The quorum-sensing controlled production of rhamnolipid by P. aeruginosa induces rapid necrotic killing of invading neutrophils, which explains why the neutrophils do not significantly contribute to the elimination of P. aeruginosa in the CF lung [45–47]. In the CF lung, infiltrating neutrophils and most P. aeruginosa strains secrete elastase—a serine protease that exerts diverse biological effects that contribute significantly to the progression of pulmonary CF disease [48, 49]. Elastase is a potent protease that exerts antimicrobial
activity against most Gram-negative bacteria, but not against P. aeruginosa [50]. The viability and morphology of P. aeruginosa remains unaltered even when exposed to GDC941 neutrophil elastase (NE) concentrations as high as 25 μM, which is commonly mTOR inhibitor present in the CF lung [51]. After a short life span, neutrophils succumb to apoptosis and subsequent phagocytotic click here clearance by macrophages [13]. Cathepsins are cysteine proteases secreted by macrophages that are involved in the remodeling of the extracellular
matrix [52]. Pulmonary macrophage influx occurs in response to the elevated levels of apoptotic neutrophils in the lungs of CF patients resulting in cathepsin secretion into the bronchoalveolar fluid (BAF) of the CF lung [51, 53]. Beta-defensins have a conserved core structure of three disulfide bridges, which are susceptible Palmatine to proteolytic cleavage by cathepsins present in the BAF [54]. Specifically, cathepsins B, L, and S have been found to cleave the disulfide bonds of hBD-2 and hBD-3 resulting in their degradation and loss of antimicrobial activity [30]. In addition to the high concentrations of cathepsins in the BAF of the CF lung, the low pH of the CF BAF promotes optimal enzymatic activity for cathepsin proteolytic activity; most cathepsins have optimal
proteolytic function in acidic pH and lose their proteolytic properties at physiologic pH [52]. The BAF of CF patients is acidic because of impaired bicarbonate transport across the pulmonary epithelium caused by the CFTR mutation [55]. Furthermore, the elevated [Cl−] present in the BAF resulting from the functional CFTR defect reduces the efficacy of hBD-2 due to the reduced electrostatic interaction between the cationic hBD-2 peptide and the anionic resting membrane potential of invading microorganisms [24]. The overexpression of cathepsins during chronic pulmonary infection may cause increased degradation of hBD-2, promoting bacterial colonization and infection [30]. Conclusion Many factors contribute to the pathogenesis of P. aeruginosa in the lungs of CF patients (Fig. 1). It is becoming increasingly evident that the regulation of hBD-2 expression and degradation has profound implications in pulmonary infections. hBD-2 is an indicator of inflammation and an essential component of the innate immune system.