As such, surgeons evaluating patients with resectable disease may see more ultimately be more willing to accept neoadjuvant radiotherapy if protons are to be used. Additionally, in the majority of the cases we evaluated, we were able to expand the neoadjuvant radiotherapy field to safely cover both the gross tumor and the high-risk regional lymph nodes without significantly increasing the volume of critical normal tissues irradiated. In light of this dosimetric data, as well as our clinical data showing a virtual absence of gastrointestinal toxicity when protons are used to treat pancreatic
cancer, our current trial in development for neoadjuvant radiotherapy for patients with resectable and marginally resectable disease Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical offers 50.40 CGE over 28 fractions to the above-described PTV2 volume with concomitant capecitabine (1,000 mg orally twice daily). If normal-tissue constraints cannot be met, a reduction in volume (to PTV1) will be made after 45.00 CGE (or as low as 39.60 CGE, if necessary). Acknowledgements Disclosure: The authors Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical declare no conflict of interest.
There Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical are likely to be important
clinical indications for determining the molecular subtypes of colorectal cancer. One parameter by which colorectal cancers can be classified involves the expression patterns of Mismatch repair (MMR) proteins. MMR proteins are nuclear enzymes, which participate in repair of base-base mismatch that occur during DNA replication in proliferating cells. The proteins form complexes (heterodimers) that bind to areas of abnormal DNA and initiates its removal. Loss of MMR proteins leads to an accumulation of DNA replication errors, particularly in areas of the genome with Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical short repetitive nucleotide sequences, a phenomenon known as microsatellite instability (MSI) (1-3). MSI can be identified in more
than 90% of colorectal Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cancers that arise in patients with Lynch syndrome, while in sporadic colorectal cancer it occurs in 15% of cases (4). Mechanisms for MSI Alterations in at least six of the genes that encode proteins involved in the MMR system have been identified in either hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) or sporadic colon cancer. These genes include MSH2, MSH3, MSH6, MLH1, PMS1, and PMS2. Study of the biochemistry of the MMR proteins has revealed that recognition of the base-base mismatches and insertion/deletion loops is performed by a heterodimer of either MSH2 and MSH6 or MSH2 over and MSH3. Of interest, the MSH2-MSH3 heterodimer preferentially recognizes insertion/ deletion loops and thus cannot compensate for loss of MSH6. Consequently, cancers arising with a loss of MSH6 function display microsatellite instability only in mononucleotide repeats (5). The MLH1, PMS2, and PMS1 proteins appear to operate primarily in performing the repair of the base-base mismatches and insertion/deletion loops.