NF-κB activation in piglet epithelium occurred in both

NF-κB activation in piglet epithelium occurred in both Selleck Crizotinib infected and uninfected epithelial cells whereas in a human epithelial cell line activation of NF-κB took place exclusively in infected cells [48]. In the piglet epithelium, a key step in initiating apoptosis did occur, the cleavage

of caspase-3, but the enzyme function was prevented by the binding of an apoptotic inhibitor XIAP and proteasome activity. At the villus tips, NF-κB activation was less pronounced in cells being shed into the gut lumen and most of these cells were apoptotic. This indicated that repression of apoptosis except at the villus tips allows elimination of infected cells in a controlled manner that minimized damage to the epithelial barrier function [50]. These observations with infected piglets emphasize a need for caution in the interpretation of findings obtained with

infected epithelial cell lines. Human or murine intestinal epithelial cell lines infected with C. parvum demonstrate an inflammatory response characterized in particular by production of numerous CC and CXC chemokines [25, 51]. With infected murine cells, chemokines expressed following infection induced migration of bone marrow-derived dendritic cells towards BMN 673 supplier the infected epithelial cells [52]. This early expression of chemokines could be a key factor for the establishment of inflammation following infection in vivo. In addition, chemokine production by epithelial cells is amplified by cytokines, including IFN-γ [53], which as discussed above is a key cytokine in immunity to Cryptosporidium. Epithelial cells may also exhibit antimicrobial killing mechanisms that could affect the viability of Cryptosporidium. The antimicrobial peptides expressed by human epithelial cells, β-defensin-1 and -2, have been shown to induce click here lysis of C. parvum sporozoites and inhibit infection in vitro [54]. Infection of bovine calves with C. parvum induced expression of a β-defensin in intestinal epithelium [55]. However, C. parvum

infection of a human intestinal epithelial cell line affected expression of β-defensins in different ways [54]. Infection of the human intestinal epithelial cell line Caco-2 induced the expression of β-defensin-2 but down-regulated expression of β-defensin-1. During infection of the murine intestinal epithelial cell line CMT-93 or neonatal mice, there was reduced expression of murine β-defensin-1 [54]. Hence, antimicrobial peptides might play an important role in limiting C. parvum development whereas the infection may directly or indirectly modulate expression of different peptides. Piglets infected by C. parvum were shown to have increased NF-κB-dependent intestinal expression of iNOS and NO production [56].

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