The Waito-C seeds were also treated with GAs biosynthesis inhibit

The Waito-C seeds were also treated with GAs biosynthesis inhibitor (uniconazol) to further suppress the GAs biosynthesis mechanism [35]. Dongjin-byeo, on the other hand, has normal phenotype with active GAs biosynthesis pathway [35]. Since Waito-C and Dongjin-byeo growth media were devoid of nutrients, therefore, the sole effect of CF on rice

was easily determined. Current study confirmed earlier reports stating that rice shoot growth stimulation or suppression can be attributed to the activity of plant growth promoting or inhibiting secondary metabolites present in the fungal CF [22, 23]. The effect of CF from P. formosus was similar to that of G. fujikuroi, which possess an active GAs biosynthesis pathway [18]. Waito-C and Dongjin-byeo growth promotion triggered KU55933 concentration by the CF of P. formosus was later rectified as it Ilomastat contained physiologically active

GAs and IAA. Upon significant growth promotive results in comparison to other fungal isolates, P. formosus was selected for identification and further investigation. The endophytes releasing plant growth hormones, in present case, GAs and IAA can enhance plant growth. In current study, detection of GAs in the growing medium of P. formosus suggests that during interaction GAs were secreted causing growth promotion and also conferred Belnacasan ameliorative capacity to cucumber plants under salinity stress. Previous reports also confirm that fungal endophytes produce phytohormones. For instance, Hassan [24] reported that Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Fusarium oxysporum, Penicillium corylophilum, P. cyclopium, P. funiculosum and Rhizopus stolonifer have the capacity to produce GAs, while F. oxysporum can secrete both GAs and IAA. Similarly, Khan et al. [16] Baf-A1 ic50 reported that P. funiculosum can produce bioactive GAs and IAA. Phaeosphaeria sp.

L487 was also found to possess GAs biosynthesis apparatus and can produce GA1 [21]. The CF of our fungal isolate also contained IAA, which is a molecule synthesized by plants and a few microbes [32], and has been known for its active role in plant growth regulation [36], while its biosynthesis pathway has been elucidated in bacterial strain [37]. The presence of IAA in P. formosus clearly suggests the existence of IAA biosynthesis pathway as reported for some other classes of fungi by Tuomi et al. [38]. Plants treated with endophytes are often healthier than those lacking such interaction [7–14], which may be attributed to the endophyte secretion of phytohormones such as IAA [16, 36] and GAs [14–16, 18, 21–24]. In endophyte-host symbioses, secondary metabolites may be a contribution of the endophytic partner for such mutualistic relationship [9]. Endophytic fungi residing in root tissues and secreting plant growth regulating compounds are of great interest to enhance crop yield and quality.

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