2005; Holman and Murray 2005) The first candidate to be a planet

2005; Holman and Murray 2005). The first candidate to be a planet discovered with the TTV technique has a mass of about 15 m  ⊕  (Maciejewski et al. 2010) and is close to the Selleck GSK872 external 2:1 commensurability with

a gas giant Wasp-3b. This observation still waits to be confirmed. Until now there are at least 48 confirmed planets with masses less than 10 m  ⊕ . Apart from one—the this website least massive pulsar planet mentioned before—the others are super-Earths. Most of them (43) have been discovered by the RV and transit methods, 2 by microlensing and 3 by pulsar chronometry. Among the candidates for planets detected by Kepler there are about 300 objects with sizes corresponding to super-Earths. The confirmation that these are planets is difficult because we know only their size but not their mass which is necessary to classify them as super-Earths. GDC-0941 mouse The preliminary estimates of a quantity of 300 low-mass planets among the 1200 discovered by Kepler seem to be in agreement with the predictions of the percentage

of these planets made on the basis of the distribution of mass and orbital periods around 166 stars similar to the Sun (Howard et al. 2010). There should be a lot of low-mass planets in our Galaxy, so it is worth to intensify the studies of systems containing one, two or more of such planets and to predict their most likely relative positions. Extrasolar Planets Close to Mean-Motion Resonances As we have already mentioned, resonance phenomena are important for shaping up the planetary system configurations.

We have discussed this using our Solar System as an example. The commensurabilities of the orbital periods in the satellite Inositol oxygenase systems of Jupiter and Saturn can be connected with the early history of these system formation (Goldreich 1965). Similarly, the location of Jupiter and Saturn close to the 5:2 resonance can be helpful in the identification of the processes which took place in the past and brought the Solar System in its present configuration (Morbidelli and Crida 2007). The observations of extrasolar systems have confirmed that the commensurabilities could be the key to solve the problem of planetary system formation, because also in these systems stable resonant configurations have been found in abundance. Wright et al. (2011) show that on average every third well studied multi-planet system indicate the commensurability of the orbital periods. The frequency of the occurrence and the character of the mean-motion resonances could be the tracers of the nature of the planetary migration, which is a common phenomenon during the early phases of the planetary system evolution.

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