This indicates that straining becomes important when down-Bay winds diminish. In the IS-L case ( Fig. 20a(g)–(i)), Rix,CS gradually began to decrease and rapidly dropped below 0.1 at all three locations. The low value of Rix,CS persisted until the Isabel wind period ended. This indicates that the expansion of Nx was restricted by the up-estuary winds until the end of the Isabel wind period. The peaks of Rix,CS between days 9 and 10 appear to occur when the landward flow changes to a seaward flow.
The time series of the vertical distribution of eddy diffusivity were also generated for the 5 days event period in the upper, middle, and lower Bay, as shown in Fig. 20b. The unit of eddy diffusivity is m2/s and was plotted in log10 scale in order to cover its wide-range of the values. It is interesting to note that the bottom half of the water in the middle portion of the Bay did not completely mix even under the Selleckchem Pirfenidone assault of the Hurricane events. This is consistent with the results shown in Fig. 20a in that the mid-Bay deep channel is the most resilient spot to the vertical mixing. On the other hand, the lower Bay was well-mixed from top to bottom during the peak of the storm in both events with the corresponding
eddy diffusivity as high as 10−1 m2/s. The click here Upper Bay was shallow, but maintained a certain degree of stratification during the hurricane, probably due to the freshwater inflow and PIK-5 restriction of the fetch distance for the wind by the surrounding landmass. The re-stratification after the hurricane event was much stronger for Hurricane Isabel than that for Hurricane Floyd, presumably due to the fact that hurricane Isabel moved a significant amount of salty water landward and that, in turn, re-established the estuarine gravitational circulation faster. One of the effects observed during Hurricane Floyd was its unusually large precipitation (∼1 inch/h) discharged directly onto the Bay water, which was recorded at Norfolk, VA. From a numerical modeling point of view, the precipitation acted like a point source and can be expressed as: equation(11) ∂η∂t+∇·∫-hηu→dz=Rwhere R (=QR/A) is added to the right hand side of
the continuity equation as a point source. Based on this record, R [m s−1] was determined as a surface boundary condition in the model to allow the mass and momentum from precipitation to transfer through the water surface. The velocity and volume flux obtained in the momentum equations are then used in the salt balance equation. Without precipitation, although the model reproduced rapid salinity decreases at two stations near the Bay mouth, the predicted salinity rapidly rebounded within two days, showing approximately 5 ppt of difference from the observed salinity, as shown by the thin line in Fig. 21. To improve the accuracy of the model for salinity, the methods described above were applied to the model by using the precipitation record of the Norfolk Airport.