However, a correlation between genotype and arsenite resistance l

However, a correlation between genotype and arsenite resistance level has not been found yet. The impact of microbial arsenite oxidation and arsenate reduction were reported to influence environmental arsenic

cycles [27]. Understanding the diversity and distribution of indigenous bacterial species in arsenic-contaminated sites could be important for improvement of arsenic bioremediation. Microbial species with arsenic biotransforming capabilities had so far not been evaluated in soil systems in China. The objectives of this study were: (1) Study the distribution and diversity of arsenite-resistant and arsenite-oxidizing bacteria in soils with different arsenic-contaminated levels; (2) Investigation of the different arsenite oxidase and arsenite transporter genes and attempt to correlate

their presence to the arsenic resistance level of these bacteria. Tanespimycin in vivo Results Distribution and diversity of arsenite-resistant bacteria in soils with different levels of arsenic Analysis of microbial STI571 species and diversity of arsenite-resistant bacteria were performed in 4 soil samples with high (TS), intermediate (SY) and low (LY and YC) levels of arsenic contamination. A total of 230 arsenite-resistant bacteria were obtained and 14 of them showed arsenite oxidizing abilities. Based on analyses of colony morphologies and 16S rDNA-RFLP, a total of 58 strains were obtained including 5 arsenite-oxidizing bacteria. Nearly full-length 16S rDNA sequences were used for bacterial identification. Among the analyzed 58 strains, 20 showed OSBPL9 100% nucleotide identities, 33 had 99% identities, 3

(Acinetobacter sp. TS42, Janthinobacterium sp. TS3, and Delftia sp. TS40) had 98% identities and 2 (Acinetobacter sp. TS11, and Acinetobacter sp. TS39) had 97% identities to sequences deposited in GenBank. Phylogenetic analysis divided the 58 strains into 23 genera belonging to 5 major bacterial lineages: α-Proteobacteria (5 strains, 2 genera), β-Proteobacteria (15 strains, 6 genera), γ-Proteobacteria (22 strains, 6 genera), Firmicutes (5 strains, 2 genera) and Actinobacteria (11 strains, 7 genera) (Fig. 1). Figure 1 16S rRNA phylogenetic tree, MICs, and related genes. 16S rRNA gene (~1400 bp) phylogenetic analysis, MICs, and related genes of arsenite-resistant bacteria Ro 61-8048 chemical structure identified in soils with high (TS), intermediate (SY) and low (LY/YC) levels of arsenic contamination. Sequences in this study are in bold type and bootstrap values over 50% are shown. The scale bar 0.02 indicates 2% nucleotide sequence substitution. Among the 58 strains, 45 were isolated from the highly arsenic-contaminated soil (TS1-TS45), 8 were from the intermediate arsenic-contaminated soil (SY1-SY8) and 5 from the low arsenic-contaminated soils (LY1-LY4 and YC1) (Fig. 1).

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