For example in atmospheric studies of climate change impacts, bia

For example in atmospheric studies of climate change impacts, bias reduction is a standard procedure (see Ehret et al., 2012 and references therein). The averaging time-scale for bias calculation can range from a few days for the

verification of synoptic forecasts to decades for the verification of climate models. Observational climatologies are often used to calculate biases over seasonal and longer time-scales. Biases can be caused by many factors including incorrect model parameterizations, insufficient model resolution, discretization errors, incorrect or imperfect open boundary conditions and forcing, and are to be expected in most models of the natural world. Model drift and the associated biases are a common problem with biogeochemical ocean models (e.g., Nerger and Gregg, 2007, Doney et al., 2009, Lehmann et al., 2009 and While et al., 2010). Errors in biological variables can be inherited IWR-1 datasheet from problems in model physics, e.g. subtle biases in vertical mixing this website that do not lead to obvious problems in physical fields but can result in notable errors in phytoplankton concentrations because the latter are highly sensitive to vertical nutrient supply. Biases can also result

from problems with the biogeochemical model itself, e.g. incorrect process resolution or imperfect parameterizations. It is important not only to quantify biases but also to understand their causes and correct them where possible. Diagnosing bias errors can elucidate systematic problems in model formulation such as incorrect parameterizations and ultimately lead to improved models. However, it is unlikely that any deterministic model will ever be completely free of these errors, hence techniques for bias reduction are necessary. Moreover, many sequential

data assimilation techniques (e.g. Kalman Filters) assume bias-free observations and model states. When applying these methods, biases should be removed first. It has been shown that bias reduction improves the results of data assimilation in atmospheric applications (Dee and Todling, 2000 and Baek et al., 2006), physical ocean models (Chepurin et al., 2005 and Keppenne et al., 2005) and ocean biogeochemical models (Nerger and Gregg, 2008 and While et al., 2010). Bias has long been ifenprodil recognized as a serious problem in atmospheric and ocean modeling (e.g., Doney et al., 2009) and various suppression techniques have been developed. For example, offline bias reduction during post-processing of model output is a standard tool in atmospheric modeling (Ehret et al., 2012). Perhaps the simplest method for online bias reduction is nudging, where simulated fields are continuously forced toward direct observations or a climatology. During each time step an increment proportional to the difference between observation and model is scaled by an inverse relaxation time and added to the field being corrected. Henceforth we will refer to this method as conventional nudging.

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