96In0 04 N0 015As0 985/GaAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) situate

96In0.04 N0.015As0.985/GaAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) situated within the built-in field of a GaAs p-i-n structure. Experimentally

observed photocurrent oscillations in these structures [15, 16], explained in terms of OICR-9429 mw charge accumulation and field domain formation, are shown to be in accord with our theoretical results. Methods Capture time and thermionic emission The semi-classical model used in our analysis provides useful physical insight into carrier transport across and carrier capture into the MQWs. We show that the disparity between the electron and hole capture and re-emission times from the quantum wells leads to the accumulation of electrons Target Selective Inhibitor Library within the quantum wells. In our samples, the selected In and N concentrations

(Ga0.96 In0.04 N0.015 As0.985) in the quantum wells ensure good lattice matching to the GaAs barriers and the substrate [10]. This allows the growth of thicker and high-quality layers and making the device suitable for photovoltaic applications where efficient absorption plays a fundamental rule [17]. In the quantum wells with the given composition, electrons are more strongly confined in the QWs (conduction band offset approximately 250 meV), than in the holes (valence band offset approximately 20 meV). The longitudinal optical (LO) phonon energy is ħω LO  = 38 meV [16], which is higher than the binding energy of the holes in the QW. Therefore, the holes photo-generated Metabolism inhibitor at the GaAs will Dimethyl sulfoxide be captured by the QW via the emission of acoustic phonons. The capture of electrons, however, will involve inelastic scattering with LO phonons which will be very fast compared to the hole capture time and assumed, in our calculations, to be negligible compared to the hole capture rates [18]. Under collision-free hole transport

conditions, we use the following Bethe relation [19, 20] to estimate the thermionic capture time for holes reaching the top of the potential barrier Φ (process 1 in Figure 1). Figure 1 Mechanisms involved in hole capture dynamics into QW. (1) In this expression, L b is the barrier width, is the heavy hole effective mass, e is the electronic charge, k B is the Boltzman constant, and T is the temperature. The term E h is the kinetic energy of the hole traversing the QW and can be expressed as [20, 21] (2) Here, E excess is the laser excess energy, V h is the depth of the QW in the valence band, and is the electron effective mass in the QW. Since the optical excitation energy above the QW band gap, the laser excess energy term is negligible. Once the holes have reached the potential barrier edge, they can either traverse the quantum well under the influence of the built-in electric field in the p-n junction or be captured into the QW by inelastic scattering with acoustic phonons [22]. These processes are depicted in Figure 1 as processes 2 and 3, respectively.

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