A new nuclear correction was modelled using a Voigt function and implemented Selleckchem Fer-1 by a LUT approach. Validation simulations have been performed using a phantom filled
with homogeneous materials or heterogeneous slabs of up to 3 cm. The beams were incident perpendicular to the phantoms surface with initial particle energies ranging from 50 to 250 MeV/A with a total number of 107 ions per beam. For comparison a special evaluation software was developed calculating the gamma indices for dose distributions.\n\nResults: In homogeneous phantoms, maximum range deviations between PB and MC of less than 1.1% and differences in the width of the distal energy falloff of the Bragg-Peak from 80% to 20% of less than 0.1 mm were found. Heterogeneous phantoms using layered slabs satisfied a gamma-index criterion GKT137831 concentration of 2%/2mm of the local value except for some single voxels. For more complex phantoms using laterally arranged bone-air slabs, the gamma-index criterion was exceeded in some areas giving a maximum gamma-index of 1.75 and 4.9% of the voxels showed gamma-index values larger than one. The calculation precision of the presented algorithm was considered to be sufficient for clinical practice. Although only data for helium beams was presented, the performance of the pencil
beam algorithm for proton beams was comparable.\n\nConclusions: The pencil beam algorithm developed for helium ions presents PCI-34051 a suitable tool for dose calculations. Its calculation speed was evaluated to be similar to other published pencil beam algorithms. The flexible design allows easy customization of measured depth-dose distributions and use of varying beam profiles, thus making it a promising candidate for integration into future treatment planning systems. Current work in progress
deals with RBE effects of helium ions to complete the model. (C) 2012 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [http://dx.doi.org.library.tamiu.edu:2048/10.1118/1.4757578]“
“New rhodium and iridium complexes containing the bidentate ligand 3,5-diphenyl-2-(2-pyridyl)pyrrolide (PyPyr) were prepared. The bis(ethylene) complex (PyPyr)Rh(C(2)H(4))(2) (3) reacted with HSiEt(3), HSiPh(3), and HSi(t)BuPh(2) to produce the 16-electron Rh(V) bis(silyl)dihydrides (PyPyr)Rh(H)(2)(SiEt(3))(2) (8), (PyPyr)Rh(H)(2)(SiPh(3))(2) (9), and (PyPyr)Rh(H)(2)(Si(t)BuPh(2))(2) (10), respectively. The analogous Ir(V) bis(silyl)dihyride (PyPyr)Ir(H)(2)(SiPh(3))(2) (11) has also been synthesized. X-ray crystallography reveals that 9-11 adopt a coordination geometry best described as a bicapped tetrahedron. Silane elimination from 9 and 10 occurred in the presence of either HSiEt(3) or PPh(3).