Previously, our group demonstrated that tat depresses expression of DNA-PKcs, a critical component CGP 41251 of the non-homologous end joining pathway (NHEJ) of DNA double-strand breaks repair, immunoglobulin class switch recombination (CSR) and V(D)J recombination, and sensitizes cells to ionizing radiation. In this study, we demonstrated that HIV-I Tat down-regulates DNA-PKcs expression by directly binding
to the core promoter sequence. In addition, Tat interacts with and activates the kinase activity of DNA-PKcs in a dose-dependent and DNA independent manner. Furthermore, Tat inhibits class switch recombination (CSR) at low concentrations ( smaller than = 4 mu g/ml) and stimulates CSR at high concentrations ( smaller than = 8 mu g/ml). On the other hand, low protein level and high kinase activity of DNA-PKcs promotes HIV-I transcription, while high protein level and low kinase activity inhibit HIV-I transcription. Co-immunoprecipitation results revealed that DNA-PKcs forms a large complex comprised of Cyclin TI, CDK9 and Tat via direct interacting with CDK9 and Tat but not Cyclin TI. Taken
together, our results provide new clues that Tat regulates host humoral immunity via both transcriptional depression and kinase activation of DNA-PKcs. We also raise the possibility that inhibitors and interventions directed towards DNA-PKcs may inhibit HIV-I transcription check details in AIDS patients.”
“Van der Waals bound heterostructures constructed with two-dimensional LY2157299 purchase materials, such as graphene, boron nitride and transition metal dichalcogenides, have sparked wide interest in device physics and technologies at the two-dimensional limit. One highly coveted heterostructure is that of differing monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides with type-II band alignment, with bound electrons and holes localized in individual monolayers, that is, interlayer excitons. Here, we report the observation of interlayer excitons in monolayer MoSe2-WSe2 heterostructures by photoluminescence and photoluminescence
excitation spectroscopy. We find that their energy and luminescence intensity are highly tunable by an applied vertical gate voltage. Moreover, we measure an interlayer exciton lifetime of similar to 1.8 ns, an order of magnitude longer than intralayer excitons in monolayers. Our work demonstrates optical pumping of interlayer electric polarization, which may provoke further exploration of interlayer exciton condensation, as well as new applications in two-dimensional lasers, light-emitting diodes and photovoltaic devices.”
“The tight junctions (TJs) of epithelia are responsible for regulating the “fence and gate” function of polarized epithelial cells. It is now well-established that dysregulation of these functions contributes to initiation and progression of cancer.