Fortunately, the rapid progress of DNA sequencing projects has made genome sequences of most of the pathogenic bacteria available now. And this has brought DNA microarray technique as a conventional and high-throughput tool for researchers. However, how to properly and accurately analyze the microarray data and extract useful information is another obstacle for using DNA microarray technique. In the study here, we have analyzed DNA microarray dataset generated from 26 P. aeruginosa strains. ICA was shown to be an see more efficient approach to identify patient-specific adaptations of P. aeruginosa isolates. First of all, ICA decomposes
and extracts genes from the microarray dataset simultaneously. Thus, co-regulated genes are more easily identified (Figure 6). Secondly, unlike conventional clustering approaches which group genes based on their expression levels, ICA grouped genes independent
of expression levels but in a more biologically meaningful manner. ICA shows that P. aeruginosa clinical isolates employ multiple patient-specific HKI272 adaption strategies during the early stage infection. Most of these early stage adaptive changes are involved in modification of cell surface molecules and appendages. IC4 reveals that B6-0 and B6-4 isolates enhanced the expression of B-band lipopolysaccharide (LPS) biosynthesis genes while reduced the expression of flagellum biogenesis genes. The B-band LPS is a well known virulence factor which confers P. aeruginosa resistance to phagocytosis and serum-mediated killing [17–20]. Loss of flagellum as well as flagellum-mediated motility
is documented to render P. aeruginosa CF isolates an advantage in the context of immune evasion [21–23]. IC16 reveals that CF114-1973 isolate enhanced the expression of the cupA fimbrial gene cluster Carteolol HCl and the type IV pilus biogenesis cluster. The gene products of these two clusters are required for P. aeruginosa adherence and biofilm formation [24–28]. Interestingly, IC16 also reveals the increased expression of pprB gene in CF114-1973, which was check details recently reported as a new regulatory element controlling the cupE gene expression and transition between planktonic and community lifestyles in P. aeruginosa [29]. ICA facilitates enrichment of co-regulated genes of P. aeruginosa CF isolates. For example, IC6 groups the two antimicrobial peptide resistance related gene clusters (arn and pmr) together. IC18 groups alginate biosynthesis gene cluster PA3540-PA3551 and flagellum biogenesis gene cluster PA1077-PA1086 together. These two gene clusters are impossible to be grouped together by other approaches since they are not localized adjacently in the genome and have different expression levels (one up-regulated and one down-regulated). And this grouping is biologically meaningful since it is well known that alginate regulator inhibits flagellum synthesis gene expression [30–32].