Within each geographic area MDV3100 price we group children into
five wealth quintiles based on asset index [23]. As a result, the modeling unit of analysis is geographic area × wealth quintile × sex. Future outcomes are discounted at 3% and costs are estimated in 2013 US dollars. Overall estimates of rotavirus mortality by region, state and sex are taken from Morris et al. [14] (Table 1). However it is likely that there is substantial heterogeneity in rotavirus mortality risk within these groups due to differential nutritional status and access to basic care for diarrheal disease, based on socio-economic status. As a result, we developed an evidence-based individual risk index to estimate the relative distribution of mortality within these region-sex populations. We used data from the 2005 to 2006 India National Family Health Survey III (NFHS-3) [24] to calculate individual risk index values as well as mean values for each subpopulation, accounting for complex survey design in Stata (version 12) [25]. The risk index assumes that an individual child’s risk of rotavirus mortality is
a function of the child’s nutritional status (as measured by weight-for-age) and the likelihood of receiving rehydration if he/she experiences a diarrheal event. The existing literature suggests that both factors are strongly and quantitatively linked to diarrheal mortality (although not specifically rotavirus mortality) [15] and [26].
A nutritional risk factor was selleck screening library developed for each child based on their weight for age and a linearized estimate of relative risk from Caulfield et al. [15] (WFAi). Since data on rehydration is only available for children with an episode of diarrhea in the previous 2 weeks we estimated the individual propensity for receiving rehydration by fitting a logistic regression model to predict rehydration based on age, asset index score, gender and state. We then used the PREDICT function in Stata out (version 12) [25] to estimate the propensity for all children (PrORSi). The individual risk factor for rehydration was calculated for each child as the product of their propensity score and 0.07 (βORS), based on the estimated 93% effectiveness of appropriate rehydration from Munos et al. [26]. For each region (r) wealth quintile (q) and sex (s) sub-population, the mean risk index was calculated based on Equation (1). equation(1) RVRiskIndexr,q,s=∑iNr,q,sβORS⋅PrORSi⋅WFAiNr,q,s In order to test this individual risk model, we examined the correlation between state-wide averages generated as described above, with the statewide mortality estimates from Morris et al. [14]. In order to estimate the distribution of rotavirus mortality within geographic-economic-gender subpopulations we combined the risk index and the mortality estimates by geographic area and gender from Morris et al. [14].