1 T. pubescens
AY855906.1 T. suaveolens AY855909.1 T. villosa AJ488131.1 T. villosa AJ488130.1 Artolenzites Trametes elegans GU048616.1 Trametes elegans AY351925.1 Lenzites elegans FJ372713.1 Pycnoporus P. cinnabarinus AJ488128.1 P. cinnabarinus AY586703.1 P. cinnabarinus HQ891295.1 P. buy Z-VAD-FMK puniceus FJ372707.1 P. puniceus FJ372708.1 P. sanguineus HQ891295.1 P. sanguineus FJ372694.1 P. sanguineus GQ982877.1 Leiotrametes T. elegans Selleckchem APR-246 AY855912.1 T. lactinea AY351921.1 T. lactinea GQ982880.1 Incertae sedis T. ljubarskyi AY855911.1 Others Trametes trogii AJ457810.1 Coriolopsis gallica AY855913.1 Laetiporus sulphureus EU232302.1 Collection description The 29 collections of basidiomes and 2 specimens loaned from MUCL, corresponding to the strains MUCL 38443 Funalia polyzona and
MUCL 38649 Trametes socotrana, were described on the basis of macro- and micro- morphological features. Fresh specimens were photographed then air dried. Microscopic features were observed on a Zeiss Axioscop light microscope. All observed elements and structures were described and hand-drawn from radial sections of exsiccata examined in Melzer’s reagent (iodine 0,5 g, potassium iodine 1,5 g, hydrated chloral 20 g, for 22 cm3 of water), 1% Congo this website red in 10% aqueous ammonium hydroxide and 5% aqueous potassium hydroxide solution (abb. KOH). DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing Strains were grown on Malt Agar medium (2% malt extract, 2% Bacto-agar DIFCO) at 25 ° C for 1 week. Genomic DNA was isolated from mycelial powder (40–80 mg) as described by Lomascolo et al. (2002). The primers bRPB2-6 F, bRPB2-7.1R (Matheny 2005), and ITS1, ITS4 primers (White et al. 1990) were used for PCR amplification
and sequencing reaction. The ITS1-5.8S rRNA gene-ITS2 and RPB2 were amplified from 50 ng RAS p21 protein activator 1 genomic DNA in 50 μl PCR reagent containing 1.5 U Expand™ High Fidelity PCR systems (Roche, France), with a protocol adapted from Lomascolo et al. (2002). Annealing temperatures and extension times were respectively 51°C and 1 min for ITS1/ITS4 amplification; 53°C and 1 min for RPB2 amplification. The PCR products were sequenced by GATC Biotech AG (Konstanz, Germany) or Cogenics (Meylan, France). All the nucleotide sequences were deposited in GenBank under the accession numbers given in Table 1. An additional gene (β-tubulin) was sequenced from a selection of the same strains but phylogenetic analysis gave a weak resolution and is not presented here. Sequence alignments Sequences generated in this study and those obtained from GenBank were aligned under Clustal W (Higgins et al. 1994). They were carefully refined by eye on the editor in Mega 4.0 (Tamura et al. 2007). Several insertions in the ITS sequence of Pycnoporus puniceus, and another in the RPB2 sequences of several species in the Trametes-clade (see Discussion) were discarded before analyses. Phylogenetic analysis Two methods of phylogenetic analysis were applied i.e. Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Bayesian. ML analysis was performed on the Phylogeny.