[3] When evaluating perceptions of obesity this point may be part

[3] When evaluating perceptions of obesity this point may be particularly relevant, as using BMI-cut-offs to characterize obesity status have limitations in their accuracy. These limitations are especially magnified when estimating obesity in children, younger adults, and athletes.[4, 5]

For example, it is not uncommon for athletes INCB024360 in vitro who are highly fit to have a BMI ≥30 and have entirely normal and healthy body fat percentages. Therefore, it is problematic to identify one’s perception of their body composition as “true” or “false” based on BMI measurements alone. In fact, some of those with BMI ≥25 may actually have correctly perceived themselves as non-overweight/obese if their body fat% or adipose tissue was actually measured. Furthermore, it is likely that males and females differ in how they characterize themselves even at the same BMI. It may be, and perhaps the authors have already explored this possibility, that the relationship between “erroneous” perception of overweight/obesity and headache is explained by sex differences in headache sufferers, as the presented data are not sex-stratified. Further, it would be relevant

to determine whether headache participants included migraine only, tension-type headache (TTH) only, or all headache diagnosis in general. As discussed in our review, previous general population data for adolescents has shown a positive association between overweight/obesity and migraine check details (odds ratio [OR] = 1.6, confidence interval [CI] 1.4-2.2, P < .0001).[6] However, no significant association was found between overweight/obesity and non-classifiable headache (OR = 1.4, CI 1.0-1.9, P = .06).[6] In the adult population, the majority of studies have not found an association between TTH (especially episodic TTH) and obesity.[1] Additionally, although population data Amoxicillin suggest that the risk of migraine is increased in obese (BMI ≥30) individuals of reproductive age and that this risk increases with increasing BMI,

prior studies have not demonstrated a robust association between headache or migraine in those who are only overweight (ie, BMI 25-29.9).[2, 7, 8] By BMI standards, it appears that the population in Trovoto et al’s study is mostly of normal weight (mean BMI 22.44 ± 3.27), which would extrapolate to less than 2% of their population having obesity or BMI ≥ 30 (2+ standard deviations above the mean). Given that the prevalence of obesity in Italy has been estimated to be around 9-11% in young adults,[9, 10] the very low prevalence of obesity in Trovato et al’s study population may have masked the true relationship between obesity and migraine. Finally, it is unclear if their data were adjusted for psychiatric disorders, as PTSD, depression, and anxiety have all been found to be comorbid with migraine.

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