2 v 4.9 months; P = 0.48), CNS progression or local brain tumor response. (9.5 v 8.3 months; P = 0.95). None of those trials detected any benefit for theses end point mentioned above. In the trial by Mehta et al. [23], no difference in survival or time to neurological Copanlisib order progression was seen in the use of motexafin
gadolinium and WBRT versus WBRT alone. However, a subgroup analysis, carried out for lung cancer patients was EPZ5676 nmr reported to as an improvement in neurological progression favoring the motexafin gadolinium and WBRT arm. The results for the lung cancer subgroup can only be interpreted as a hypothesis generated as there was no a priori decision to analyze this group independently. On the basis of these results, a phase III trial was conducted exclusively in patients with NSCLC; a preliminary report was presented at the 2006 ASCO meeting. In this international trial, 554 patients were randomly assigned to WBRT (30 Gy in 10 fractions) plus MGd (5 mg/kg with each RT treatment) or WBRT alone [24]. There was a trend to an increased time to neurological progression, the primary endpoint in the study, in patients receiving
MGd (15.4 versus 10 months with RT alone). In another large RCT study [27], Suh et al. showed in a subset analysis that the addition of efaproxiral to WBRT reduced the death rate by 46% (P < 0.0086). Quality of life was improved in the WBRT with efaproxiral arm compared to the WBRT alone arm (P = 0.019). Quality-adjusted BIBW2992 order survival was statistically and significantly improved by the addition of efaproxiral to WBRT (P = 0.001). Patients with brain metastasis may suffer a certain degree Thymidine kinase of neurocognitive function (NCF) impairment from multiple factors including the tumor, WBRT, neurosurgical procedures, chemotherapy and other neurotoxic therapies (including anticonvulsants and steroids), or from paraneoplastic effects
induced by the malignancy [41]. Three trials included in this meta-analysis evaluated neurocognitive function. However, we were not able to pool these data, due to the different methods used for this outcome. In addition to that, studies involving NCF deterioration should be carefully interpreted. NCF decline in the literature is often defined statistically and there is little consensus as to the actual clinical relevance of a statistical definition. Conventionally, the measures used, such as the Folstein mini-mental status examination, are rather crude, and it is crucial to develop sensitive and practical neurocognitive function testing to characterize these changes [30]. In particular, the sensitivity of mini-mental status examination has been shown to be problematical in detecting subtle neurocognitive dysfunction in patients with brain metastasis where clinically apparent WBRT-induced dementia is rare (1.9–5.1%) [42, 43].