducing susceptibility to estrogenic stimuli and proliferative activity as assessed by the expression of ER and

PCNA in breast tissue. (C) 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health vertical bar Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.”
“Objective-To survey 2 populations of psittacines to characterize Staphylococcus spp isolated from commensal cutaneous microflora.

Design-Prospective cross-sectional study.

Animals-107 psittacine birds from a sanctuary and 73 psittacine birds in private households or a pet store.

Procedures-Gram-positive, catalase-positive cocci isolated from mucosal and seborrheic sites were speciated, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis was performed on coagulase-positive isolates. A bird was classified as having positive results when at least 1 sample site yielded positive results for at least 1 staphylococcal species.

Results-89 of 180 (49.4%) birds had positive results for staphylococci at the carriage sites sampled. Privately owned birds were twice as likely to have positive results for staphylococci as were sanctuary birds (71% vs 35%). Coagulase-positive staphylococci were significantly more common in the sanctuary birds (47% vs 1%).

The Goldmann-Witmer coefficient was


The Goldmann-Witmer coefficient was


Results: Twelve patients with clinical and laboratory findings suggestive of brucellar uveitis were considered as cases. Seven patients with uveitis of other etiology were selected as controls. Four (33.3%) patients with ocular brucellosis had negative ocular agglutinations and eight (66.7%) had positive agglutinations. No control cases had positive agglutinations for Brucella melitensis. The sensitivity of the test was 66.7% and the specificity 100%. Only one patient had a positive culture for B. melitensis in subretinal fluid. The Goldmann-Witmer coefficient was calculated in six cases of brucellosis uveitis and five uveitis controls. It was highly positive in three patients with ocular brucellosis. Tissue samples showed lymphoplasmacytic infiltrates.

Conclusions: Intraocular serological

tests could be used to support the diagnosis of ocular brucellosis. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of International Society for Infectious Diseases.”
“A simple synthesis of poly(methylsilyne) has been developed. The straightforward polymerization reaction can be accomplished using simply a series of batteries and a very simple electrolyte. Poly(methylsilyne) has previously been shown to be a high-purity, high-yield precursor to stoichometric silicon carbide. (C) 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 112: 3519-3521, 2009″
“Objective-To evaluate risk factors for

gastric dilatation-volvulus HDAC 抑制剂 (GDV) in a large number of privately owned dogs across a wide geographic area.

Design Internet-based, cross-sectional study.

Animals-2,551 PF-562271 privately owned dogs.

Procedures-A questionnaire addressed dog-specific, management, environmental, and personality-associated risk factors for GDV in dogs. Respondents were recruited through the posting of the electronic link to the questionnaire on websites for dog owners; the information was also disseminated at meetings of dog owners and via newsletters, e-mail lists for dog owners and breeders, owner-oriented dog publications, and e-mails forwarded by participants. Descriptive statistics and logistic regression analysis were performed.

Results-Factors significantly associated with an increased risk of GDV were being fed dry kibble, anxiety, residence in the United Kingdom, being born in the 1990s, being a family pet, and spending at least 5 hours a day with the owner. Factors associated with a decreased risk of GDV were playing with other dogs and running the fence after meals, fish and egg dietary supplements, and spending equal time indoors and outdoors. A significant interaction between sex and neuter status was observed, with sexually intact females having the highest risk for GDV.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-In dogs with a high risk of GDV, regular moderate daily and postprandial activity appeared to be beneficial.

She had marked reduction of her alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase act

She had marked reduction of her alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity assay consistent with the diagnosis of mucopolysaccharidosis type IIIB. Mutational analysis showed 2 mutations GSK461364 on exon 6 of the alpha-N-acetylglucosaminidase gene, both of which were identified in her parents. At 10 years of age the girl had minor learning difficulties and mild behavioral problems. Her spinal cord hemiatrophy, in association with mucopolysaccharidosis type III, has not previously been described in the literature.”
“The comet assay was adapted for quantifying the degree of photo-induced DNA damage by using radish sprouts exposed to varied light

conditions. An index, IN(D), was defined to express the DNA intactness, based on image-analyzing of nuclei in protoplasts prepared from the plant leaves. The IND value gradually decreased with increasing light intensity (22-430 W m(-2)) and exposure time (0-6 h), and ultimately fell to 21% at 6 h under a light intensity of 430 W m(-2), as compared to a reference level in the plants virgin of the exposure. Furthermore, the DNA damage was found to be restored to an appreciable extent when the plants were fed with antioxidants such as ascorbic acid and green tea extract, suggesting Epacadostat clinical trial that

DNA damage from strong light can be caused by photo-oxidative stress generated by the excess energy over a scavenging capacity of antioxidative defense mechanisms in the plant cells. (C) 2009 Elsevier B. V. All rights reserved.”
“Background: A large fraction of anti-malaria medicines (and indeed many other medicines classes) used in developing countries are inadequately identified. Framing this problem as one of misidentification rather than the more common framing of criminal misrepresentation

leads to new solutions sets not currently being considered.

Method: That reframing led to consideration and analysis of 4 new problems that informed design of a digital platform technology for delivering a distributed medicine characterization system: Selleck GSK621 1) problematic interests associated with a focus on preventing counterfeiting, 2) the complexity of the many ways that medicines can deviate from expected identities, 3) the challenge of choosing amongst a diversity of attribute characterization technologies, and 4) the need for a flexible and distributed data aggregation mechanism.

Results: Analysis of those new problems confirmed an initial insight that a previously described digital technology for tracking malaria tests results in infrastructure limited regions could be adapted for characterizing pill attributes. Feasibility is illustrated by describing how the platform design can be implemented using open-source software and commodity computational and communication technology readily available and supportable in developing countries.

Discussion: A system of this type would allow users to answer several questions.

This paper demonstrates that the type of rare earth component (Nd

This paper demonstrates that the type of rare earth component (Nd, Pr) and minor alloy additions (Cu,Ga) have a dramatic effect on the grain boundary phase and ultimately the magnetic properties. A relatively low cost Pr-Fe-B-Cu alloy has been shown to have enhanced room temperature magnetic performance. However, these advantages are offset by the Pr-Fe-B composition having a larger thermal coefficient

of H(ci) and as a result this type of magnet has inferior performance at selleck compound 180 degrees C. (c) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3564969]“
“The main objective in gene therapy of brain tumors is to develop efficient, low toxic, and brain-targeting gene delivery systems which can cross the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and deliver therapeutic gene to the brain cancerous tissues. In this study, we designed and constructed a novel gene delivery systems (Tat-MS-PAMAM) by modifying

the magnetosome (MS) with polyamidoamine (PAMAM) dendrimers and Tat peptides for SB202190 concentration the first time. Tat-MS-PAMAM readily formed polyplexes with the luciferase reporter plasmid (pGL-3) and improved plasmid complexation and stability against polyanion and DNase I. Transfection efficiencies of Tat-MS-PAMAM polyplexes with pGL-3 were studied using U251 human glioma cells in vitro. The result showed that the incorporation of external magnetic field and Tat peptides could significantly improve transfection selleck chemicals llc efficiency of delivery system. Furthermore, biodistribution in vivo demonstrated

that Tat-MS-PAMAM could efficiently transport across the BBB and assemble at brain tissue of rat detected by single photo emission computed tomography. Thus, with the multifunction of magnetic targeting, BBB transporting, and efficient gene transfecting, Tat-MS-PAMAM might be a novel nonviral delivery system for gene therapy of brain tumors. (C) 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 121: 3446-3454, 2011″
“Purpose: To determine whether tumor perfusion parameters assessed by using dynamic contrast material-enhanced computed tomography (CT) could help predict and detect response in patients receiving antiangiogenic therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma.

Materials and Methods: Institutional ethics committee approval and informed consent were obtained. In two phase-III trials involving 51 patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (38 men, 13 women; age range, 30-80 years) receiving antiangiogenic drugs (sorafenib [n = 10], sunitinib [n = 22]), a placebo (n = 12), or interferon alfa (n = 7), serial dynamic contrast-enhanced CT was performed, during 90 seconds before and after injection of 80 mL of iobitridol. Perfusion parameters of a target metastatic tumor (tumor blood flow [TBF], tumor blood volume [TBV], mean transit time, and vascular permeability-surface area product) were calculated.

Raspberry flavour masked midazolam unpleasing taste most favourab

Raspberry flavour masked midazolam unpleasing taste most favourably.”
“A 34-year-old woman

with a previous history of severe headache (“”thunderclap”") was admitted with a diagnosis of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). The patient developed symptomatic vasospasm on day 5 that resolved rapidly after having increased arterial blood pressure. She experienced also short-lasting excruciating headache. On day 12, while velocities had normalised, as revealed by transcranial Doppler (TCD), for more than 48 h, she developed aphasia and right hemiplegia associated with diffuse segmental vasospasm on the left middle cerebral artery. Intra-arterial infusion of vasodilatory agents was required. Recurrence Tubastatin A mw of symptomatic vasospasm was noted on day 25, with a great number of territories involved as shown in the cerebral angiogram. A second intra-arterial treatment was needed. The patient complained of multiple episodes of extremely severe headache (“”thunderclap”"), with also transient dysarthria and hemiparesia on day 30. She was discharged on day 38 after full recovery. The clinical and

TCD/radiological findings were consistent with a reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome overlapping SAH related symptomatic vasospasm.”
“Objectives: Discrepancy between maximum diameters obtained with two-dimensional ultrasound and computed tomography (CT) after endovascular aneurysm repair (EVAR) is well known. The maximal diameter is ideally measured perpendicular eFT508 in vitro to the centerline, a methodology

so far only feasible with three-dimensional (3D) CT and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA). We aimed to investigate the agreement between 3D ultrasound and 3D CT and to determine reproducibility measures.

Methods: Prospective study comparing 3D ultrasound with 3D CT in 124 consecutive patients seen 3 or 12 month after EVAR.

Results: Replacing 2D with 3D ultrasound, the mean difference was improved from 6.0 mm to -1.3 mm (p < .001), AZD9291 Protein Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor and the range of variability was reduced from 9.4 mm to 6.6 mm (p = .009) using 3D CT as the gold standard. The mean difference between 3D ultrasound and 3D CT maximum diameter of the residual sac was -1.3 mm with upper and lower limits of agreement of 5.2 mm and -7.9 mm, respectively. Reproducibility measures of 3D ultrasound were +/- 4 mm.

Conclusion: 3D ultrasound correlate significantly better to 3D CT than the currently used 2D ultrasound method when assessing maximum diameter of the residual sac after EVAR, and reproducibility measures were within clinical acceptable values. (C) 2013 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“The elderly population and the incidence of chronic diseases are growing rapidly in Brazil.

Gov #00351390)

(J Cardiac Fail 2012;18:626-634)”

Gov #00351390).

(J Cardiac Fail 2012;18:626-634)”
“We report here on a rare case of a patent who presented with an extramedullary B lymphoblastic crisis as an initial manifestation of chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML). A 71-year-old man visited the emergency room due to suddenly developed dysarthria and right side weakness. Emergency craniotomy was done under the presumptive diagnosis of subdural hemorrhage. During the operation, a poorly demarcated firm mass was identified in the leptomeningeal space. Microscopically, the majority of the tumor was composed of monotonous immature cells with blast morphology, and these cells were immunoreactive for TdT, CD34, CD10 and CD20, indicating the precursor B-cell phenotype. The peripheral area of the tumor consisted of myeloid cells in various LY2157299 in vivo stages of maturation, and these cells were reactive

for myeloper-oxidase, chloroacetate esterase, CD43 and CD15. FISH analysis using the LSI bcr-abl dual color probe showed gene fusion signals in both the B-lymphoblasts Ricolinostat and myeloid cells. The peripheral blood and bone marrow findings were consistent with CIVIL with no evidence of a blast crisis. Cytogenetic study of the bone marrow demonstrated the 46, XY, t(9;22)(q34;q11) chromosome. A diagnosis of extramedullary B lymphoblastic blast crisis in a patient with Philadelphia chromosome-positive CIVIL was made. Despite treatment, the patient died 3 months after he was diagnosed.”
“Four different structure polyimide thin films based on 1,4-phenylene diamine (PDA) and 4,4′-oxy-dianiline (ODA) were synthesized by using two different dianhydrides, pyromellitic dianhydride (PMDA) and 3,3′,4,4′-biphenyltetracarboxylic dianhydride (BPDA), and their residual stress behavior and mechanical properties were investigated by using a thin film ZD1839 clinical trial stress analyzer and nanoindentation method. The residual stress behavior and mechanical properties were correlated to the morphological structure in polyimide films. The morphological structure of polyimide thin films was characterized

by X-ray diffraction patterns and refractive indices. The residual stress was in the range of -5 to 38 MPa and increased in the following order: PMDA-PDA < BPDA-PDA < PMDA-ODA < BPDA-ODA. The hardness of the polyimide films increased in the following order: PMDA-ODA < BPDA-ODA < PMDA-PDA < BPDA-PDA. The PDA-based polyimide films showed relatively lower residual stress and higher hardness than the corresponding ODA-based polyimide films. The in-plane orientation and molecularly ordered phase were enhanced with the increasing order as follows: PMDA-ODA < BPDA-ODA < BPDA-PDA similar to PMDA-PDA. The PDA-based polyimides, having a rigid structure, showed relatively better-developed morphological structure than the corresponding ODA-based polyimides.

23, and N-succinyl chitosan 390 kDa with an extent of replacement

23, and N-succinyl chitosan 390 kDa with an extent of replacement of 0.8. Low molecular-weight mTOR inhibitor samples of chitosan and of its modified derivatives were obtained with the yields of 85, 55, and 80%, respectively. The conditions of the hydrolysis were as follows: an enzyme: substrate ratio of 1: 200, 37A degrees C, and 20 h duration of hydrolysis.”
“Objective: Cochlear implantation is a successful method of auditory rehabilitation. This procedure has been associated with facial nerve and vestibular end-organ stimulation suggesting potential for extra-cochlear stimulation. The objectives of this study were to investigate the

potential relationship between cochlear implantation and seizure activity in the pediatric implant population.

Methods: Local Research Ethics Board approval was obtained. The Hospital for Sick Children’s Cochlear Implant Database from 1998 to 2011 was retrospectively reviewed. Based on a multidisciplinary team, patients who received a diagnosis of seizure disorder or had been investigated for seizure-like activity were identified and reviewed.

Results: Fifteen children from a group of AZD6244 816 pediatric cochlear implant users

were identified as having suspected seizure-like activity. Eventually 10 children were found to have seizures based on an evaluation by a pediatric neurologist and an electroencephalogram. Of these 10, only 3 children had new onset of seizures after cochlear implantation and 2 of these 3 suffered from global developmental

delay and other medical comorbidities. No definite temporal connection was found between cochlear implant use and seizure activity.

Conclusions: Cochlear implantation in the pediatric population continues to be a reliable and safe intervention for children. Overall the prevalence of post implantation seizure disorders in our population (0.37%) is lower than that of the overall population (0.5-1%). The presence of new-onset seizure activity following cochlear implantation is unusual and while there are theoretic possibilities of how a cochlear implant could be implicated in initiating seizures we were unable to find evidence to support this association. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Contents Pre-natal glucocorticoids are used in women at risk of preterm delivery to induce foetal lung maturation. However, glucocorticoids can produce negative outcomes for other tissues such as the reproductive system. We therefore tested the effects of pre-natal betamethasone on testicular morphology and apoptotic protein immune expression during pre- and post-natal development. Pregnant ewes (n=42) bearing singleton male foetuses were randomly allocated to receive intramuscular injections of saline or betamethasone (0. 5mg/kg) at 104, 111 and 118days of gestation (DG).

“Objective-To determine whether scores for basic laparosco

“Objective-To determine whether scores for basic laparoscopic skills were significantly associated with extent of laparoscopic experience and compare basic laparoscopic selleck kinase inhibitor skill scores obtained before and after 2 laparoscopic training sessions incorporating a canine abdominal model.

Design-Evaluation study.

Sample Population-8 experienced and 25 novice individuals.

Procedures-Novice participants were randomly assigned to control (n = 10) and training (15) groups. Individuals in the experienced and novice training groups were required to undergo 2 training sessions with a canine abdominal model.

Basic laparoscopic skills were assessed twice on the basis of 3 tasks included in the McGill Inanimate Simulator for Training and Evaluation of Laparoscopic Skills (MISTELS).

Results-For the novice training group, laparoscopic skills scores were significantly higher after training than before, but for individuals in the novice control group, scores did not differ significantly

between the first and second assessments. The increase in score for the novice training group was significantly higher than increases for the experienced group and for the novice control group, but the increase in score for the experienced group was not significantly different from the increase in score for the novice control group.

Conclusions and Clinical Relevance-Results suggested that basic laparoscopic skills scores obtained with the MISTELS were associated with extent of laparoscopic experience and that training

with a canine abdominal GSK2245840 model could find more increase skills scores for individuals without previous laparoscopic experience. (J Am Vet Med Assoc 2010;236:1079-1084)”
“Purpose of review

Type I interferon (IFN-I) is strongly implicated in the pathogenesis of systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Here, we focus on new developments in pathways of IFN-I stimulation, the role of IFN-I in syndromes associated with lupus-like diseases, the utility of IFN-I signatures as biomarkers, and the progress of therapeutic agents targeting IFN-I pathways in SLE.

Recent findings

Immune complexesimmune complex are a dominant driver of IFN-I production by activating toll-like receptors (TLRs) in plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC) in SLE. The level of IFN-I production is attenuated by C1q in immune complexes and enhanced by natural killer (NK) cells as well as by activated platelets that express CD40L. In addition to immune complexs, cell-intrinsic activation pathways utilize recently described non-TLR RNA and DNA sensors. Some modules or clusters of IFN-I stimulated genes or proteins correlate with disease activity, whereas IFN-I biomarkers of disease flare or specific clinical manifestations need further study. IFN-I blocking studies have reached phase II clinical trials.


Significant progress has been made in defining both TLR as well as non-TLR mediated stimulation of IFN-I.