Using the highly metastatic breast cell line MDA-MB-231 that endogenously expresses ASAP1, nm-23H1 and Selleckchem PCI-34051 h-prune as well as their interaction partners c-src and GSK3-_, we have begun to characterize the putative ternary complex by addressing the following issues: a) the influence of the complex’s components on each other’s activities; b) further possible interaction partners that may modulate the complex’s activity; c) effects
of the complex in terms of cellular motility and metastasis formation both in vivo and in vitro. Poster No. 47 Targeting Tumour Hypoxia Selleckchem Crenolanib Enhances Castration Effects in a Rat Prostate Cancer Model Stina Rudolfsson 1 , Anna Johansson2, Sigrid Kilter2, Anders Bergh2 1 Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Urology and Andrology, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden, 2 Department of Medical Biosciences, Pathology, Umeå University, Umeå, Sweden
Background: Castration therapy is the standard treatment for advanced prostate cancer, but for reasons largely unknown the effect is only moderate and temporary in comparison with that in non-malignant prostate tissue. In non-malignant LY3023414 prostate tissue castration-induced epithelial cell death is, in part, initiated by vascular regression and tissue hypoxia. Prostate tumours are however hypoxic already prior to treatment and it is unknown whether castration results in an additional drop in tissue oxygen, and if so whether it is of importance for the therapeutic response. In this study we therefore started to explore the effects of castration therapy in relation to tumour hypoxia. Methods: For this purpose we used the androgen sensitive rat Dunning H prostate tumour model that transiently responds to castration treatment followed by a subsequent relapse, much like the scenario Gefitinib solubility dmso in human patients. Tumour tissues from three different groups; intact, one day, and seven days post castration therapy, were analysed using stereological methods. Results: We found that hypoxia was transiently up-regulated following castration therapy and correlated
with the induction of tumour cell apoptosis. When castration therapy was combined with tirapazamine (TPZ), a drug that targets hypoxic cells and the vasculature, the effects on tumour cell apoptosis and tumour volume were enhanced compared to either castration or TPZ alone. Conclusions: This study suggests that castration – induced tumour hypoxia could be a novel target for therapy. Poster No. 48 Nemosis, a Novel Type of Fibroblast Activation, is Associated with Autophagy and Markers of Cellular Senescence Pertteli Salmenperä 1 , Kati Räsänen1, Anna Enzerink1, Antti Vaheri1 1 Virology, Haartman Institute, Helsinki, Finland Cells acquire different phenotypes and responses depending on their growth environment and signals derived from it.