Production of OH close to DNA could lead to this radical reacting

Production of OH close to DNA could lead to this radical reacting p38 MAPK inhibitors clinical trials with DNA bases or the deoxyribose backbone of DNA to produce damaged bases or strand breaks. It is assumed that the most abundant in vivo production of hydroxyl radical according to the Fenton reaction occurs when Mn+ is iron and copper. However, the Fenton reaction has also been observed for chromium, cobalt and certain other metals (Lloyd et al., 1997). Although Fenton chemistry is known to occur in vitro, its significance under physiological conditions is not fully understood. Due to the effective sequestration of iron by the various metal-binding proteins, the cells

contain only the negligible amounts of “free catalytic iron”. To avoid harmful effect of free iron, its proper chelation is of key importance (Kell, 2009). The peptide hormone hepcidin is a 25-amino acid polypeptide regulator of iron proteins and plays a central role in iron homeostasis (Ganz, 2003 and Kemna et al., 2008). Hepcidine is expressed

in the liver and regulated by iron, hypoxia, and inflammation. Hypoxia is known to enhance formation of superoxide radicals and suppressed formation of hepcidin leading to more iron being absorbed from the intestine and effluxed in the circulation (Donovan et al., 2005). Thus there is a complex interplay between positive and negative regulation and distribution of iron within the organism caused by changes in the level of hepcidin (Nemeth et al., 2004). P53 is known to activate the formation of hepcidin that plays a role in the degradation AZD6244 in vivo of atherosclerotic plaques (Weizer-Stern et al., 2007). If iron is not appropriately chelated it can participate in the formation of harmful free radicals including the hydroxyl radical. Low molecular weight chelators occurring in selleck chemical cytoplasm can bind iron and thus contribute to the formation of a labile iron pool (LIP) consisting of both

Fe(II) and Fe(III) ions chelated by citrate, carboxylates, nucleotides and other ligands (Kakhlon and Cabantchik, 2002). LIP represents a steady state exchangeable, and readily chelatable iron that rapidly passes through the cell (Ponka and Lok, 1999). The quantification of cellular LIP represents only a minor fraction (<5%) of the total cell iron (50–100 μM) (Kakhlon and Cabantchik, 2002, Doulias et al., 2008 and Inoue and Kawanishi, 1987), however, there still exists serious methodological problems associated with the estimation of LIP concentrations ranging 0.2–230 μM obtained for the same types of cells and tissues. Permanent modification of genetic material resulting from free radical attacks represents the initial step involved in mutagenesis, carcinogenesis and ageing (Durackova, 2010). In fact, as it has been well documented, in various cancer tissues free radical-mediated DNA damage has occurred (Marnett, 2000). The hydroxyl radical produced via the catalytic action of iron(II) (Fenton reaction) is able to add to double bonds of DNA bases.

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