In addition, there were 3 between-subject factors: budget (high compared with low), calorie-information (calorie information compared with no calorie information), and dietary restraint.
Results: Elasticity analyses show
a tax u calorie information interaction. A price increase for the high-calorie foods reduced the percentage of calories chosen for lunch but only in the absence of calorie information.
Conclusions: A tax of (3)25% on high-calorie foods may decrease the demand for calories and could be a good policy measure to decrease the prevalence of obesity. However, calorie information seems to interfere with the effect of a tax on high-calorie foods. Am J Clin Nutr 2011;93:689-94.”
“Cochlear implantation has altered the life-course of thousands of children who have significant hearing loss. Since the United States Food and Drug Administration approved multichannel cochlear implants for children in 1989, growing numbers of parents are choosing this option for their offspring
and seeking opportunities to integrate them into the hearing world of our society. When paired with appropriate habilitation, cochlear implantation removes barriers for children who are deaf. This technology affords them the ability to circumvent Acalabrutinib mw the effects of deafness and participate academically, socially, culturally, and vocationally with their hearing family and peers.”
“We study with finite temperature Monte Carlo simulation under periodic boundary conditions the demagnetization behavior of exchanged-coupled hard/soft magnets composed of hard cube inclusions (Nd2Fe14B, or SmCo5) in a soft (FeCo) matrix. The easy axis of the hard and soft phases are parallel
to the applied field. We study the effect of finite temperature and the soft phase content on the coercivity, the remanence, and the energy product of the composites. We find that because of the difference in magnetization between the two PXD101 molecular weight phases, to lower the dipolar energy the magnetization of the two phases is not completely parallel to each other. This results in a much smaller increase of the remnant magnetization with increasing the soft magnet content than anticipated, especially at higher temperatures. This, together with the lower coercivity of Nd2Fe14B, greatly affects the energy product in Nd2Fe14B/FeCo in comparison with SmCo5/FeCo. We underline the essential difference in the induction dependence on the applied field in these compounds. (C) 2011 American Institute of Physics. [doi:10.1063/1.3646474]“
“The introduction of new sensitive assays for the detection of HLA antibodies on basis of their binding to isolated HLA molecules has got an enormous impact on the decision-making process with respect to donor selection for sensitized patients.