The GOS film sensing surface detects BSA protein concentrations i

The GOS film sensing surface detects BSA protein concentrations in a range

of 100 pg/ml to 100 μg/ml and their interaction with anti-BSA. Moreover, analysis is performed of the kinetics of protein-protein interactions at physical contacts that are established between two proteins, owing to biochemical events, protein affinity adsorption forces, and protein binding forces. Preparation of modified GOS films The GOS (Graphene Laboratories Inc., Calverton, NY, USA) was manufactured by Hummer’s method and diluted in water to a concentration MGCD0103 cost of 2 mg/ml. In general, the oxide of a graphene material contains an epoxy group, a hydroxyl group, and a carboxyl group. Therefore, more efficient chemical P005091 chemical structure Modification methods Batimastat clinical trial and means of activating the carboxyl groups on the GOS surface are sought. The GOS immobilization was chemically modified by a reaction with a 4:1 ratio of N-hydroxysulfosuccinimide (NHS)/N-ethyl-3-(3-dimethylaminopropyl) carbodiimide (EDC). Carboxylic acid groups of GOS were converted to reactive NHS esters using EDC and NHS, and GOS were subsequently immobilized by reacting its NHS-activated carboxylic acid groups. This method can convert carboxyl groups to amine-reactive NHS esters that immobilize hydrocarbon chains, as shown in Figure 2b.

The activated surfaces of the GOS reacted with the amine groups of the BSA protein, subsequently forming a strongly covalent bond, as shown in Figure 2c. Analytical results suggest that in addition to improving Astemizole the protein compatibility of this GOS material, GOS immobilization to EDC/NHS-crosslinks can be used to prepare a chemically modified GOS film-based SPR chip specifically for analysis in a protein sample solution [10,

36, 37]. Figure 2 GOS, terminal groups, and carboxyl groups. (a) Molecular structure of GOS. (b) Modification of terminal groups (-COOH) of monolayers of GOS film by surface-confined ester reactions. (c) Carboxyl groups ending in -COOH cause GOS surface to exhibit affinity for NH2 end of protein. Kinetic analysis of bimolecular interactions at surface SPR sensorgrams include real-time information on the changes in mass that are caused by binding in a bimolecular interaction, such as that between probe [P] and target [T], as follows [38, 39]. (1) In a bimolecular competition experiment with a probe for the target that is present both on the sensor surface and in solution, the complex [PT] is formed, and under the two binding equilibria, the dissociation constant K A and dissociation constant K D are given by Equation 2. (2) where k a and k d are the association and dissociation rate constants for the formation and dissociation of the complex [PT]. Figure 3 shows an analysis of the cyclic sensorgram of the change in the refractive index of the liquid phase close to the sensor chip surface in the SPR experiments. The amount of complex [PT] is proportional to the shift in SPR angle (mdeg).

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