In pneumococci

In pneumococci JNJ-64619178 order the description of a continuous culture model provided for the first time a simple approach for studying biofilms [17]. This work followed earlier descriptions of biofilms grown on sorbarod filters [18, 19]. The continuous culture model demonstrated growth of pneumococci up to seven days and the production of an extra cellular matrix polysaccharide [17]. This work stimulated active research in the field of pneumococcal biofilm. Work included

more extensive descriptions of the architecture, and the changes that occur upon continuous culture biofilm development [20], as also characterisation of phenotypes of colonies grown from cells detached from a biofilm [21, 22]. Finally simplified models for static bacterial biofilms in microtiter plates were also set up [8, 10, 13, 23, 24]. Formation of pneumococcal biofilm formation was since then reported by many researches [7, 15, 16, 25–27]. So far the two regulatory systems demonstrated to

influence biofilm formation in pneumococci, both in vitro and in vivo, were the competence regulatory Selleck EPZ015938 system and sialic acid metabolism [8, 10, 28]. Still, as in all other work on pneumococcal biofilm, only a single in vitro model were used for description a given phenotype or event. In the present work we perform a more detailed analysis of the influence of competence on pneumococcal biofilm and extend the Avapritinib purchase assays to three different biofilm models. These studies are aimed to provide tools and knowledge that may facilitate comparison of literature data and help selection of the most suitable systems for pneumococcal biofilm research. Results Microtiter biofilm model with exponential growth We have previously described the importance of competence system in a model of pneumococcal biofilm based on low numbers of cells inoculated in undiluted growth medium [8]. In this model, a 1:100 inoculum of frozen mid-log cells enabled exponential growth of pneumococci in the microwell. To monitor the cells attached to surfaces we performed viable cell counts after detachment from

the plastic by sonication. Pneumococcal cells were efficiently recovered after only 2 sec of sonication. Control of the method showed that the two encapsulated strains showed a higher resistance to killing by ultrasounds than the rough mutant Oxalosuccinic acid (Figure 1A). Microscopic examination revealed complete detachment of cells without evidence of clumping of detached cells, indicating that CFU enumeration is a suitable approach for cell count (data not shown). Figure 1 Characteristics of the biofilm model based on exponentially growing cells. Pneumococcal attachment to 96-well microtiter wells after 1:100 dilution in TSB medium was evaluated by viable counts following detachment of cells by sonication. Prior to sonication 18 hour biofilm was washed three times with medium. Panel A reports the effect of the duration of sonication (2 sec.

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