Recent molecular analysis has shown that cleistothecioid ascomata

Recent molecular analysis has shown that cleistothecioid ascomata and the presence of germ slits lack significance at the generic rank (Kruys and Wedin 2009). Chaetopreussia is possibly another synonym of Preussia. Clathrospora Rabenh., Hedwigia 1(18): 116 (1857). Type species: Clathrospora elynae Rabenh., Hedwigia 1: 116 (1857). The most striking character of Clathrospora is its ascomata opening with an intraepidermal discoid lid and muriform applanate ascospores with more than one row of longitudinal septa (Shoemaker and Babcock 1992). The form of opening and applanate ascospores, however, might have

limited significance at generic rank and Dinaciclib thus, Clathrospora may be closely related to Pleosporaceae. Phylogenetic analysis based on nLSU, nSSU and mtSSU indicate that C. diplospora (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc. & Traverso

nests in Pleosporaceae (Kruys et selleck products al. 2006). Clathrospora elynae is saprobic on monocots (Shoemaker and Babcock 1992). Cochliobolus Drechsler, Phytopathology 24: 973 (1934). Type species: Cochliobolus heterostrophus (Drechsler) Drechsler, Phytopathology 24: 973 (1934). Cochliobolus and its asexual relatives are well studied taxa in Pleosporales because of their economic importance. Cochliobolus includes both saprobic and pathogenic species that are significant monocot pathogens worldwide, which attack corn, rice, barley, sugarcane, wheat, and oats, all major cereal crops. Cochliobolus is characterized by globose or subglobose ascomata with a well find more defined long ostiolar papilla or cylindrical neck, a peridium composed of pseudoparenchymatous cells, filliform, Sclareol septate and branched pseudoparaphyses, and thin-walled cylindrical or broadly clavate asci. Ascospores are distinctively hyaline or pale brown, filliform, and strongly

helicoid to loosely coiled in the asci (Sivanesan 1984). The anamorphs of Cochliobolus belong to Bipolaris and Curvularia (Sivanesan 1984). Bipolaris and Curvularia can be distinguished by characters of conidial morphology, conidial germination, hilum structure, conidial septum and wall structure, conidial septum ontogeny (Sivanesan 1987). Multigene phylogenetic analysis indicated that Cochliobolus heterostrophus and C. sativus (S. Ito & Kurib.) Drechsler ex Dastur nested within the clade of Pleosporaceae (Zhang et al. 2009a; Plate 1). Thus, its familial placement is confirmed. Comoclathris Clem., Gen. fung. (Minneapolis): 37, 173 (1909). Type species: Comoclathris lanata Clem. [as ‘Comochlatris’], Gen. fung. (Minneapolis) (1909). Comoclathris is temporarily placed in Diademaceae, and its pivotal characters are the circular lid-like opening and applanate reddish-brown to dark reddish-brown muriform ascospores with single longitudinal septa (versus two or more rows of longitudinal septa of Clathrospora) (Shoemaker and Babcock 1992). Barr (1990b) treated it as a synonym of Graphyllium.

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