Representative DNA sequences of recovered fungi were submitted to

Representative DNA sequences of recovered fungi were submitted to the EMBL Nucleotide

ABT-737 clinical trial Sequence Database [58] and assigned accession numbers FR718449-718487 and FR682142-682466 for cultivated strains and clone library phylotypes, respectively. Phylogenetic and statistical data analyses Sequence data were treated as described before [23]. Phylogenetic and statistical analyses were performed using bioinformatics software freely available for academic users. Program sources are listed at the end of the corresponding reference. Distance matrixes were constructed for each sample and for the combined data from the alignments by using the DNADIST program [59]. The program package Mothur [60] was used to cluster sequences with the average neighbor method into operational taxonomic units (OTUs) with 99% similarity. Selleck Wortmannin Potentially chimeric sequences were identified using the program Bellerophon [61] and investigated manually. FigTree [62] was used to visualize and edit phylogenetic trees. Full-length nucITS sequences

were assigned to species- or genus level based on similarity values to closest matching reference sequences in International Nucleotide Sequence Database (INSD) according to the scheme described by Ciardo et al. [63]. For OTUs having ≥ 98% similarity with an INSD reference, the annotation was refined manually when applicable. Unknown OTUs (i.e., OTUs not assigned to species or genus) were provisionally assigned to class by BLAST result

and rDNA gene tree clustering. OTU richness and diversity estimates were calculated using Mothur program; rarefaction curves of the number of observed OTUs and end values from the non-parametric ACE richness estimator were used to describe theoretical OTU richness in samples. Shannon (H’) and Simpson (D) indices were computed to describe OTU diversity [60]. To assess species richness within individual fungal classes, OTU richness normalized within-class (Sn) was calculated for each class and sample by dividing the number of OTUs affiliated to certain class by the total number of clones in the library. Subsequently, the ratio of the values between index- and Carbohydrate reference building samples (Sn(In)/Sn(Re)) was determined. Classic incidence-based Sørensen (QS), and Chao’s abundance-based Sørensen indices for β-diversity were calculated using the EstimateS program [64] for pair-wise comparison of the OTU composition of samples. Due to variability in library size, a random selection of 100 sequences was re-sampled using R statistical Selleckchem SRT2104 environment [65] from each library apart from library Re1b from which only 26 sequences were obtained and used. The UniFrac program was used to compare the phylogenetic content of the clone libraries [66]. UniFrac estimates microbial community similarity by pair-wise measurement of the phylogenetic distance separating the taxa unique to each sample.

For each reaction, 0 5 μl of IAC forward and reverse primers (100

For each reaction, 0.5 μl of IAC forward and reverse primers (100 μM), 0.25 μl of IAC-probe (10 μM), and 1 μl of diluted pUC19 DNA (1.8 × 104 copies) were added to the regular qPCR reaction mixture components as described above to reach the final reaction volume of 25 μl. qPCR was performed using the same conditions as described above. Sensitivity test and detection

limit of the qPCR assay A Salmonella Enteritidis (SARB16) culture was grown at 37°C to mid-exponential phase (OD600 = 0.5), and was divided into two aliquots. PHA-848125 mw One aliquot was boiled for 10 min in a water bath to produce heat-killed cells; the other aliquot was used for live cells. The absence of live cells from the heat-killed cells was confirmed by plating the cells onto LB agar plates. The live and heat-killed aliquots were serially 10-fold diluted from 3 × 10° to 3 × 107 CFU/ml with LB medium. Both the live and heat-killed cells suspensions were equally divided to make four sets of cell suspensions. One set of the live cell suspensions was treated

with PMA and the other set was left untreated. Subsequently, standard curves were generated side by side for PMA-treated cells and untreated cells in the qPCR assay (Figure 1A). Likewise, PMA-treated or untreated dead cell suspensions were also subjected to qPCR analysis for generation of standard curves (Figure 1B). Inclusivity and Bortezomib exclusivity tests A large number CA-4948 (n = 167) of Salmonella strains, including strain from FDA collections and recent outbreak isolates (Additional Carnitine palmitoyltransferase II file 1: Table S1; Table 2), were used in inclusivity study. Salmonella strains from the SARA and SARB collections and other groups. E. coli O157:H7, non-O157 STEC strains, Shigella, and other pathogenic strains were used for exclusivity test (Table 2). DNA samples were prepared from the cultures of strains (Additional file 1: Table S1; Table 2) grown overnight at 37°C with a Wizard Plus Minipreps DNA Purification System Kit (Promega, Madison, WI). DNA concentration was adjusted to 20 pg/μl with water and 100 pg

(5 μl) of DNA was used for the inclusivity and exclusivity studies in qPCR, and 5 μl of water was used as a no-template-control. Preparation of mixtures of live and dead cells for PMA-qPCR Salmonella Enteriditis SARB 16, grown at 37°C to mid-exponential phase (OD600 = 0.5), was divided into two aliquots. One aliquot was boiled for 10 min in a water bath for heat-killed cells; the other was not boiled to represent corresponding live for live cells. The absence of live cells from the heat-killed cells was confirmed by plating the cells onto LB agar plates. Both the live and the heat-killed aliquots were diluted (10 fold) to 3 × 101 to 3 × 107 CFU/ml with LB medium and equally divided to make four sets of cell suspensions.

cDNA synthesis and cDNA-AFLP analysis were performed for the 10 r

cDNA synthesis and LOXO-101 clinical trial cDNA-AFLP analysis were performed for the 10 replicates. First-strand cDNA was synthesised from 2 μg of total RNA using a SuperScript III First Strand Synthesis System (Invitrogen, USA) in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Second-strand cDNA was sythesised by adding the first-strand

cDNA reaction to a reaction mix that contained 4SC-202 cost 15 μl of 10 × cDNAII buffer, 35 U DNA of Polymerase I (Invitrogen), 3 U of RNase H (Invitrogen), and 1 μl dNTPs (25 mM) in a final volume of 150 μl, and incubating for 2 h at 16°C (). The resulting double-stranded cDNA was purified in accordance with the method of Powell and Gannon [34]. The concentration of the cDNAs was determined using spectrophotometer (Bio-Rad) and their quality was determined by electrophoresis on a 1.2% agarose gel. cDNA- AFLP A 500-ng aliquot of double-stranded cDNA was used for AFLP analysis as described by Bachem et al. [35] with the following modifications. The template for cDNA-AFLP was digested with the restriction enzymes, EcoR I/Mse I and Psu I/Mse I (Invitrogen). The Sequence of the primers and adapters used for the AFLP reactions are given in Additional File 2. AFLP reactions were performed in accordance with Bachem et al. [36]. Selective amplification products

were separated on a 10% polyacrylamide gel and stained with silver nitrate [37]. The gels were dried oxyclozanide onto 3 MM Whatman paper. Cloning, sequencing and bioinformatic characterisation To select DE-TDFs, the profiles AICAR cost of infected and non-infected samples were compared between replicates. TDFs that differed in abundance between the two types of sample, namely infected and non-infected plants, were selected only when the same pattern was observed in all replicates. The cloning of bands of interest was performed as previously described[38]. Briefly, the bands were excised from the gels using a razor blase. Each gel slice was incubated

in 10 μl of distilled water for 10 min at 96°C. Aliquots of the eluent were subjected to PCR using the same conditions as for the selective PCR described before. PCR products were separated on 10% polyacrylamide gel to confirm that the correct polymorphic fragments had been selected [39]. After verification, the recovered products re-amplified using primer pair E-0/M-0 and P-0/M-0 to provide sufficient DNA for cloning. The purified PCR products were cloned into the pGEM-T Easy vector (Promega) and then sequenced. The sequences were compared with those in the non-redundant databases of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI; http://​www.​ncbi.​nlm.​nih.​gov/​BLAST/​) and The Arabidopsis Information Resource (TAIR; http://​www.​arabidopsis.

55 × 107 4 35 × 107 4 0 × 107 6 25 × 106 2 0 × 105 Zn (NO3)2 9 65

55 × 107 4.35 × 107 4.0 × 107 6.25 × 106 2.0 × 105 Zn (NO3)2 9.65 × 107 9.15 × 107 8.9 × 107 8.3 × 107 1.01 × 107 2.6 × 105 6.0 × 102 ZnCl2   7.35 × 104 5.6 × 104 2.0 × 104 3.5 × 103 1.9 × 103 1.7 × 102 34 The initial bacterial Selleckchem FK506 colony count is 9.9 × 105 CFU/mL. SEM characterization of E. coli and S. aureus cells Figures 6 and 7 show the SEM images of the bacterium before and after treatment with the titanium-doped ZnO powders. In control samples, the E. coli cell walls are rough and intact (Figure 6a). However, after being treated with the titanium-doped ZnO

powders, the morphologies of E. coli cells show changes in varying selleck products degrees. Figure 6b,c shows that the E. coli cells are damaged slightly after treatment with the ZnO powders prepared from zinc acetate and zinc sulfate. By comparison, the E. coli cells

are damaged seriously when treated by powders synthesized from zinc nitrate (Figure 6d), and the E. coli cells are damaged most seriously being treated by the powders this website synthesized from zinc chloride (Figure 6e). As shown in Figure 7a, the S. aureus cells exhibit well-preserved cell walls. After treatment with titanium-doped ZnO powders synthesized from zinc acetate and zinc sulfate, the crinkling of the S. aureus cell walls appeared (Figure 7b,c). However, after being treated with the powders synthesized from zinc nitrate, the S. aureus cell walls are damaged into honeycomb (Figure 7d). It is obvious that the effect of the powders synthesized from zinc chloride is the most drastic, and S. aureus cells are ruptured (Figure 7e). Figure 6 SEM images of E. coli cells before and after treatment by titanium-doped ZnO powders. (a) Control, (b) zinc acetate, (c) zinc sulfate, (d) zinc nitrate, and (e) zinc chloride. Figure 7 SEM images of S. aureus cells before and after treatment by titanium-doped ZnO powders. (a) Control, (b) zinc acetate, (c) zinc sulfate, (d) zinc nitrate, and (e) zinc chloride. From what

is mentioned above, we can reach the conclusion that the extent of damage to E. coli and S. aureus cells is positively related to the antibacterial properties of titanium-doped ZnO powders (Tables 1 and 2). Moreover, many powders are attached to the bacterial cells’ surfaces, and the energy-dispersive spectrometer results (Additional file 1) demonstrate that they are titanium-doped ZnO particles (yellow circles in Figures 6 and 7 correspond PRKD3 to the EDS spectra in Additional file 1 in sequence). The electrical conductivity of bacterial suspension before and after treatment Figure 8 shows the electrical conductance changing trend of the E. coli and S. aureus suspension treated with titanium-doped ZnO powders synthesized from different zinc salts with different times. The results show that the electrical conductance of the control bacterial suspension is nearly unchanged. However, the electrical conductance of the bacterial suspension increases obviously, which are treated with titanium-doped ZnO powders.

The 90 % CIs of the GMRs for AUC t and

AUC0–∞ for guanfac

The 90 % CIs of the GMRs for AUC t and

AUC0–∞ for guanfacine following administration of GXR alone and in combination with LDX fell within the reference interval (0.80–1.25). The guanfacine C max was increased by 19 % when GXR was coadministered with LDX. The 90 % CIs of the GMRs for C max, AUC t , and AUC0–∞ for d-amphetamine following administration of LDX alone and in combination with GXR fell entirely within the reference interval (0.80–1.25). The TEAEs reported in this study were expected and were consistent with those observed historically with psychostimulants administered alone or with GXR [5–7, 30, 31]. No differences in the type, incidence, or severity of TEAEs among treatment groups were observed, and no subject Bindarit nmr discontinued Volasertib cell line treatment because of an AE. In addition, no clinically EX 527 mouse meaningful changes in ECGs, clinical laboratory parameters, or physical examinations were noted during the study. 4.1 Study Limitations The results of this small open-label study, conducted in a medically healthy adult population, should be viewed with consideration of several limitations. As GXR is approved for the treatment of ADHD in children and adolescents aged

6–17 years [5], the healthy adult subjects in this study may not have been representative of the population commonly treated with this medication in a clinical setting. In addition to age considerations, more studies would be needed to determine if similar outcomes would be seen in populations likely to receive adjunctive administration in clinical practice (e.g., subjects with comorbid disorders). In addition,

subjects with comorbidities that may contribute to cardiac AEs were excluded from the study. Caution should also be used in interpreting these results, as this study was designed to assess the pharmacokinetic parameters of coadministration of GXR and LDX; the study was not designed to robustly assess the cardiovascular effects of coadministration. CHIR-99021 As this was a single-dose rather than multiple-dose study, the effects that were observed may not be representative of those occurring at steady state. Therefore, the findings of this study may not be readily extrapolated to the therapeutic setting. Finally, it is not known if similar safety and cardiovascular effects would be seen in large, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies, or in studies that assessed coadministration of GXR and LDX over a longer time period. Future studies should examine these areas, as well as the efficacy of coadministration. 5 Conclusions Overall, coadministration of GXR and LDX did not result in a clinically meaningful pharmacokinetic DDI compared with the pharmacokinetics of either treatment administered alone.

Thus, it may be more important to investigate Smad-independent pa

Thus, it may be more important to investigate Smad-independent pathways in detail in order to further understand invasion and metastasis of pancreatic cancer. Recently several studies have shown that RGC-32 plays an important role in EMT. Fengmin Li et al [12] reported that RGC-32, regulated by both Smad and RhoA, participated in TGF-β-induced smooth muscle differentiation from neural crest cells and Wen-Yan Huang et al [28] showed that RGC-32, acting downstream of Smad, mediated TGF-β-induced EMT of human proximal tubular cells (HPTCs). However, as far as we know, there have been no reports about the role

of RGC-32 in pancreatic cancer. In this study, by means of immunohistochemical staining, we found for the #selleckchem randurls[1|1|,|CHEM1|]# first time that the expression of RGC-32 was up-regulated in pancreatic cancer and was correlated mTOR inhibitor with lymph node metastasis and TNM staging, which suggested that RGC-32 might be a novel tumor metastasis promoting factor for pancreatic cancer. E-cadherin is an important epithelial marker for the process of EMT, which has been implicated

in cell-cell adhesion and maintenance of normal tissue architecture [29]. E-cadherin interacts at a conserved cytoplasmic domain with the cytoskeleton via associated cytoplasmic molecules, α-, β- and γ-catenin [29]. It has been demonstrated by many researches that abnormalities in expression and function of the adhesion check details complex have been found in pancreatic cancer and were believed to result in loss of cell-cell adhesion and contribute to the invasiness and metastasis of tumor [30, 31]. Immunohistochemical analysis in our research showed that abnormal E-cadherin expression rate was higher in pancreatic cancer tissues than that in chronic pancreatitis and normal pancreatic tissues, and

was correlated with clinicopathological features such as tumor differentiation, lymph node metastasis and TNM staging. The results were consistent with those in a research of early gastric cancer [32]. Furthermore, we found for the first time that there was a significant and positive correlation between positive expression of RGC-32 and abnormal expression of E-cadherin, which implicating that RGC-32 might promote metastasis by controlling EMT of pancreatic cancer. In order to clarify whether RGC-32 is involved in EMT and to investigate its upstream regulator in pancreatic cancer, we focused on its role in TGF-β signaling pathway in vitro. TGF-β-induced-EMT model in BxPC-3 cells showed increased expression of RGC-32 at both mRNA and protein levels, indicating that RGC-32 might be involved in TGF-β-induced EMT. In addition, RGC-32 RNA silencing blocked EMT induced by TGF-β in BxPC-3 cells, confirming that RGC-32 mediates TGF-β-induced EMT. Furthermore, overexpression of RGC-32 demonstrated that RGC-32 can induce EMT independently in BxPC-3 cells.

The authors found only one case report of favorable outcome after

The authors found only one case report of favorable outcome after laparostomy as a treatment of wound dehiscence in pregnant women [7]. In the present case leaving the abdomen open was a deliberate intraoperative decision. We adopted the principles of damage control surgery consisting of planned subsequent delayed explorations after the primary debridement and necrotic bowel resections. It was shown that temporary dressing with vacuum pack is a safe, well

tolerated technique [8]. The disadvantage of laparostomy is the difficulty of the subsequent fascial closure. Abdominal sepsis and trauma seems associated with higher rate of fascial closure failure and consecutive incisional hernia. Among many techniques developed for open abdomen management, vacuum assisted Thiazovivin in vitro closure (VAC) allows currently the best results in term of primary abdominal wall closure [9]. In some series, using VAC protocols, complete fascial closure rate was achieved in 100% [10]. In abdomen with constantly growing gravid uterus and low intra-abdominal pressures requirements, primary closure appears to be a particularly AZD1152 challenging task. It is nevertheless a key endpoint in a pregnant woman,

in order to protect the foetus and to assure a vaginal delivery. The present case report contributes to the rational that decision making in Everolimus severe abdominal surgical emergency in pregnant women should respect the same principles and use the same techniques as in non-pregnant patient. The decision process should not be delayed by pregnancy. The management of acute abdomen by laparostomy during pregnancy is feasible, and may be associated with a good outcome for both the mother and the child. Consent Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and Palbociclib in vitro any accompanying images. References 1. Sharp HT: The acute abdomen during pregnancy. Clin Obstet Gynecol 2002,45(2):405–13.CrossRefPubMed 2. Kilpatrick CC, Orejuela FJ: Management of the acute abdomen in pregnancy: a review. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol 2008,20(6):534–9.CrossRefPubMed 3. Cohen-Kerem R, Railton C,

Oren D, Lishner M, Koren G: Pregnancy outcome following non-obstetric surgical intervention. Am J Surg 2005,190(3):467–73.CrossRefPubMed 4. Rizzo AG: Laparoscopic surgery in pregnancy: long-term follow-up. Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2003,13(1):11–5.CrossRef 5. Augustin G, Majerovic M: Non-obstetrical acute abdomen during pregnancy. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2007,131(1):4–12.CrossRefPubMed 6. Gecelter G, Fahoum B, Gardezi S, Schein M: Abdominal compartment syndrome in severe acute pancreatitis: an indication for a decompressing laparotomy? Dig Surg 2002,19(5):402–4.CrossRefPubMed 7. Shapiro SB, Mumme DE: Use of Negative Pressure Wound Therapy in the Management of Wound Dehiscence in a Pregnant Patient. Wounds 2008., (2): 8. Cheatham ML, Safcsak K: Longterm impact of abdominal decompression: a prospective comparative analysis.

5 μM) while another one with no MccJ25 added served as control A

5 μM) while another one with no MccJ25 added served as control. After 6 h of incubation at 37°C, CFU mL-1 was determined. The sensitivity of MC4100 fhuA::Km to MccJ25 was determined by a spot-on-lawn test, as follows. Doubling dilutions of selleck screening library microcin solution (1 mg/mL) were spotted

(10 μl) onto M9 plates at pH 7 or pH 4.7. Afterwards, 50 μl aliquots of a stationary phase culture of MC4100 fhuA::Km strain were mixed with 3 mL 0.6% agar and overlaid onto the plates. After overnight incubation, plates were examined for growth inhibition and the highest dilution with a clear ISRIB halo of inhibition was considered as the MIC. Novobiocin sensitivity assay Sensitivity of S. Typhimurium to novobiocin was evaluated by viable determination (CFU mL-1). Approximately 106 mL-1 bacteria were resuspended in M9 either at pH 7 or pH 4.7. Then, cell suspensions were supplemented with novobiocin (0.15 μM) or sterile bidistilled water (control). After 0, 6 and 24 h of incubation at 37°C, CFU mL-1 was determined. Acknowledgments This work is dedicated check details to Dr. Eduardo De Vito, who has generously given his time and expertise during the period he worked at INSIBIO. This work was funded

by grants PICT 2107 from the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica and CIUNT 26/D439 from the Consejo de Investigaciones de la U.N.T., N.S.C. and C.A. were recipient of a fellowship from CONICET. M.F.P., C., R.N.F., M.A.D. and

P.A.V. are Career Investigators from CONICET. References 1. Blond A, Peduzzi J, Goulard C, Chiuchiolo MJ, Barthelemy M, Prigent Y, Salomon RA, Farias RN, Moreno F, Rebuffat S: The cyclic structure of microcin J25, a 21-residue peptide antibiotic from Escherichia coli . Eur J Biochem 1999,259(3):747–755.PubMedCrossRef 2. Salomon RA, Farias RN: Microcin 25, a novel antimicrobial peptide produced by Escherichia coli . J Bacteriol 1992,174(22):7428–7435.PubMed 3. Salomon RA, Farias RN: Y-27632 solubility dmso The FhuA protein is involved in microcin 25 uptake. J Bacteriol 1993,175(23):7741–7742.PubMed 4. Salomon RA, Farias RN: The peptide antibiotic microcin 25 is imported through the TonB pathway and the SbmA protein. J Bacteriol 1995,177(11):3323–3325.PubMed 5. Killmann H, Braun M, Herrmann C, Braun V: FhuA barrel-cork hybrids are active transporters and receptors. J Bacteriol 2001,183(11):3476–3487.PubMedCrossRef 6. Bellomio A, Vincent PA, de Arcuri BF, Farias RN, Morero RD: Microcin J25 has dual and independent mechanisms of action in Escherichia coli : RNA polymerase inhibition and increased superoxide production. J Bacteriol 2007,189(11):4180–4186.PubMedCrossRef 7. Delgado MA, Rintoul MR, Farias RN, Salomon RA: Escherichia coli RNA polymerase is the target of the cyclopeptide antibiotic microcin J25. J Bacteriol 2001,183(15):4543–4550.PubMedCrossRef 8.

96 vs Ti = 1 54) [32] This further confirms that the Sn dopant

96 vs. Ti = 1.54) [32]. This further confirms that the Sn dopant is indeed mixed into TiO2 NRs at the atomic level, agreeing well with the XRD results as shown in Figure 4.

Besides, quantitative analysis of the spectra reveals that the learn more Sn/Ti molar ratio is about 1.2% for Sn/TiO2-1% NRs and 3.2% for Sn/TiO2-3% NRs, respectively. Figure 5 XPS survey spectra. (a) Low-resolution XPS survey spectra of the pristine TiO2 NRs and Sn/TiO2 NRs with different Sn doping, (b) Ti 2p XPS spectra, (c) O 1 s XPS spectra; (d) Sn 3d XPS spectra. Next, the photocatalytic activities of the Sn/TiO2 NRs with different Sn doping levels for PEC water splitting are discussed. Figure 6a displays the line sweep selleck chemicals voltammograms measured from pristine TiO2 NRs (black), Sn/TiO2-0.5% NRs (red), and Sn/TiO2-1% NRs (green), and the current of the pristine TiO2 NRs in dark is plotted in black dotted line for comparison. The photocurrent density of pristine TiO2 is 0.71 and 0.77 mA/cm2 at the potential of −0.4 and 0 V versus Ag/AgCl, while the value

increases to 0.85 and 0.93 mA/cm2 for the Sn/TiO2-0.5% NRs and reaches 1.01 and 1.08 mA/cm2 for the Sn/TiO2-1% NRs. To further explore the effect of Sn doping on the photocatalytic activity, the photocurrent measurements were conducted for a series of samples synthesized with the precursor molar ratio SB431542 research buy from 0% to 3%. The photocurrent density ratios between Sn/TiO2 NRs and pristine TiO2 NRs photoanodes measured at −0.4 V versus Ag/AgCl are depicted in Figure 6b, where the

inset is the optical image of the packaged Sn/TiO2 NR photoanodes. The results reveal that the photocurrent first increases as the doping MRIP level rises and reaches the max value of 142 ± 10% at precursor molar ratio of 1%, which corresponds to up to about 50% enhancement compared to pristine TiO2 NRs sample, and then decreases gradually and drops to a value even lower than that of a pristine nanorods. Figure 6 Photocatalytic properties of the nanorods. (a) Line sweep voltammograms measured from pristine TiO2 NRs (black), Sn/TiO2-0.5% NRs (red), and Sn/TiO2-1% NRs (green). The current of the pristine TiO2 NRs in dark is plotted for comparison. (b) Photocurrent density ratios between Sn/TiO2 NRs and pristine TiO2 NRs photoanodes measured at −0.4 V versus Ag/AgCl, and the inset is optical photo of a few typical packaged samples. (c) Photoconversion efficiency of the three samples as a function of applied voltage versus Ag/AgCl. (d) Time-dependent photocurrent density of the three samples at repeated on/off cycles of illumination from the solar simulator. To analyze the efficiency of Sn/TiO2 NRs for PEC water splitting quantitatively, the photoconversion efficiency is calculated as follow [33]: where J is the photocurrent density at the measured potential, V is the applied voltage versus reversible hydrogen electrode (RHE), and P is the power intensity of 100 mW/cm2 (AM 1.5G).

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