E. and R.N.A., unpublished observations), indicating that in our mouse
model the observed reduction of NKG2D expression by NK cells was independent of TGF-β. Interestingly, NK cells from mice that constitutively express the NKG2D-ligand Rae-1ε exhibited a reduced cell-surface expression of NKG2D and were functionally impaired, while their development was not affected 46. Our finding that cell-to-cell contact was necessary for MDSC-induced down-modulation of NKG2D supports the concept that NKG2D-NKG2D ligand interactions contribute to functional inhibition of NK cells. Nausch et al. demonstrated that some Mono-MDSC but not PMN-MDSC from RMA-S tumor-bearing mice activated NK cells via expression of the NKG2D-ligand Rae-1 47. Although we did not measure Rae-1 expression by Mono-MDSC, this subset was by far outnumbered by the considerably expanding Ly6Cneg MDSC so that a potential SCH727965 activating activity of Mono-MDSC was likely overwhelmed by the suppressive activity of Ly6Cneg MDSC. Importantly, the RMA-S tumor model used by Nausch et al. differed from ours in that the granulocytic (PMN) MDSC in their studies expressed intermediate levels of Ly6C 47, suggesting that RMA-S tumor cells may not create a heightened inflammatory tumor
environment. In this work, we identified a novel MDSC subpopulation characterized by its lack of Ly6C expression and its inhibition of NK cell function. Our findings extend the complexity of this immunosuppressive myeloid cell population and demonstrate how inflammation, via the production of IL-1β, regulates MDSC phenotype and function. BALB/c, BALB/c DAPT in vivo Rag2−/−48 and BALB/c Rag2–/–IL-2Rβ–/–49 mice were obtained from Charles River. Mice were maintained under SPF conditions at the Institut Pasteur and used at 4–10 wk of age. In vivo experiments were approved by an institutional animal care committee at the Institut Pasteur and validated by the French Ministry of Agriculture. IL-1β–/– and IL-1Ra–/– mice
were described Histamine H2 receptor previously 50 and kindly provided by Prof. Yoichiro Iwakura (Tokyo University). IL-1-deficient mice were housed under SPF conditions at the animal facilities of the faculty of Health Sciences, Ben-Gurion University. Mice were treated according to the NIH animal care guidelines adapted by the institutional animal committee. The mammary carcinoma cell line 4T1was a kind gift of Dr. Fred Miller (Karmanos Cancer Institute, Detroit, MI, USA). 4T1/IL-1β were derived from 4T1 cells and maintained as described 11. To generate Luc-YAC-1 cells YAC-1 cells were infected using TRIP Luc virus as described 51. Luc-YAC-1 cells were maintained in RPMI-1640 medium complemented with 10% FBS, 10−5 M 2-ME and 100 μg/mL penicillin. Tumors were generated by injection of 4T1 and 4T1/IL-1β cells. 2×105 tumor cells were injected into the footpad of recipient mice. Tumor growth was assessed three times a wk using a caliper.