Each item has four response options such as “better than usual,”

Each item has four response options such as “better than usual,” “the same as usual,” “less than usual,” and “much less than usual.” The items were scored using the “GHQ-scoring” method (0-0-1-1) P-gp inhibitor and the standard threshold score of ≥5 was used to GDC-0449 nmr define the GHQ case, in this paper labeled general psychological distress. In addition, a continuous scale for the GHQ-30 was created based on the original response category (1-2-3-4) for a simple correlation analysis (see Table 2) and its reliability was high (Cronbach alphas, 0.91 and 0.94 for men and women, respectively).

Table 2 Spearman correlation coefficients between psychosocial work characteristics and psychological distress (at T 2) in the Swedish male (n = 1,035; below the diagonal) and female

(n = 905; above the diagonal) workers Variables M (SD)a M (SD)b Spearman correlation (γ) 1 2 3 4 1. Job control (T 2) 76.3 (10.4) 71.9 (11.0)   .05 .14 −.22 2. Psychological job demands (T 2) 32.3 (6.4) 31.3 (6.6) .18   −.21 .16 3. Social support at work (T 2) 12.7 (4.5) 13.0 (4.0) .08 −.16   −.24 4. Psychological distress: GHQ-30 (T 2) 52.3 (7.3) 54.5 (9.8) −.15 .16 −.18   M mean, SD standard deviation aMen bWomen p < .05 (|γ| ≥ .07); PCI-32765 supplier p < .01 (|γ| ≥ .09); p < .001 (|γ| ≥ .11) Exposure variables: psychosocial work characteristics Job control and psychological job demands were assessed at both T 1 and T 2 by a Swedish version (Sanne et al. 2005b) of the Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) (Karasek et al. 1985). Job control and psychological job demands scales were composed of six and five items, respectively, to which the individuals replied on a four-Likert-type response set (i.e., never to often). For the JCQ equivalent scores, comparability-facilitating algorithms

from a specific population-based comparative study (Karasek et al. 2007) were applied to the original two scales. The converted job control (Cronbach alphas, 0.66–0.69 for men and women) and job demands (Cronbach alpha, 0.70–0.74 for men and women) scales at both T 1 and T 2 were then dichotomized into GNE-0877 high and low job control and demands, respectively, at their baseline means in a larger MSNS population (n = 7,130; age 45–64, working more than 30 h, and sick-listed less than 1 year). Social support at work (Cronbach alphas, 0.91–0.90 for men and women) was measured at both T 1 and at T 2 by the six standard items about coworker and supervisor support in the Swedish version of the JCQ (Sanne et al. 2005b). The six-item scale was additionally dichotomized (high vs. low) at its mean for analyses. Only 484 of 1,035 (46.8%) men and 405 of 905 (44.

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