Five variants (types I–V) of the fimA were classified on the basi

Five variants (types I–V) of the fimA were classified on the basis of the nucleotide sequences (Nakagawa Pirfenidone ic50 et al., 2000). Polymerase

chain reaction (PCR) assay using each genotype-specific primer set was generated and has been employed for more than 10 years to determine fimA types in subjects with various periodontal and systemic conditions (Amano et al., 1999; Nakagawa et al., 2000, 2002; Beikler et al., 2003; Missailidis et al., 2004; Miura et al., 2005; Davila-Perez et al., 2007). In 2002, a new variant of fimA was also cloned from P. gingivalis strain HG1691, which was designated as type Ib fimA. The nucleotide sequence of type Ib fimA shared 97.1% and 77.5% homology with those of type I and II fimA, respectively (Nakagawa et al., Panobinostat ic50 2002). Therefore, genotyping primer sets for types I and II fimA often cross-reacted with type Ib fimA. It was impossible to distinguish type Ib fimA from type I fimA only by PCR assay using type-specific primers. To probe type Ib fimA, a new method of RsaI digestion, following PCR with a new primer set (type

Ib) was developed (Nakagawa et al., 2002). The 271-bp fragments are amplified from P. gingivalis strains harboring type I as well as type Ib fimA using the new type Ib primers. Only the fragment amplified from type Ib fimA can be digested with RsaI, resulting in 162 and 109 bp fragments. Porphyromonas gingivalis with type Ib fimA has been shown to be closely associated with periodontitis, similar to organisms with type II fimA, which is the most prevalent fimA type in periodontitis patients (Nakagawa et al., 2002; Missailidis et al., 2004; Miura et al., 2005). Therefore,

accurate detection of type Ib and II fimA is critical to more clearly elucidate any important relationship between particular fimA genotype and periodontitis. However, the potential for false type II fimA-positives caused by cross-hybridization of type II fimA-specific primers with type Ib fimA has complicated the genotyping (Nakagawa et al., 2002; Nintedanib (BIBF 1120) Enersen et al., 2008). Here, we report newly designed type II fimA-specific primers that exclude false type II fimA-amplicons derived from type Ib fimA. The previous reverse primer for type I, II, III and IV fimA is common to all of the fimA types as a fimA-specific conserved sequence, which is located downstream from the stop codon (Amano et al., 1999; Enersen et al., 2008), and the alignment for the previous type II forward primer is found to be shared in the coding region of type II as well as type Ib fimA (Supporting Information, Fig. S1). To avoid nonspecific amplification, we designed a new primer set specific for type II fimA based on the fimA sequence of strain HW24D1 [DNA Data Bank of Japan (DDBJ) accession no. D17797]; type II (new)-F, GCATGATGGTACTCCTTTGA; type II (new)-R, CTGACCAACGAGAACCCACT. The sequence specificity of the type II (new) primers was checked by BLAST based on the DNA sequence information stored in GeneBank. The specificity of the new primers was examined using P.

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