3.1.2. DOTAP (see Figure 4) Figure 4 The structure of DOTAP. [1,2-bis(oleoyloxy)-3-(trimethylammonio)propane], or DOTAP, was first synthesized by Leventis and Silvius in 1990 [23]. The molecule consists of a quaternary amine head group coupled to a glycerol backbone with two oleoyl chains. The only differences between this molecule and DOTMA are that ester bonds link the chains to the backbone rather than ether bonds. It was originally hypothesized that ester
bonds, which are hydrolysable, could render the lipid biodegradable Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical and reduce cytotoxicity. This study showed that the transfection activities and levels of cytotoxicity associated with DOTAP/DOPE formulations are not statistically different from those associated with DOTMA/DOPE composites. Notably, this type of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical learn more monovalent lipids also showed little to no cytotoxic effect on near-confluent cell
monolayers, in addition to exhibiting the same lipoplex sensitivity at 25%–35% cell confluence as mentioned in Section 3.1.1 [23]. The use of 100% DOTAP for gene delivery is inefficient due to the density of positive charges on the Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical liposome surface, which possibly prevents counter ion exchange [41]. DOTAP is completely protonated at pH 7.4 (which is not the case for all other cationic lipids) [41], so it is possible that more energy is required to separate the DNA from the lipoplex for successful transfection [42]. Thus, for DOTAP to be more effective in gene delivery, it should be combined with a Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical helper lipid, as seems to be the case for most cationic lipid formulations. High temperature and long incubation times have been used to create lipoplexes that exhibit resistance to serum interaction [43]. Interestingly, this approach was only observed to affect monovalent Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical cationic lipids such as DOTMA, DOTAP, or DC-Chol, as opposed to multivalent cationic lipids. The specific reasons for this phenomenon remain unclear. In fact, the specific mechanism behind serum inactivation of
lipoplexes in general is as yet unexplained. Several hypotheses have been offered as to the mechanism, including the prevention of lipoplex binding to cell membranes by serum proteins [34, 43], the prevention of structural complex maturation by serum proteins binding to cationic charges on the lipoplexes [43], and the disparity of endocytosis pathways—which next have varying kinetics—that are used for lipoplex endocytosis, with the method of endocytosis being regulated by the size of the lipoplexes or aggregates of lipoplexes plus serum proteins [34, 44]. 3.1.3. DC-Chol (see Figure 5) Figure 5 The structure of DC-Chol. 3β[N-(N',N'-dimethylaminoethane)-carbamoyl]cholesterol, or DC-Chol, was first synthesized by Gao and Huang in 1991 [24]. DC-Chol contains a cholesterol moiety attached by an ester bond to a hydrolysable dimethylethylenediamine.