Notes: Hypocrea albolutescens is one of the exceptions among hyaline-spored species that occur on well-rotted wood. Its stromata resemble those of H. chionea Ellis and Everhart (1892). However, no yellow discolorations have been reported for the latter, and the smaller ascospores disarticulate into dimorphic cells (Samuels et al. 2006b). In
addition, H. chionea typically occurs on recently dead hosts like lianas often well above the ground (G.J. Samuels, pers. comm.). Reports of H. chionea from Europe (Bresadola 1903; no specimen seen) are probably H. albolutescens. Despite overlapping ranges, two forms differing in ascus and ascospore sizes can be recognized: one (WU 29173, WU 29175) with asci (40–)45–52(–60) × (2.7–)3.0–3.5(–3.8) μm (n = 62), PF-02341066 order distal ascospore cell = (2.0–)2.2–2.5(–2.7) × (2.1–)2.2–2.5(–3.0) learn more μm, and proximal ascospore cell = (2.0–)2.2–2.5(–2.7) × (2.0–)2.3–2.5(–2.7) μm (n = 60); the second form (all other specimens) with asci = (57–)60–70(–77) × (4.4–)4.7–5.4(–6.0) μm (n = 65), distal ascospore cell = (2.8–)3.0–3.5(–4.0) × 3.0–3.5(–4.0)
μm, and proximal ascospore cell = 3.0–3.7(–4.5) × 3.0–3.6(–4.0) μm. Other traits of the teleomorphs are indistinguishable. Only one (WU 29173) of six specimens yielded a culture on CMD supplemented with vitamins, trace elements and peptone. Although scant, this specimen is designated as the holotype. WU 29172 is more appropriate for the examination Immune system of the teleomorph, but has larger asci and ascospores than the holotype. The Trichoderma often present on stroma margins forms the same conidia as the ex-type culture CBS 119286, and is probably the anamorph of H. albolutescens. The phialides, however, are subulate and to ca 25 μm long. They resemble terminal cells of pustule elongations on PDA. Hypocrea argillacea W. Sotrastaurin purchase Phillips & Plowr., Grevillea 13: 79 (1885). Fig. 90 Fig. 90 Teleomorph of Hypocrea argillacea (holotype K 61846). a–d. Dry stromata. e. Rehydrated stromata. f. Ostiolar apex in section. g. Perithecium in section. h. Stroma surface in face view. i. Cortical and subcortical tissue in section. j. Subperithecial tissue in section. k. Stroma
in 3% KOH after rehydration. l, m. Ascospores (l. in ascus apex, in cotton blue/lactic acid; m. in ascus base, in 3% KOH). n, o. Asci with ascospores in cotton blue/lactic acid. Scale bars: a, c–e, k = 0.3 mm. b = 0.2 mm. f, i = 15 μm. g = 30 μm. h, j, n, o = 10 μm. l, m = 5 μm Anamorph unknown. Stromata when dry (0.4–)0.8–1.6(–1.7) × (0.4–)0.6–1.1(–1.4) mm, (0.25–)0.3–0.5(–0.6) mm thick (n = 20); gregarious in small numbers; pulvinate, broadly or narrowly attached, with free, broadly rounded margins and sometimes white or brownish mycelium around the base; sometimes with a short stout stipe. Surface smooth, slightly uneven, with some whitish floccules and numerous well-defined, circular, convex, reddish brown ostiolar dots (23–)37–80(–118) μm (n = 30) wide.