[18-20] Regions of interest were created using a semiautomated thresholding and region-growing technique described in a previous publication.[21] Additionally, a 5-mm-diameter spherical ROI was placed
within normal-appearing white matter (NAWM) in T2 or FLAIR images, respectively, to acquire CBF data for normalization of DSC and ASL values selleck kinase inhibitor in tumor regions. All images for each patient were registered to a high-resolution (1.0 mm isotropic), T1-weighted brain atlas (MNI152; Montreal Neurological Institute, Montreal, Canada) using a mutual information algorithm and a 12-degree of freedom transformation using FSL (FMRIB, Oxford, UK; http://www.fmrib.ox.ac.uk/fsl/). Fine registration (1-2 degrees and 1-2 voxels) was then Gemcitabine price performed using a Fourier transform-based, six degrees of freedom, rigid body registration algorithm followed by visual inspection to ensure adequate alignment. DSC and ASL estimates of CBF in tumor ROIs were normalized to that of normal appearing white matter (NAWM) by dividing mean values for tumor ROIs by mean values for the respective modalities in NAWM. Linear regression
was performed for data extracted from tumor ROIs to determine if there was a significant linear relationship between DSC and ASL SB-3CT CBF measurements. The voxel-wise correlation between DSC and ASL measurements of CBF was assessed for all voxels, for all patients. A linear correlation with no intercept was used as a model for the voxel-wise correlation between DSC and ASL estimates of CBF, which was tested for statistical significance using chi-squared goodness of fit using a reduced chi-squared value, χ2red, as the test statistic (ie, variance of the residuals). Although relative
CBV is the most common metric used to evaluate tumor vascularity, we chose to compare CBF estimates between DSC and ASL because ASL inherently provides quantification of absolute CBF. For most patients, DSC and ASL estimates of CBF were elevated within the areas of contrast-enhancement and the pattern of elevated CBF was similar between the two modalities. For example, Figure 1 illustrates a typical set perfusion images obtained in two different glioblastoma patients. In both these patients, the regions of contrast enhancement have the highest CBF; however, this elevated CBF is typically quite heterogeneous throughout the region of enhancement. As expected, both modalities show the lowest measured CBF within the central necrotic regions (hypointense on postcontrast T1-weighted images).