This could be due to removal of most proteases during the two con

This could be due to removal of most proteases during the two consecutive PEG6000 precipitations of FMDV antigen. We could also detect FMDV antigen after

addition of the adjuvant by oil emulsification. Such analysis is often difficult to perform by other methods due to the difficulty in extracting the antigen from the vaccine for subsequent analysis. As a result there are only few publications about stability of vaccine antigens after addition of adjuvant. Several model protein antigens PI3K inhibitor review may be structurally altered and have reduced thermal stability upon absorption to aluminium hydroxide adjuvant [22] and [23]. Here we have shown that VP4 remains associated with FMDV virions after emulsification with oil adjuvant, indicating that virions do not substantially dissociate into 12S particles due to the inclusion in an oil emulsion. This is important for vaccine efficacy since 12S particles have a 100-fold check details reduced potency as compared to 146S particles [8]. It is known that

oil-adjuvanted FMDV O1 Manisa vaccines have reduced potency upon storage for 2 or 4 months and a complete loss of potency after 7 months storage [4]. The ability to determine various aspects of FMDV antigen integrity by SELDI-TOF-MS in oil emulsions now enables studies towards the molecular mechanism underlying such instability of FMD antigen after prolonged storage of oil emulsion vaccines. This work STK38 was supported financially by The Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. We thank Jolanda Meijlis, Peter van Bavel, Marianne Krikken, Anna Oosterbaan and Corrie van der Bijl (all Lelystad Biologicals bv.) for supplying FMDV antigens and vaccines and for valuable discussions. “
“Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a devastating

primary brain tumor that causes death in ∼73% of individuals within 2 years of diagnosis despite treatment with surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy [1]. This tumor presents clinically as either primary GBM or progresses from a lower grade (WHO II or III) glioma leading to secondary GBM. Both primary and secondary GBM are WHO grade IV tumors with a similar prognosis [2]. Secondary GBM often arises from WHO grade II astrocytomas that are characterized by low cellularity, low mitotic index and a diffuse pattern of infiltration into normal brain. Due to the disseminated nature of the neoplasm, surgery and adjuvant therapies are frequently inadequate and the tumor evolves into secondary GBM within 5–10 years [2]. Gemistocytic astrocytoma (GemA) is a histological variant of astrocytoma that has been defined in an arbitrary fashion by the presence of at least 20% gemistocytes within the tumor mass [3]. Neoplastic gemistocytes are characterized by their plump appearance, slightly eosinophilic cytoplasm and eccentric nuclei. The classification of GemA has been controversial.

Full-length sequences of PLA2 genes ranging in length between 183

Full-length sequences of PLA2 genes ranging in length between 1832 and 2001 bp were obtained from 24 individuals of 20 nominal species. The minimum difference required for acceptance of variants as non-PCR artefacts was set at 4 bp. After several putative artefactual recombinants were eliminated from

the dataset, it consisted of 94 gene sequences. Putative proteins inferred from the coding regions bore hallmarks of expressed genes, including the presence of a TATA-like box and several putative regulatory elements (Gubenšek and Kordiš, 1997) immediately preceding it at the 5′ end, and the polyA tail at the 3′ end. Several genes detected encoded previously described toxins from protein or cDNA studies. For example, B464_LT6 (UniProtKB: tbc) from Protobothrops (previously Zhaoermia) mangshanensis encodes a protein with 99% similarity to zhaoermiatoxin ( Mebs et al., 2006), while A54_LT6 from Calloselasma CSF-1R inhibitor selleck inhibitor rhodostoma (UniProtKB: tbc), differs by only a single amino acid near the C-terminus from CRV-W6D49 ( Tsai et al., 2000). Several distinct genes (as defined above) recovered from the same individual (e.g., B33) or individuals from different populations of the same species (e.g., two Cryptelytrops specimens B117 and B5, from South Vietnam and West Java respectively) were found to encode identical proteins. Additionally, several genes encoded

toxins with inferred molecular weights that matched the MW of proteins detected by MS analysis of the crude venom obtained from the same, or related, individual. Finally, 10 genes appeared

to encode pseudogenes (with either unusually short or long inferred protein sequences according to the position of the first TAA or TAG codon). Accession Carbohydrate numbers, origins, inferred MW and pI, sequence features and matches found for the novel sequences in venom MS profiles are shown in Table S1 of the Supplementary Information. Putatively translated proteins (n = 73) varied from 119 to 124 amino acids, within the range of previously described Group II PLA2s ( Kini, 1997) and (with the exception of five proteins which had six disulphide bridges), had the usual seven disulphide bridges. The inferred proteins fell into a number of classes previously described, based on the residue present at the 48th position in the amino-acid sequence. Somewhat confusingly, this position is designated 49 in the numbering system proposed by Renetseder et al. (1985) based on a comparison with bovine pancreatic PLA2, in which residue 15 has been deleted in all svPLA2s. The commonest variant was D49 (n = 57), in which the catalytic site is preserved, with a minority (n = 6) being K49 (phospholipase homologues). There were also a number of variants at this position (N:6, H:1, R:2, T:1) that have only rarely been previously reported ( Chijiwa et al., 2006, Tsai et al., 2003 and Wei et al., 2006).

Tem como principais limitações o facto de ser operador dependente

Tem como principais limitações o facto de ser operador dependente e ter uma baixa reprodutibilidade. A natureza das lesões sólidas do pâncreas é vasta. As entidades malignas compreendem o adenocarcinoma ductal (ADC), os tumores neuroendócrinos (TNE), o linfoma pancreático, as metástases de tumores extrapancreáticos, Rapamycin o carcinoma de células acinares,

a neoplasia pseudopapilar sólida e, ainda, as neoplasias quísticas com componente sólido. As lesões benignas incluem os pseudotumores inflamatórios, que podem ocorrer no contexto de pancreatite crónica, pancreatite focal ou pancreatite autoimune (PAI), e as lesões quísticas complexas. A aplicação clínica ZD1839 purchase da EE na abordagem das lesões sólidas do pâncreas tem sido avaliada segundo a sua capacidade na deteção e diagnóstico, bem como no estadiamento e determinação da ressecabilidade das mesmas. Estudos comparativos datados de há 2 décadas reportam uma maior sensibilidade da EE na deteção de lesões sólidas do pâncreas (94-99%) comparativamente com a ultrassonografia abdominal

(67%), tomografia computorizada (TC) (69-77%) e ressonância magnética (RM) (83%), uma superioridade mais notória no caso das lesões com menos de 3 cm (sensibilidade 93-100% para a EE, 50-89% para a TC e 67% para a RM)3, 4, 5 and 6. A EE permite detetar e puncionar lesões com menos de 1 cm7. O seu valor preditivo negativo (VPN) aproxima-se dos 100%, sendo os falsos negativos geralmente resultantes de aspetos infiltrativos difusos das lesões tumorais, coexistência de pancreatite crónica ou episódio recente (< 4 semanas) de pancreatite aguda8. Em contraste com a elevada sensibilidade, a EE apresenta

uma especificidade diagnóstica relativamente baixa, porque as características da imagem ultrassonográfica convencional em modo B não permitem diferenciar tumores pancreáticos malignos de massas inflamatórias pseudotumorais. No entanto, a realização de PAAF-EE possibilita o diagnóstico diferencial na maioria dos casos9. A EE pode ser utilizada no estadiamento loco-regional das lesões malignas do pâncreas (sistema TNM, American filipin Joint Committee on Cancer), ao permitir avaliar a sua relação com os órgãos e as estruturas vasculares adjacentes, aspeto crítico na determinação do estádio T e da ressecabilidade tumoral, e a existência de linfadenopatias malignas peripancreáticas. A validade dos estudos existentes acerca do valor da EE neste contexto é, contudo, limitada, sendo os resultados heterogéneos. Em geral, admite-se que a EE é superior à TC no estadiamento T e na avaliação da invasão vascular do confluente esplenoportal, e equivalente na determinação do estadiamento N e na predição da ressecabilidade tumoral 6 and 10.

In the latest study Price et al [41] combined FRAP in a mouse ti

In the latest study Price et al. [41] combined FRAP in a mouse tibia with computational modeling and was able to predict the peak computational fluid velocity during cyclic

loading, 60 μm/s, and also estimate the peak resultant fluid shear stress ~ 5 Pa. These predictions are based on a three compartment model which considers the pericellular matrix surrounding the osteocyte cell processes in their canaliculi. In the original fluid flow hypothesis [9] the activation of the osteocytes was proposed to be due to fluid shear stress acting on the cell process membrane. Numerous experimental studies were subsequently conducted exposing bone cells in culture to steady and pulsatile wall shear stresses in Androgen Receptor Antagonist molecular weight the range 0.6 to 3.0 Pa predicted by the model in [9]. A typical in vitro study [42] is conducted in a two-dimensional (2D) environment on surface attached MLO-Y4 osteocyte-like cells as opposed to the three-dimensional (3D) in vivo environment of bone matrix where the osteocyte morphology and pericellular flow environment are different. There are several differences between the flow-induced activation this website of bone cells in vivo and in vitro. In vivo the cells are attached to their mineralized matrix either through tethering filaments, or perhaps through integrin-based focal adhesions. β3 integrins have been observed on the cell processes and β1 integrins are

found to be ubiquitous [43]. In vitro there is no pericellular matrix surrounding the cell and the attachments to the substrate are all integrin-based. The second difference is the flow environment itself. As shown in [41] the fluid drag forces on the pericellular matrix surrounding the cell process in vivo are 20-fold those of the fluid shear stress acting on the cell process membrane. In vitro the fluid shear stress in nearly all experiments is the same on the cell processes and the cell body. This raises the important issue, which part of the osteocyte is its mechanosensing Bumetanide organelle, its process or its cell body, which we discuss in the next paragraph.

Third, osteocytes seeded on a flat, stiff surface spread out and build up strong basal attachments to their substrate. It has been shown that round non-adherent osteocytes are an order of magnitude more sensitive to a mechanical stimulus than a flat adherent osteocyte [44]. The mechanosensitivity of osteocytes with a more 3D morphology, such as occurs in vivo, may thus differ from that of adherent osteocytes. In summary, experiments with osteocytes cultured in 2D on flat surfaces may not suffice to unravel the intricate mechanisms used by osteocytes to transduce a mechanical signal into a chemical response. However, in vitro experiments undoubtedly do provide valuable insights into which signaling molecules are produced by osteocytes in response to a mechanical stimulus.

As reported

for liquid state spectra [6] and as a consequ

As reported

for liquid state spectra [6] and as a consequence of the tuning offsets and sub-optimal matching for pulse conditions the pulse durations increase concomitantly. The thermal noise also depends on the tuning and matching. The noise level is somewhat bigger at SNTO-conditions for the probes tested (Table 2 and Table 3). Comparing the wide line noise spectra and the MAS noise spectra, a most noteworthy difference is that a dip noise signal is found for the MAS case only. This behavior can be understood well within the modified Nyquist treatment by considering the difference of scale between T2 and Trd in line with Eqs. (2)–(4) in Ref. [6]. The properties of NMR noise signals with respect to line shape, thermal noise level and tuning dependence resemble those observed for liquid state Alectinib NMR [6]. The static solids investigated on a high-resolution cryogenically cooled liquids probe showed a positive (bump) NMR noise response, which indicates prevailing of pure spin-noise as opposed to absorbed circuit noise [8]. The short transverse relaxation times in static solids efficiently quench radiation damping, allowing straightforward observation of pure spin-noise. The line shape of

the NMR noise signal from MAS probes does not only depend on tuning but is also significantly influenced by the matching adjustment and the preamplifier used. In some cases, only significant de-matching allowed to arrive at the spin-noise tuning optimum (SNTO). The SNTO offsets are not influenced Pexidartinib price significantly by the sample properties. For example, it is nearly the same for liquid H2O and solid adamantane. For this reason, it suffices to determine the spin-noise tuning offset only once for a particular probe/preamplifier pair. At SNTO conditions with large offsets from the Larmor frequency the signal of MAS pulse spectra can be enhanced by up to 20–30% as compared to the conventional tuning conditions. Similarly, large tuning offsets have been reported recently by Rossini et al. [14]

Janus kinase (JAK) for optimized NQR spectra of 75As and 35Cl. With respect to NMR probe circuits, we propose that a probe design, which makes the conventional tuning and noise optima coincide, can help to obtain probes performing better under both pulse and receiving conditions, thus ultimately making special tuning protocols such as finding the SNTO [6] and [9] obsolete. These results were first presented in part at the joint EUROMAR 2010 and 17th ISMAR Conference (July 4–9, 2010, Florence Italy) supported by the European Science Foundation (ESF) as part of the EMAR project. The research was supported by the FWF (Austrian Science Funds) Project No. P19635-N17 and by the European Union FP7 Project EAST-NMR (Contract No. 228461).

This indicates an overall increase in alanine transformation Inc

This indicates an overall increase in alanine transformation. Increased alanine transformation necessarily requires increased alanine aminotransferase (ALT) activities in the cytosol. For this reason the action of juglone on this enzyme from liver homogenates was measured. No effects, however, were detected in the range up to 50 μM after four determinations (control, 0.19 ± 0.01 and 50 μM juglone, 0.18 ± 0.01 μmol min− 1 mg protein− 1). Juglone was also without effect on the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST; control, 0.29 ± 0.01 and 50 μM juglone, 0.28 ± 0.06 μmol min− 1 mg protein− 1).

In the absence of direct effects on alanine aminotransferase, an increased flux selleck chemicals through this enzyme in the cell can be caused by increased concentrations of α-ketoglutarate, the second substrate of the enzyme. Fig. 6 shows the R428 results of experiments in which the tissue contents of α-ketoglutarate and l-glutamate were measured in the presence of alanine alone and in the simultaneous presence of alanine

and juglone at two different concentrations, 20 and 50 μM. The graph in Fig. 6 reveals a very pronounced increase in the hepatic α-ketoglutarate content in the presence of both 20 and 50 μM juglone. The glutamate content, however, was not significantly increased by 20 μM juglone and even diminished by 50 μM juglone. Measurement of the adenine mono- and dinucleotide levels under the gluconeogenic conditions induced by alanine can perhaps be helpful in the interpretation of the effects of juglone. Table 1 lists the results found using livers from fasted rats in the presence of 2.5 mM alanine alone and in the simultaneous presence of 20 μM juglone. It is apparent that 20 μM juglone reduced the levels of ATP and increased those of ADP and AMP. Consequently,

the ATP/ADP Chorioepithelioma and ATP/AMP ratios were also reduced by 37% and 60%, respectively. Concerning the NAD+–NADH couple, 20 μM juglone significantly diminished the level of the oxidized form, but increased that of the reduced form. In consequence, the NADH/NAD+ ratio was elevated six-fold by juglone. The effects of juglone on the respiratory activity of isolated mitochondria were investigated in the concentration range between 1 and 10 μM. Succinate and β-hydroxybutyrate were used as substrates in the presence or absence of ADP. The respiration rates were measured under three conditions: a) before the addition of ADP (substrate respiration), b) just after ADP addition (state III respiration) and c) after cessation of the ADP stimulation (state IV respiration). With succinate as the substrate (Fig. 7A) juglone increased gradually in a concentration dependent manner both substrate and state IV respiration but diminished state III respiration. When β-hydroxybutyrate was the substrate (Fig. 7B), state III respiration was also diminished, but to a higher degree.

04 The comparison of the corrected along-gulf wind stress τ0 (po

04. The comparison of the corrected along-gulf wind stress τ0 (positive eastward) with the wind stress component calculated from the measured wind on board r/v ‘Aranda’ is presented in Figure 2. During the period from 21 to 25 July, westerly winds prevailed ( Figure 2a) and the along-gulf wind stress component increased more PD0332991 or less steadily up to about 0.3 N m−2 ( Figure 2b, SMHI data), causing the development of upwelling along the northern coast of the Gulf. From the peak onwards, the along-gulf wind stress decreased steadily. In order to model the upwelling along the southern coast, the wind vectors

were turned through 180° and a wind stress of τ = –τ0 was applied. The initial thermohaline fields were constructed with the help of the Data Assimilation System coupled with the Baltic Environmental Database established

and maintained by Alexander Sokolov and Fredrik Wulff at Stockholm University (see, using the climatological data from July to capture the main large-scale features of temperature and salinity, including the along-gulf salinity gradient. Interpolation of DAS data on 20 July yielded approximately an upper mixed layer temperature of 16°C in the Gulf, which was 3°C less than that measured on board r/v ‘Aranda’ on 20–21 July 1999 (Vahtera buy MAPK Inhibitor Library et. al 2005); therefore, the initial temperature field obtained from DAS was increased in the upper 10-m layer of the whole Baltic Sea by the difference. For more details on both factors, see Zhurbas et al. (2008) and Laanemets et al. (2009). Owing to the smooth climatological density field and weakness of the related geostrophic currents, a windless model adjustment period was not found necessary to study the wind-forced upwelling events. We started the model run from zero currents and sea level and ‘switched’ the wind forcing on at the beginning of the run as used by Zhurbas et al. (2008). One justification for such an

approach is that Thalidomide the Baltic Sea currents respond to changing wind in topographically controlled regions within approximately a day (Krauss & Brügge 1991). However, for seasonal and climatic circulation studies (not the purpose of our investigation), the ‘warm-up’ period of the model may be much longer than several months. In the present study, we do not present validation against measurements, but refer the reader to the studies by Zhurbas et al. (2008) and Laanemets et al. (2009), who demonstrated very good agreement of their model results with the observations. We note that closing the Danish Straits was of minor importance to the simulated upwelling events, since the mean sea level as observed at Landsort increased only by 10−7 m s−1.

Obese patients have, however, reported feeling frustrated and ang

Obese patients have, however, reported feeling frustrated and angry when their presenting complaints were attributed to weight [28] and practicing HCPs have reported concerns about raising the issue because of negative reactions from clients [40], [41] and [42]. Only a small minority of participants this website supported a passive role, agreeing that

members of their profession should rely on clients raising the issue of obesity. While this approach avoids potentially negative confrontations, evidence suggests that obese clients are hesitant to bring up the issue of their bodyweight [27] and [35] and believe that it is HCPs’ responsibility to initiate discussions [25] and [27]. A potentially useful middle-ground, advocated by Wadden and Didie [22] and endorsed by just over a third of the participants

in the current study, is to seek a client’s agreement first. This proactive, collaborative approach allows weight to be constructed as an issue in need of attention by both the patient and HCPs [34] and also respects patient autonomy. Taken together, the results of this study suggest that students would benefit from training to encourage a greater acceptance of collaborative approaches to initiating discussions and to discourage direct or passive approaches. Such training could Meloxicam usefully promote the use of open questioning and empathic listening GSK-3 activation to allow clients to take the conversational lead and construct their weight as a problem. Such an approach is more patient-centered but involves significant communication skill as well as the development of self-awareness [57]. Given the lack of specific guidance about how to conduct consultations with obese clients, it is perhaps surprising that the participants in the current study felt so confident. It is possible that this confidence is somewhat misplaced and that once in practice the reality of dealing with this sensitive issue will become

apparent, and confidence will be as low as practicing HCPs [32]. Despite this, the vast majority would like more training and educators of tomorrow’s HCPs could take advantage of this to develop “vital” confidence [32]. The current study was subject to a number of limitations. The majority of students invited, chose to participate in the study (n = 1036, 81.0%) although this sample represents just under half the 2129 students registered onto the courses at the time of data collection (48.7%). This compares favorably with a study investigating knowledge regarding the health risks associated with obesity among a sample of UK trainee HCPs from the same university that employed electronic data collection (30.0%) [50].

, 2008, Teramitsu et al , 2010 and Teramitsu and White, 2006) Du

, 2008, Teramitsu et al., 2010 and Teramitsu and White, 2006). During song development, FoxP2 knockdown in Area Apoptosis Compound Library high throughput X by lentivirus-mediated RNA interference causes inaccurate song imitation and a reduction in neural spine density ( Haesler et al., 2007). Thus, the thalamocortical–basal ganglia circuit is thought to contribute during development to song learning and vocal control in songbirds, with FoxP2 intimately involved, similar to the situation in humans ( Haesler et al., 2007, Schulz et al., 2010 and Teramitsu et al., 2010). Overall, these results suggest that the FoxP2 expression pattern in the thalamocortical–basal

ganglia circuit is conserved between marmoset and other species. The IO is important for learning and timing of motor control ( De Zeeuw et al., 1998), and is closely associated with the cerebellum. Jurgens and Richter (1986) reported that vocalizations can be induced by electrically stimulating the IO ( Jurgens & Richter, 1986). Therefore, although the relationship between the IO and

speech is unclear, it may be associated with vocalization in humans. Future studies are necessary to investigate the role of the IO and speech disorder-related genes in vocalization. Almost all speech impairments and reading disabilities are learning disorders, prevalent in childhood. Most of the genes associated with these disorders play important roles in neural development, yet show different expression O-methylated flavonoid patterns in different brain areas. Furthermore, expression levels or patterns of these genes also changed during development in the marmoset brain (Table 2). Non-human primates do not have language or acquire

vocalization in the way that humans do, because of differing neuroanatomical connectivity of the auditory–vocal regions between humans and non-human primates. The arcuate fasciculus is a white-matter fiber tract that links the lateral temporal cortex with the frontal cortex, via a dorsal projection that arches around the Sylvian fissure (Rilling et al., 2008). The arcuate fasciculus shows significant differences between human and monkey brain, with projections to the middle and inferior temporal gyrus absent in monkey (Thiebaut de Schotten, Dell’Acqua, Valabregue, & Catani, 2012). In addition, from the point of view of vocal learning, direct connections between the telencephalon and medullary vocal motor nucleus have been reported in a limited number of vertebrates. In mammals, direct connections between the primary motor cortex and nucleus ambiguus that controls the vocal organ, are present in humans (Iwatsubo et al., 1990, Kuypers, 1958a and Schoen, 1969), but not observed in monkeys (Jurgens, 1976, Jurgens, 2002, Kuypers, 1958b and Simonyan and Jurgens, 2002). In contrast, neural activation in the homologue of Broca’s area is observed in vocalizing marmosets using gene expression analysis of immediate early genes (Simoes et al., 2010).

These data have also been illustrated as repeated acute events su

These data have also been illustrated as repeated acute events superimposed upon longitudinal decline (Fig. 7e and f) to illustrate the influence of repeated anti-viral responses on disease course. We have demonstrated that the primary response to systemic poly I:C (i.e. peripheral induction of IFNβ) was not significantly different after one, two or three systemic challenges with poly I:C (12 mg/kg i.p.). These data are shown ZD1839 order in Supplementary data (S3). We observed

small numbers of activated caspase-3-positive cells and larger numbers of TUNEL-positive cells in ME7 animals 15 h after treatment with saline or poly I:C. Examples of both activated caspase-3 and TUNEL-positive cells are shown in Fig. 8 (a and b). The larger number and smaller size of TUNEL-positive cells reflects the later stage of cell-degeneration, as we have previously

shown after LPS treatment of ME7 animals (Cunningham et al., 2005a and Cunningham et al., 2005b). TUNEL-positive apoptotic cells (positive labelling plus condensed nucleus) were counted in the areas of pathology (the hippocampus and thalamus) in 10 μm sections of animals 15 h post-challenge with poly I:C or saline. ME7 + poly I:C animals had significantly higher MAPK inhibitor numbers of apoptotic cells per 10 μm section than ME7 + saline (12 ± 3 versus 6 ± 1; p < 0.05 by one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test). NBH + poly I:C animals showed very low number of MYO10 apoptotic cells (1 ± 1 per 10 μm section). These data are also shown in Table 2. We examined expression of pro-apoptotic genes PKR, Fas and Bax (Fig. 8c–e) and found a clear poly I:C-induced increase in PKR and Fas mRNA expression. Bax was induced somewhat in ME7 animals, but not elevated further by poly I:C treatment. Two time-points are

provided to provide temporal information but post hoc comparisons have only been performed on the 4 h data. Disease and poly I:C influence PKR expression (F = 13.53, df 5, 20, p < 0.0001) and Bonferroni post hoc comparisons revealed that while NBH and ME7 were not significantly different, NBH + poly I:C was significantly lower than ME7 + poly I:C at 4 h (p < 0.05). Similar analysis of Bax revealed that NBH was significantly different to ME7 but that no further changes were induced by poly I:C treatment. Analysis of Fas data revealed a significant one-way ANOVA (F = 38.3, df 5, 20, p < 0.0001) and Bonferroni post hoc tests showed that NBH was significantly different to ME7 (p < 0.001) and that ME7 + poly I:C was significantly higher than both ME7 (p < 0.001) and NBH + poly I:C (p < 0.01). Thus there was increased apoptosis and amplified expression of pro-apoptotic genes in ME7 + poly I:C animals.