Despite reports that Asian patients require significantly lower antipsychotic dosages to achieve the same plasma concentrations as Caucasians,36 the acute treatment dosages administered to Chinese inpatients are similar to or, in the case of the high-potency neuroleptics, somewhat higher than those used in the West. The quality of the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical inpatient management of antipsychotic medications varies widely, depending on the level of training of the clinician; in some of the smaller hospitals polypharmacy with multiple antipsychotics remains a serious problem. Table I Most commonly used antipsychotic medications by inpatients at
Beijing Hui Long Guan Hospital at three time periods,* typical acute treatment dose, and monthly cost in Beijing in 1999. Clozapine, which has been produced generically in China since 1978, is currently the most Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical commonly used antipsychotic medication at Beijing Hui Long Guan Hospital (Table I), as it is in many other parts of
the country.37 Initially Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical only used in refractory patients, clozapine has become increasingly popular in China since the end of the 1980s, primarily because of good clinical outcomes and low extrapyramidal side effects (which many Chinese patients are unwilling to tolerate). It is now occasionally used as a first-line drug and is fairly frequently given selleck chemical during the first Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical admission of a patient if the first drug administered
(usually perphenazine or chlorpromazine) is not rapidly effective or has bothersome side effects. The most common reasons for terminating treatment with clozapine are sedation and hypersalivation. Blood monitoring for potential agranulocytosis was erratic in the early years of use, but, by the beginning of the 1990s, monitoring became more systematic; white blood counts with differentials are now done on inpatients taking clozapine weekly during the first 3 months of treatment and then monthly thereafter. A review of 256 Chinese publications Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical about clozapine from 1984 to 1995 identified 29 deaths due to clozapine and a combined rate of agranulocytosis of 0.33% (25/7511).38 Among the newer imported atypical others medications only risperidone and olanzapine are, as yet, available for clinical use. Risperidone, unlike olanzapine, is covered by government-based health insurance, and is thus being used in a small proportion of patients. ‘ITtie extremely high cost of the imported antipsychotics will severely limit their use; clozapine is thus likely to remain one of the most commonly used antipsychotic medications in China for some time to come. Other biological treatments are employed less frequently. Acupuncture is occasionally used to treat psychotic symptoms.