The idea of constructing a database that stores information on enzybiotics arose from our own research experience. We found that we constantly had to query information on enzybiotics from public databases, such as UniProt, and scientific literature. Thus, we decided to construct a database that simplified our research
efforts, and comprehensively collected this information. EnzyBase, a novel and original database for enzybiotics studies, was developed and currently contains 1144 enzybiotics from 216 natural sources. This database provides a platform for current users to comprehensively and conveniently research enzybiotics and can be Saracatinib research buy useful for exploring and designing novel enzybiotics for medical use. Construction
and content EnzyBase was built on an Apache HTTP Server (V2.2.14) with PHP (V5.2.13) and MySQL Server (V5.1.40) as the back-end, and Personal Home Page (PHP), HyperText Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) as the front-end. Apache, MySQL, and PHP were preferred as they are open-source software and platform independent, respectively, making them suitable for academic use. The web server and all parts of the database are hosted at Information Office of Fudan University, Shanghai, China. All enzybiotic sequences were collected manually from the annotated UniProt/Swiss-Prot database or scientific literature. Each enzybiotic without the UniProt link had been excluded. The enzybiotics collected in EnzyBase database are primarily from natural sources, with the exception of genetically-modified sequences. Additional physicochemical second data of each enzybiotic was either calculated via Bioperl programs or identified from scientific literature via a PubMed search. All of the collected information was classified and filled into six relational tables in MySQL. For each enzybiotic, a unique identification number (i.e., enzy id)
was assigned, beginning with the prefix EN. Each entry also contains general data, such as protein name, protein full name, producer organism, simple function annotation and protein sequence, domains, 3D structure, and relevant references. For all proteins that already exist in the UniProt, Interpro [31], and/or PDB [32] databases, hyperlinks to these databases were created in EnzyBase. Additional physicochemical data, including calculated isoelectric point (pI) and charge at pI, are also provided. Moreover, minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) are included, if data are available. The BlastP program (BLASTP V2.2.25+) [33, 34] was used for AR-13324 purchase sequence homology searches against EnzyBase. Utility and discussion Database description EnzyBase supplies a user-friendly web interface, so that users can easily query and retrieve information on enzybiotics.