The enhancement occurs without any change in surface GluK2 protein. However, expression of GluK2 does enhance the surface expression PLX3397 mw of NETO2. In cerebella from mice lacking GluK2, the levels of NETO2 are reduced by 60%, and much of this decrease is attributable to the loss of surface NETO2. Similar to the action of TARPs on AMPARs, NETO2 slows deactivation and desensitization and speeds the recovery from desensitization of
GluK2. To examine the possible effects of NETO2 on synaptically evoked KAR-mediated currents, a mutant of GluK2 with reduced desensitization was expressed in stargazer CGNs. When NETO2 is coexpressed with this mutant, the frequency of mEPSCs increases and their time course is slowed. Finally, to determine if NETO2 is normally associated with KARs, the authors used shRNA to knock down endogenous NETO2 in hippocampal neurons. They found that the KA/Glu ratio of currents evoked by KARs is reduced with the knockdown of NETO2. These results raise a number
of interesting questions. buy BMN 673 There are a number of subunits that are involved in KAR function in the brain. Does NETO2 have similar effects on the other types of KARs? Does the related protein NETO1 also serve as a KAR auxiliary subunit? Although the authors show that NETO2 can slow the kinetics of synaptic currents generated by a mutated GluK2, it will be of interest to know of what happens to well-characterized KAR-mediated EPSCs when NETO2 is deleted. Furthermore, it is remarkable that NETO1 and NETO2, which are homologous to each other, act on entirely separate classes of iGluR. Can NETO2 also act on NMDARs? Is it possible that NETO proteins are auxiliary subunits for both KARs and NMDARs? Clearly there is much to be resolved in this rapidly evolving area. Early studies on fast excitatory synaptic transmission in
the brain emphasized the stereotyped nature of excitatory synapses whereby information is transmitted faithfully from one neuron to another. However, the discovery of synaptic plasticity and the cloning of the various AMPAR subunit genes put this simplistic view to rest. Importantly, receptors assembled from different subunits have strikingly different biophysical properties. Add to this the discovery that subunits exist as splice variants and can undergo RNA editing, both of which control receptor gating, and one begins to reach a daunting level of complexity. Given this background one can reasonably wonder why AMPARs and other iGluRs should need various auxiliary subunits and the mind-boggling combinatorial possibilities that come with these newly discovered proteins. Only further studies will shed light on this general question. There are, however, a number of specific and perhaps more tractable questions that arise from this research.