Consequently, we were unable to determine the degree to which significant improvements in outcome measures for both experimental and control groups were due to the natural history of acute low back pain. Due to the type of intervention, it was not possible to blind the physiotherapist who Ceritinib purchase provided interventions.
Because no sham-experimental intervention was included in the study design, it was not possible to determine the degree to which the manual contact in the experimental group influenced outcome measures. No attempt was made to control for medications taken by participants, which included opioid and non-opioid analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. However, medication use was similar at baseline
and no significant difference was found between the groups for number of participants who were managing their pain with medication immediately after the 2-week intervention or at 6 weeks. This suggests that medication use was unlikely to be a confounding factor for our comparisons between intervention groups. This study had several strengths, including that it was analysed using the intention-to-treat principle and that participants were assigned randomly to experimental and control groups. Also, interventions were provided by the same experienced physiotherapist
who GS-1101 clinical trial remained blind to outcome measures, which were administered by the same assistant who was blind to group allocation. Additionally, participants in both intervention groups received the same number of interventions and had comparable contact time with the physiotherapist who provided interventions. A further merit of the study was the high follow-up rate (greater than 90%). Several features of the study design mean that the findings of this study are immediately relevant to the clinical use of Strain-Counterstrain treatment for acute low back pain. Approximately 60% of the to participants were referred by medical practitioners to the physiotherapy department for treatment of acute low back pain. The single treating physiotherapist had 15 years of experience providing Strain-Counterstrain treatment and was able to treat freely monitoring anterior and posterior digitally tender points according to clinical protocols (Jones et al 1995, Kusunose, 1993). The exercises chosen for the study are commonly used by physiotherapists for treatment of low back pain (Nicholas et al 2007, Olson, 2007, Richardson et al 1999) and were reinforced with a detailed written hand-out.