MST seizures were found to have shorter duration, lower ictal EEG

MST seizures were found to have shorter duration, lower ictal EEG amplitude, and less postictal suppression than ECT seizures.149 MST might cause fewer

cognitive side effects than ECT, by inducing more focused seizures and sparing cortical regions associated with memory loss. In a nonhuman primate model (Rhesus macaque monkeys), MST was shown to result in a more favorable acute cognitive side effect profile than ECT with regard to long-term memory of a constant target, short-term memory of a variable target, and recall of previously learned three-item lists.150,151 Preliminary clinical data are seen as Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical suggesting that MST has antidepressant properties and fewer cognitive side effects than ECT152 For example, patients recover orientation more quickly and have fewer attention difficulties or less retrograde amnesia after MST compared with ECT153 Deep brain stimulation Development

of DBS Deep brain stimulation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical (DBS) was introduced in the late 1980s by Benabid and colleagues, for the treatment of movement disorders.153 Their original assumption was that chronic high-frequency stimulation of the brain areas might be similar to surgical ablation of these areas.154 For example, thalamic stimulation Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical for the treatment of intractable tremor was found to have clinical benefits similar to those achieved by surgical thalamotomy155 and stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus or globus pallidus internus for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease could replace the traditional pallidotomy156 Over the last decade, DBS has become a popular treatment for movement disorders such as Parkinson’s disease and essential tremor.157 During the last few years, DBS has been suggested as a Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical treatment for psychiatric Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical disorders, such as depression158 and obsessive-compulsive disorder.159 Technical aspects The surgical procedure for the implantation of DBS electrodes is based

on stereotactic techniques that include imaging modalities, physiological mapping, and surgical navigation computers.160 A stereotactic frame is fixed to the patient’s head, and preoperative magnetic resonance images are obtained. Under local anesthesia, a burr hole is Navitoclax concentration drilled, the underlying dura mater is opened, until and microelectrodes are inserted using MRI guidance. The electrode location is confirmed by postoperative MRI. Right and left quadripolar electrodes are implanted. The electrodes remain externalized for a week for clinical testing, and then are connected to a pulse generator that is implanted in the infraclavicular region. The frequency, intensity, and pulse width of the stimulation are programmable, within safety limits. The physician sets the stimulus parameters, and the patient might also alter a few parameters by himor herself. Stimulation can be programmed to continuous or intermittent firing, or to on and off cycles during fixed time intervals.

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