The AuGeNi/Au metals as n-electrode were deposited on the n-GaAs substrate by sputtering. For comparison, bare AlGaInP LEDs without SACNT current-spreading layer were fabricated at the same time. A schematic diagram of LEDs in this Belnacasan manufacturer experiment is shown in Figure 1. The chip size was 300 μm × 300 μm in this work. Figure 1 Schematic diagram of fabricated (Al 0.5 Ga 0.5 ) 0.5 In 0.5 P/(Al 0.1 Ga 0.9 ) 0.5 In 0.5 P MQWs LED structure with SACNT or Au-coated CNT as current-spreading layer. Results and discussion Figure 2a showed the microscope
image of the SACNTs on the LED surface at 100 times magnification. It can be seen that the SACNTs were distributed uniformly on the surface in bunches. The dark color part on the surface indicated lots of SACNTs grouped together, while the light color part had high transparency. Figure 2b,c showed the scanning electron microscopy (SEM) images of Figure 2a. SACNTs that covered the surface are quasi-aligned NOD-like receptor inhibitor and lapped together forming a conducting network, which was essential for carrier transportation.
Figure 2c showed the morphology of the SACNT thin film coated with 2-nm-thick Au. From our previous study, the conductivity of SACNT films can be increased obviously through the coating of Au metal, which guaranteed the current injection from the electrode to the SACNTs. Figure 2 Microscope image of SACNT on LED surface (a) and relative SEM images (b) Tyrosine-protein kinase BLK and (c). Figure 3 showed the optical transmittance curves of SACNT and Au-coated SACNT thin film on a polished glass substrate from 300 to 800 nm. At the wavelength of 630 nm, the optical transmittance of SACNT and Au-coated SACNT thin film was 92% and 80%, respectively. Both optical transmittance curves decreased relatively fast at wavelength below 500 nm, which indicated the SACNTs were suitable for AlGaInP LEDs at the wavelength range from 560 to 650 nm. However, the optical transmittance and the sheet resistance
for SACNTs, which are two important factors for current spreading, are competing. The sheet resistance of SACNTs in this work, measured by four-probe method, was about 1,000 Ω due to the relatively high tube-tube junction resistance. While the sheet resistance of Au-coated SACNTs decreased to 130 Ω due to the high conductivity of the metal which could avoid the typically high tube-tube junction resistance. Because the Au coating was fabricated before SACNTs were put on the surface of the LED devices, it was uniformly coated on both sides of the SACNT thin films. Thereby, the contact resistance between the SACNT thin film and GaP window layer was also much decreased by the Au film. Figure 3 Optical transmittance measurement of SACNT and Au-coated SACNT thin film on polished glass substrate. Figure 4 showed the I-V characteristics of AlGaInP LEDs with SACNTs, Au-coated SACNTs, and without SACNTs, respectively.