Discussing genetic testing and screening for reproductive issues Better than God In the Netherlands, the public awareness of developments in genetic research and testing was greatly influenced by a documentary series, Better than God, which
appeared on television in 1987. The series discussed ongoing developments in genetic research and testing, and questioned whether handicapped people would still be welcome in future society. The series was discussed in newspapers, the director, Wim Kayzer, was interviewed and the connection between modern genetics and eugenic practices during the Second World War was readily made by him and journalists (e.g. Pols 1987). In this climate of increased awareness and anxiety about developments
in genetics, two reports on reproductive issues appeared that stirred political and public CFTRinh-172 supplier discussion setting the stage for the subsequent policies in the 1990s. Prevention of hereditary and congenital anomalies In December 1987, the Department of Health of the Netherlands published a report on the prevention of hereditary and congenital 3-MA anomalies (Parliamentary documentation 1987–1988a). The department wished to formulate a comprehensive prevention policy by integrating knowledge of various forms of risk for the mother and the foetus. These ranged from lifestyle issues (such as diet and the teratogenic effects of substances such as alcohol, tobacco and medicines), to infectious diseases. In doing so, the department also responded to the World Health Organization
(WHO)’s initiative ‘Health for all by the year 2000’ (WHO 1981) by calling upon national governments to reduce morbidity and mortality. In an effort to be comprehensive, the Department of Health report included a section on the use of genetic services. Genetic counselling was mentioned as one of several measures to reduce morbidity Hydroxychloroquine clinical trial and mortality, and abortion of an affected foetus was circumscribed as a form of ‘secondary prevention’. Clinical genetic centres would enable parents to enact ‘responsible parenthood’. The report stated that people should decide for themselves what they meant by that term, its meaning was not further elaborated. However, the term was used in a section in which the societal cost or burden was also mentioned in relation to ‘optimizing the chance of a good outcome of reproductive behaviour’ (Parliamentary documentation 1987–1988a, 34–35). This might have been perceived as a BMS202 order governmental viewpoint favouring abortion as a cost-effective option. The Parliament issued a call for reactions, after which they received responses from among others the patient organisation, as well as the professional organisation for clinical geneticists. Several newspapers and magazines covered the reactions to the report and the subsequent debate in Parliament.