Figure 8 Detail from a miniature from Ibn Butlan’s Risalat da’wat al-atibba. Courtesy of L.A. Mayer Museum for Islamic Art, Jerusalem. Photo by Daniela Golan. This particular picture must have reached early modern Europe along with countless other texts of Middle-Eastern origin that effectively spread the Arabic culture influence. It is quite obvious that such publications might have carved the stereotype Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of how an old wise physician must have looked. In 1669, and again in 1728, two similar portraits
of Sabethai Zvi (1626–1676), the Jewish mystic who proclaimed himself Messiah in 1648, were published (Figure 9). These portraits were supposedly made by an eye witness and were thus regarded by many as authentic.10,11 Whoever drew the Maimonides portrait in 1744 must have been aware of and possibly inspired by these. Figure 9 Portraits of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical “Sabetha Sebi”: from 1669 (left)10 and 1728 (right).11 WHO WAS THE ARTIST WHO DREW THE PORTRAIT? The artist’s identity is regretfully unknown. Ugolinus may have drawn it himself or hired a professional illustrator for the mission. Given the iconographic style similarity between the Maimonides portrait and the Wise Son as depicted in the famous illustration of the Four Sons (Figure 10), dated 1712, it seems plausible that the artists shared Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical some common influences. Figure 10 Giovanni Pellegrini (1675–1741): “Young DAPT clinical trial Hannibal Swears Enmity to Rome”, 1731.
There is an exceptional intentional resemblance between Hannibal and the Wise Son (or Scholar) of the Amsterdam Haggada (right). Abraham ben Jacob, a convert to Judaism who illustrated the Amsterdam Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Haggada considered a milestone in the history of Hebrew printing, borrowed most of the illustrations from Mathaeus Merian, a Christian artist. Merian (1593–1650) produced a large number of popular engraved illustrations both for Bibles and history books between 1625 and 1630. It was from among these engravings that the illustrations for the Amsterdam Haggada were chosen.
The Wise Son is in fact Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical Hannibal as engraved by Merian in a history book 12. It resembles even better Hannibal as drawn by the Venetian artist Giovanni Pellegrini (1675–1741) in 1731 (Figure 10). Apparently, Jewish readers in eighteenth-century Europe fully grasped the subtle intentions of Levetiracetam the illustrator and indeed associated utmost wisdom with the world-renowned iconic tactician Hannibal just as twentieth-century readers would have associated an image of Albert Einstein with immense genius. The popularity of the illustrated Haggada with the Jews of Europe was enormous, and accordingly it was copied and recopied in succeeding haggadot printed in Europe and later in the United States well into the twentieth century. Whoever drew the Maimonides portrait used skillfully the same successful principles of iconographic illustrations incorporating all Maimonides’ characteristics that would have been expected by the target readers.