They extended from the fixed and stable parts of the dunes across

They extended from the fixed and stable parts of the dunes across beaches to the water line. Their length on each sandbar ranged from 0.3 m to 2 km. There were from 6 to 10 profiles on each sandbar. Over 60 of them were analysed in this study, representing 8 coastal areas (Table 1, Figure 2d). Surface analyses were done on the mostly accumulative coastal parts of the Świna Gate Sandbar (2 areas), the Lakes Gardno-Łebsko Sandbar (2 areas) and the Vistula mouth on the Vistula Sandbar (2 areas) and in other places, where MK0683 there

are wide beaches and foredunes (Table 2). Profiles and 3D surface measurements were carried out twice a year – in winter and autumn, starting from 2010. Laboratory computations were based on the measurement of changes in the dune relief and quantifying sand volumes with the aid of the Excel, Tofacitinib concentration Grapher, Surfer, Grab it, Winkalk, Statistica and Quantum GIS programs. I used such indicators of coastal relief changes as (Figure 3): movements of the foredune base, ridge or edge; foredune height and dune base width; beach width and height; height and dynamics of embryo dunes on the beach. The dynamic layer is a graph showing surface

relief changes over short periods of time. Their comparison yields changes in height that can be used for computing sand volume. The data collected during the project from autumn 2011 to spring 2012 were used for quantifying the erosion resulting from the January 2012 storm surge. The effects of water dynamics on the transect profile were recorded, and sites featuring erosion-caused depressions and gutters were identified. The results of coastal profiling and 3D GPS RTK measurements served to calculate the volume

of sediment displaced from every square metre of the foredune check details in the measured areas. Information on storm surge development was taken from the German Weather Service ( and the Harbour Offices of the Polish Maritime Bureau based along the coast. Data on the highest water levels on each part of the coast were marked on the profiles and DTMs. Also, the limit of wave run-up on land was marked during the field studies as indicated by the position of the washover fan (exceeding 3–4 m amsl). All the Polish dune coast sections exposed to the west were threatened by the events described above. Coastal sections exposed indirectly to surge waves were not so badly affected. The dataset analysed here contains only profiles representing the dune coast with permanent accumulative tendencies that were found during field measurements since 2010 within the framework of the FoMoBi project or in the course of earlier research during the ANDDY project (Łabuz 2005, During the maximum of both storm surges, land (beach) higher than 3.2 m amsl was not inundated. On such a coast aeolian accumulation took place on the foredune.

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