Statistics All experiments were repeated independently three time

Statistics All experiments were repeated independently three times. Data were analyzed using Student’s t test to determine the significance between groups (P ≤ 0.05). Results Binding between integrin α5β1 and fimbriae is essential for P. gingivalis invasion

of osteoblasts Because the association between integrins ACP-196 ic50 and fimbriae mediates the invasion of P. gingivalis into many different host cells types, we investigated whether the entry of P. gingivalis into osteoblasts is mediated by integrin α5β1-fimbriae interaction. P. gingivalis fimbriae and osteoblast integrin α5β1 were labeled with green and red fluorescence, respectively. No nonspecific staining was observed in the isotype controls, indicating that the primary antibodies used were specific for their target proteins (data not shown). One hour after inoculation of P. gingivalis into osteoblasts cultures, cofocal imaging demonstrated many yellow regions on the

surface of osteoblasts resulting from the co-localization of the red- and green-labeled antigens (Figure 1A), indicating the close proximity of or binding between integrin α5β1 and fimbriae. The red fluorescent signal was intensified where it colocalized with green signals, indicating a possible focal recruitment of integrin α5β1 where it bound P. gingivalis (Figure 1A). Figure 1 Integrin α5β1-fimbriae binding is essential for P. gingivalis invasion of osteoblasts. A. Confocal imaging demonstration of the colocalization of P. gingivalis fimbriae and osteoblast integrin α5β1 1 h after bacterial inoculation. Osteoblast nuclei, α5β1 integrin, and P. gingivalis fimbriae SB203580 are labeled in blue, red and green, respectively. Panel A. Control, P. gingivalis was inoculated, but neither primary antibody was included. Panel B. Control, P. gingivalis was not inoculated, and both primary antibodies were included. Panels C, E and G, representative images showing the co-localization of α5β1 and fimbriae. Panels D, F and H, clipped magnified views of panels C, E and G, respectively. In panel D, the top panel shows the red channel only; the bottom panel shows the three merged channels.

Panels F and H show the blue, green, and red channels and the three merged channels. Presumed binding sites are shown as yellow where the red and green about labels co-localize. Note the increased red selleck kinase inhibitor intensity at the potential binding sites. B. Demonstration of the physical association between integrin α5β1 and fimbriae by immunoprecipitation. Western blot showing the presence of α5 and β1 in the immunocomplex precipitated with anti-fimbriae antibody, and the presence of fimbriae in the immunocomplex precipitated with anti-α5β1 antibody in the P. gingivalis-infected cultures, but not in the controls. Arrowheads indicate the molecular weights of the target proteins. C. Association between integrin α5β1 and fimbriae is necessary for P. gingivalis entry into osteoblasts. Quantitative confocal imaging demonstrates that P.

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